
First Drama Poster for Bride of the Water Has Nam Joo Hyuk Cradling His Damsel Shin Se Kyung — 10 Comments

  1. this drama is hyped to death already, i hope it will live up to expectation not like sassy girl which crushed and burned

    • I am getting bi polar just watching the teasers. I am not getting a sense of the theme/genre of the drama … at one point looks romantic then historical then comedy and then now dark … also teasers are devoid of creativity borrowing or copying snippets from popular movies and dramas. It is like goblin meets Romeo and Juliet meets twilight/gone with the wind meets mister clean … i guess I may be one of the few who isn’t wowed by the poster. Would be better if the bubbles are more pronounced … looks like fizz from sparkling water …

    • Sassy girl is not crashed and burnt though?
      It’s doing quite decent and the drama is getting better and better.. even the reactions are positive now

  2. Interesting how she’s going to be a psychiatrist who falls in love with a water God…this challenges her field…

  3. Dear those are not clavicles but tensed neck muscles. Clavicle runs horizontally below the shoulders and above the chest not vertically.

  4. SSK looks beautiful in the poster.

    But I still not quite a fan of her acting. Hmm not sure about NJH acting as well.

  5. ha.. the poster looks heavy in the sense that the Water God seems to have a hard time lifting his bride, she tries not to fall by tensing up her neck… my oh my … I dislike the poster… I hope IJH has more screentime, he is hot! my fav in this drama so far just from looking at the stills 🙂

  6. I wish them luck. I’m trying not to judge anymore till it airs but my interest in this is fairly negative. I did nit like the casting since it was announced and I still feel it was a misstep by TVN casting agents especially since the station has been struggling with low(er) ratings this year.

    Also, IJH is a very good actor but he has to be very careful or he’ll get typecast and it will become hard to break since he’s not a big name. Mam Goong Min was able to do it (and I honestly think his stint on We Got Married helped) and I hope IJH can also if it his desire. Either way, I hope he gets his really BIG break soon!

  7. Holy crap! Her neck scares me. It looks so abnormal! Maybe it’s just the angle, but I’m not digging it. I’m indifferent about both NJH and SSK. They are both just average to me. But, they are both really pretty! I’m also getting Romeo and Juliet feels from this poster. D: Maybe I will take a look once it airs.

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