
Full Set of Drama Posters for Jackpot Goes for Grey-hued Intensity — 6 Comments

  1. I think IJY is much better in livelier roles. I don’t think this is one, but let’s see what she can do. YJG’s last sageuk was THE drama of the decade both in popularity and obv ratings. And yes, I don’t consider OM’s random turn to sageuk. The WTFery is real in that drama. I think YJG fits Sageuks better. He has the voice for it as well as a commanding presence, acting being a given.

    JGS is not the most popular now but he should be okay. I just have major issues with the hair. Why does he have a fringe when everyone’s is tied back? He looks like his usual self wearing sageuk costume. Why stylist? Whyyyyy???

  2. Lets be honest about this JGS was always popular in Korea but just hated because it became unfortunately trend to hate on him but to say that ppl will tune in for Yeo Jin Gu is totally wrong and not true and if anything ppl will 100% tune in for JGS because alot of people thought he retired because of the hate he got etc etc and has regained alot of public sympathy and also YJG couldn’t save orange marmalade. please koala give JGS his due on this and the hate trend on him is over now and actully has a sympathy trend going for him these days. So props to JGS

  3. Love the way the do all those character posters, looking like a painting with each of their face showing different expression. Anyway I saw a jackpot bts video showing JKS without the fringe but with the same hairstyles and traditional headgear as Yeo Jin Gu. Usually the way the wear the hair, headgear and cloth represent their rank. JKS start as a peasant and maybe later on he will climb to much better status. We will see the drama to see all the changes. Good luck to all the cast and crew. Can’t wait the watch the drama. Thanks ockoala for keeping update about this.

  4. I watched Hong Gil Dong last weekend, just to familiarize myself again on JKS acting in sageuk. I really hope he could redeem himself from the series of flop flower boy dramas that he did. JKS fighting!

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