Son Ye Jin and Jung Hae In Enjoy a Coffee Date in First Still from Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
I’m going to have words with the production team member who chose to release as the first still for upcoming jTBC romance drama Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food a picture where half of male lead Jung Hae In‘s face is obscured by his coffee cup. This is not a coffee CF, and definitely detracts from setting the whole tone. The idea is that Son Ye Jin as a successful coffee company mid-level manager has a good enough life but not quite there yet in terms of emotional satisfaction.
She encounters the younger brother of her best friend after years apart when he was studying abroad and lo and behold he’s back smexier than before and can be a romantic possibility rather than just younger brother material. The set up is straight out of K-drama romance idea workshop 101 but what sets it apart for me is PD Ahn Pan Seok picking this as his first drama since the darkly comedic Heard it Through the Grapevine, and in general he picks serious and dark dramas so there must be more here than just fluff. Happy for us Son Ye Jin and Jung Hae In are both great choices to deliver substance on top of beautifully paired visuals.
so excited for this drama!! they look great together!!
I just adore Jung Hae In. He has the boyish looks but the natural talent that commands onscreen attention. I’ve only seen him in Prison Playbook, but he left such a good impression. He sort of reminds me of Chun Jung Myung that way.
very beautiful couple
I love Son Ye Jin but her dramas have always been a miss for me.
Pleaseeee let this drama be good.
Second this. I like her as a movie actress but her dramas were just not my cup of tea. Lols.. Noona dongsaeng love, literally not my fave story but lets see. Jaein looks adorable.
I want to see it >_<
The both look fantastic
That 2nd picture is one of my favorites of Jung Hae In, how is a grown man this cute?! I’m such a fan of his face, I get why Lee Jong Suk was into him.
Lee Jongsuk is in love with him lol he always hyping Jung Hae In. “Jung Hae In handsome, the reason to watch WYWS is Jung Hae In” etc
Another thing is the trash can is right in front of the beloved Son Ye Jin. Who took this picture and chose to release it as the drama’s first still? This makes me wonder if they’ll be able to make this couple and drama shine.
I hardly can maintain the excitement watching this drama. Please March come faster!
Son ye jin is gorgeous as always and he is a good actor. He was in prison playbook right?
Sounds similar to “What’s Up Fox?”