Categories: K-dramas

Third Episode of Descendants of the Sun Breaks 20% Ratings While the Competition Sinks

Holy cheesy crabapple goodness! I guess we have a bona fide hit on our hands, not that I was doubting it but the speed is certainly impressive and surprising in this day and age of K-drama depressed ratings. Famed screenwriter Kim Eun Sook‘s new drama Descendants of the Sun aired episode 3 today and basically went to town on the competition in terms of ratings. DotS episode 3 broke the 20% mark in ratings, garnering 23.7% AGB nationwide, which is an increase of 7.9% ratings over episode 2.

The competition was obliterated, with poor Please Come Back Ahjusshi only getting 5.2% AGB nationwide, a drop of 2.4%, while limping to the finish One More Happy Ending had a negligible drop which plopped it at a sad 3.8%. Even the usually lower TNmS ratings had DotS breaking 20%, specifically getting 21.8% nationwide (a rise of 8.3%) and 22.7% in Seoul. While Song Joong Ki‘s Shi Jin and Song Hye Kyo‘s Mo Yeon are saluting the Korean flag in that scene above, they definitely deserve a salute for doing their part in bringing audiences in.

This isn’t just Kim Eun Sook’s magic touch working all on its own – in her recent year dramas, Heirs didn’t break 20% ratings nationwide until episode 13, it was episode 10 for A Gentleman’s Dignity, but this does put DotS on par with Secret Garden which broke 20% ratings by episode 4. Congrats to the hardworking cast and crew on the impressive achievement. This might be the happiest I can imagine KBS TV execs being in a long loooooong time.


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  • So, ratings aside, is it any good? Because a story about war and doctors doesn't really interest me but I was considering for Song Joong Ki if I heard good things.

      • Embrace yourself guys, "i luphhhh youuuuu" is the new "love is the momenttttttttt"


    • Yes it is good! I am very picky about drama's, but the love lines and the chemistry is very good. Though its SJK who delivers more than SHK, but SHK is improving! And the visuals and cinematography is just EXCELLENT.

    • Turn your brain off and just enjoy the ride and the pretty! It can be cheesy too (lots of slo-mo music heavy moments and the fight scenes can be too contrived and go on way too long) but I guess it's part of the charm.

    • There are a lot of cringe moment but the actors chemistry are good so it's enjoyable. There are a lot of cliche but it's well done.

  • Such a massive jump. I'm surprised honestly. I think this is more impressive than even Secret Garden's ratings because it was a weekend drama, and ratings were higher back then. I couldn't stand to watch Heirs and some of her other stuff, but I'm enjoying this so far (minus the music as everyone else mentions). Congrats to the cast and crew.

  • So far, I think this drama deserves all the praises and the good rating. It's super good. Before it air, I was hesitant to watch since I'm not a fan of military or doctor stuff but this one got me hooked. Especially, the chemistry between the two lead couples. I have to admit that I'm falling hard for the Song couple. <3

  • I watched the first two episodes,and this is nothing new.Don't get all the rating blockbusters for these kind of dramas...It just shows maybe that public always buy the romantic cheesy dramas no matter how much we cry out loud for quality writings.

    • If you've watched dramas for any amount of time...what is ever really new? Especially in romance ones. I'm actually really enjoying this one. I've watched hundreds of dramas and I don't think this is cheesy at all. I think they are hitting it, that's why the ratings are so good. Great chemistry, a unique setting, spot on with the mix of romance/action/comic relief. The military is very believable too...which often is not the case with Kdramas. So far, I think this is top quality.

    • Yes, it is very basic. A show I would have liked if I were still 19 and watching my first few dramas.

    • When you ask for "new" is it new way of showcasing romance? Or just a new storyline? Considering what we have seen of Kdramas so far, war zone is a new area for romance (far away from chaebol corporate or high school hijinks).

      But the old stereotypes are still there. The social hierarchy on show in Heirs has been replaced by more rigid military hierarchy. After establishing the heroine as an independent lady with a mind of her own, we fast forward to Urk where she is helpless and completely at the mercy of the hero (or so its shown). The cheese is overflowing, no doubt, but SJK makes it bearable (very!)

    • Ikr, it follows the exact formula of its other romcom predecessors, it has romance, it has comedy, male lead and female leads fall in love, second leads fall in love, Subway has a PPL. There are discerning viewers who will value a romcom with like none of these elements, like totally.

