
Nine Months Pregnant Lee Shi Young Goes Mountain Hiking and Looks Incredibly Beautiful and Healthy — 10 Comments

  1. In contrast to some women who have healthy prengnancy but all they do is rest. Normally, women who work they do it until weeks before going in to labor, if there is no problem with the baby. My mother worked in a factory and worked until a week before having me. Prengancy is not a sickness, you can do almost all the things you do in your normal life. Is just that in the first world, rich or acommodate people are too pampered.

  2. Goodness me she has stamina. Good on her.

    I may not watch all her dramas but have always admired how she walks to her own beat. In the clone- like world of Kdrama entertainment where most everyone keeps to the norm.

    As long as she gets to the hospital in time to give birth in the event she actually goes into labour 🙂 outdoors.

  3. I’ve been very impressed with her ever since I read that she competes/used to compete in professional boxing competions (after learning it for a drama role)!! For being in a profession where you face/looks are your bread and butter this was a surprising move. Super impressed.

    Wishing her a safe delivery. 🙂

  4. Good for her, so good to see her healthy and happy…..I won’t comment on what women should be like during pregnancy because even healthy women sometimes can have difficult pregnancy. You’re body is a full of hormones and you don’t know how you might react to it.

    • You remind me of myself. I guess some of our conscience is getting to us when we see and admire women who do actively take care of themselves and prove that it can be done. No more new year’s resolution to get fit, must start before then and no excuses – as usual.

  5. I just love her ..she is one of the toughest women actors in the world not just Korea ..I suspect we wont be seeing her in dramas for a few years but heres hoping she does come back one day ..

  6. Men should have to gain the same amount of weight the expecting mother gains. Pregnancy and birth is not easy, and contrary to what they would have you believe is life threatening, hence release forms.

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