
Beach Romance Never Looked so Gorgeous and Fun as with Bolin Chen and Song Ji Hyo in Cosmo Bride — 16 Comments

  1. Wowwwww! They look amazing together! I literally thought they were a couple. They look extremely comfortable with each other!

  2. First time watching this kind of variety…but I thought they were lovely and cute together. I like how game they are in immersing in their role….

  3. any word on ep 2 being eng subbed? their first episode was the cutest! loved seeing ji hyo laughing and acting like a little girl, quite different from her running man character. and when chen bolin is like a little boy, i mean omg he got her a robot… that he built!

  4. Damn! Song Ji Hyo has got some nice legs! I guess all the running she did on Running Man has paid off! I absolutely love her chemistry with Chen Bolin! They are adorable together.

    I saw one of their interviews together where they asked what they thought of each other. I thought it was so cute how Bolin said that he would be willing to show Ji Hyo the town he grew up in. So sweet!

  5. She is such a beautiful woman inside and outside. Why is she still single. Are there really no equally suitable gentleman for this lovely lady?

  6. I’m a hardcore Monday Couple fan, but I kinda hope these two date for real. They get along well and look great together.

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