
Louis Vuitton Event in Seoul Brings Out Top Stars Gong Yoo, Cha Seung Won, and Many More — 14 Comments

  1. Hum… I like the the slogan “Volez, voguez, voyagez”, I don’t really like the clothes on the other hand…

  2. I don’t know what to say. The clothes are expensive of course but look horrible on them because of the majority of them looked ridiculous. They all looked like wearing garbage bags.

  3. Louis Vuitton clothes look so ugly… people who pay for them are doing it for status or they have no taste. Seolhyun looks moderately good, but I could have found those same clothes cheaper in some Zara/H&M store. Cha Seung Won looks terrible with that pornstache. All of them look terrible actually, aside from Seolhyun.

    • Wow she aged so much that I didn’t know it was her at first glance. But still, she’s really pretty 🙂

  4. Sorry to say but to me CSW looks the hottest from all males and given the fact that he is the oldest but way more masculine than the others.

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