
Jung So Min Offered Female Lead in K-version of Dark Melo A Million Stars Falling From the Sky — 42 Comments

    • omg imagine the height difference lol, he looks like a giant next to even girls of decent height like Chae Soo Bin, he’s going to have to bend in half if he and JSM ever have a kissing scene.

  1. Isn’t the male lead offered to Seo Inguk?
    But no news about it since Jan though… maybe he’s scared of accepting it due to his military stuff.

  2. Honestly, it’s my fear that I’m being too narrow-minded but, unfortunately, I’ll have to pass on this one. I can’t get over some of the subject matter and I don’t think I ever will. It sucks because I’m a huge Jung So-min fan.

  3. Gosh I’m so excited to see her in another drama, and it’s on tVN which means hopefully I get to watch it. I’m unfamiliar with the subject matter, what is it about?


      the male lead is a psycho who is horrible to women, a detective starts investigating him for a girl’s death and the detective’s little sister falls in love with the male lead so he decides to use her but ends up falling in love with her… SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS … but they actually turn out to be blood related brother and sister.

      • Ewwww… I’m sure there will be changes to the kdrama plot then, I don’t see this going down well with the kdrama watching public.


    I’m seriously wondering is the subject matter allowed in Korea or will they have to change that huge plot point? I know that Korean audiences love the fake sibling love and they even had a show about cousins falling in love but having an actual brother and sister fall in love and act on it seems like something that would not be allowed in Korea (I mean they blur knives for crying out loud. so maybe they will pull something like where he thinks they are related but aren’t really….

    • Yeah I think that’s probably what’s going to happen. They love their fauxcest plots but will get very offended if a real incestous relationship were portrayed on the small screen.

  5. Seo In Guk would be convincing in KimuTaku’s role, but if he’s turned it down, I’d like to see Lee Dong Wook, Gong Yoo, Yeon Woo Jin, Lee Jun Ki, and Joo Ji Hoon in contention for the role..

  6. Absolutely adore Jung So Min and all the actors pitched above I wholeheartedly agree with but I’m looking at either Woo Doo Hwan or Ryu Jun Yeol as co lead. And if Kim Woo Bin has recovered and is well enough then I want to see him. I’m watching this drama regardless of content matter and thank goodness it’s on tvN. Looking forward to the announcement of the male lead though and second leads. JSM compliments anyone. This is exciting!! Another drama to add to my must watch 2018 calendar❤️

  7. This is not a manga adaptation and is on tvn so I have hope it might be good because Korean adaptations of Japanese originals don’t often turn out well. But then I geard positive things about Mother so maybe tvn knows better how to avoid that curse.

    I’m glad Jung So Min has finally moved into the ranks of leading ladies, she had such a promising debut and it’s nice to see her talents finally given a chance to shine. No surprise it started happening after she left SM, that agency doesn’t seek major lead opportunities for their younger actors at all and only shoves idols in public channel lead roles (Moon Ga Young should get out of there while she can too).

      • ‘Since 2010’?

        She got ONE lead role on a public network, another in a jtbc drama (back when cable didn’t have as much prestige or reach and wasn’t considered even close to public networks) and between 2010 and 2017 she only had supporting roles in public channel dramas until Father Is Strange which was an ensemble drama.

        And even then it wasn’t consistent, it’s ridiculous to me that an actress of her talents was ever relegated to second lead roles after her early performances.

  8. Kim Jae Wook did an amazing job as a charismatic serial killer in Voice but I don’t want him to take on this role. He’s brilliant and is absolutely magnetic on screen but wouldn’t it be in a way … a variation of/similar to his role in Voice? I hope this goes to another actor who also has the mettle to take on this role. South Korea has so many A-list actors capable of taking this role on.

    Besides Lee Dong Wook, Lee Jun Ki, Joo Ji Hoon, Gong Yoo, Yeon Woo Jin.. I can also see Song Joong Ki or Yoo Ah In in this role. Of course, I’d die happy if Won Bin miraculously decides to return to dramaland for this drama.

      • Yea, last I heard, it was offered… but since there was no word on whether he accepted the role. And there’s no confirmation either. So is he in or out?

    • @the rainhouse17 Yes I agree with your comment about Kim Jae Wook. It is quite similar to his role in Voice. Also I guess we can count Lee Jun Ki out because SOME of his fans would protest at the mere thought of his character being involved in an ‘incestuous’ relationship with his sister. I know it is dramaland but he has a massive following and the storyline would go down like a lead balloon and plus I wouldn’t want Jung So Min to be on the receiving end of their tantrums. However she was offered the role and is yet to accept and hopefully the male lead is also chosen and the announcement is made confirming their acceptance. ❤️

      • Unfortunately, some fans may think that way. But if Lee Jun Ki does come across such a role in his lifetime, it would be amazing to see the depth and nuance he brings to his character.

        Has there ever been a case where a professional actor dropped out of a role because of fans’ protest? I can see a case where an idol might drop out due to fans’ concerns but I don’t know if Lee Jun Ki would do the same. Well, then again, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself since we don’t know if Seo In Guk is in or out. Whoever’s cast, this is one drama to watch!

      • lol I can always fantasise.. but I like what the PD did with Oh My Ghostess so I’ll trust his decision.

  9. Won Bin has my vote! He even has similarities in terms of look with Kimu Taku in his prime. Ok now I can’t get the image from my head lol. If JSM matched Lee Min Ki so well in the previous drama, I don’t see her having prob to be the lead opposite WB. Plus WB is so good as problematic man. Girl can wish!

  10. Watching the jp version was one kind of experience since i didn’t read any spoiler beforehand. and towards the end it’s like a trainwreck, when realization came one by one, it felt sick and so twisted that i couldn’t stop and didn’t want to. I’m not sure if the remake can have the same effect tbh

  11. As much as i want wonbin to comeback, i dont think he will consider this script (but who knows). He has rejected many scripts and why he should take an offer to be the 2nd option (if the other actor rejects it).

    Wonbin is not just an ordinary A list actor, he’s A+ list. If the producer wanted him, they would offer this script to him first.

    But who knows.

    Just my two cents. No offense.

    Kim jae wook will be great. This man needs a lead actor title. What so happening with K-ent? Giving the lead to some actor wannabe and end up in lowest rating list.

    Kang haneul will be a great at choice, but he’s in military.

    • your analysis makes sense. If Won Bin wants to comeback, he will most likely take on a lead movie role with big budget and/or an Oscar/Cannes nomination in mind… He does not need a drama role when K-drama viewership is forever declining… and definitely not to pick up slack from a reject.

  12. I hope the PD and co are reading our comments about prospective actors to make an informed decision lmao. And I believe the names touted above are all viable for the role. Gong Yoo and Won Bin yep we can only hope and pray!

    • yeah… I wonder which writer can convince Gong Yoo to do another drama again after Goblin. He is doing so well in movies. He agreed to Goblin because of the persistence of its writer… never say never, but I don’t think Gong Yoo and Won Bin will be in dramas for a while… just my opinion… And while reading about this 2002 Japanese drama, its story is dark and quite twisted, not a genre that is very welcomed by the general audience… I don’t feel many actors will want to sign on as the lead unless he wants the challenge 🙂

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