    • Nothing wrong with that (unless the show is horribly written).. More and more shows are striving for higher quality and are exploring different types of storylines so it's nice to have more variety. Kdrama industry is going through growing pains and trying to adjust to new audience expectations too.

      Also, there are just some types of shows and movies that attract a wider range of audiences and they are usually highly entertaining fluff like romantic epics or summer action blockbusters with lots of explosions. I can enjoy an intense, realistic, well written show like Signal and enjoy something cheesy and cliche like DoTs and that is what we are seeing in the Korean audience.

  • This drama is gem.I love everything I see and at times,I was screaming with love because of SJK stares.

  • I didn't have high hopes for DotS but it managed to grab my attention... or rather SJK did. Song Hye Kyo showed two facial expressions in 3 episodes, I hope she gets better. But still, I'm enjoying it. The supporting characters are interesting too, so I'll keep watching.

    I was looking forward to Come Back Ajusshi, but boy I was bored to tears in the first episode... The second episode didn't catch my attention enough and I paused it to do something else and haven't got back to it yet.

    I was really into One More Happy Ending until last week... episode 11 and 12 were a tear fest and all cliches and I hated it. It started out so good... it's a pity. I hope this week this drama gets better.

    So, I guess it's not that DotS is a great drama... it's good and its competition are failing to do their jobs. Still, congrats to KBS and all the DotS team.

  • Congrats KES. Dots is a hit ladies and gents. KES keeps delivering but imho she will never top heirs international craze and blockbuster level thats is impossible for Dots or even to reach MLFTS level. I can already it would be a hit but not reach that level

    • Are you kidding me?? DotS had never any legit chance to turn into another heirs internationally to be frankly honest but it has overachieved and will become an International hit also just not on heirs magnitude but definitely bigger then what we have seen in recent history

    • Meh, Heirs got lucky Secret ended when it did or it would have stayed #2 in the timeslot. It was forgettable. And MLFTS >>>>>>> Heirs

      • Well ofcourse people was already into Secret since it started couple of episodes before that but overall average Ratings Heirs ----> Secret which means they gathered large viewers later on while they had 20episode vs 16episode for secret which is more impressive.

        LOOOOOOL MLFTS is mediaplayed to death in k-media by agencies it only topped Heirs in china by small margin and everywhere else in the world Heirs topped MLFTS BY Large margin. 3yrs going strong as a new drama talk about staying power

      • @Asol since you mentioned it I have actully lost all respect for KeyEast with there mediaplay and they really go overboard with there mediaplay dragging people to the point of privacy disrespect and to the lowest imho and I just don't know how the korean netizens do not react negative to it and they have been doing this for years. they practise a sad mediaplay and over the line imho. Enough is enough

    • It's still too early to predict if DotS will be doing better than crappy Heirs and over-hyped MLFATS in terms of popularity. Heirs is not even worth a mention given bad acting anď chemistry of the main leads. MALFTS was mainly propped up by the female lead (forgot her name spelling). As a fan of Kim Soo Hyun, I've got to say KSH's performance in MLFAS was the most tepid and dullest among all his dramas. Many drama viewers love fantasy like MLFAS. Nevertheless, some audience prefer more realistic storyline. I personally think DotS started off with a more interesting narration than MLFAS. The action scenes in thè war zones were shot and presented in a convincing way.

      • OMG I tried to watch MFLAS the other day and KSH's acting was more flat and dull than I remembered and I say this as a fan of the guy. unless he had to be very emotional, there was no nuance at all.

        I understand why it was such a big hit though, it was an epic fantasy-romance. K drama watchers do love fantasy like you said but they also really love EPIC storylines of any genre. DoTs production values also put it on another level.

        Anyway congrats to everyone involved! What makes me mist happy about the success of this show so far is that it will greatly encourage network execs to try to produce more pre produced dramas. I hope they understand they have to hire more skilled writers (or allow them to write outside the box) and *ahem* sensible PD's.

    • In terms of couple pairing LMH + PSH = Leonardo dicarprio + Kate Winslet. There will always be a golden couple onscreen which the audience love and there is no reason for it.

  • Ah congrats to DOTS team! But sad for Come back Mister because I love that show also! Why did they have to compete with each other?!!! Both dramas would be a hit if one air during different time.

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