Han Ji Min, Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Hye Ja Confirmed for Age-morphing Drama Dazzling
The lineup is set for upcoming K-drama Dazzling with dual female leads Han Ji Min and veteran Kim Hye Ja playing the same character, who is named Kim Hye Ja ahahaha. That’s cute and also really awesome that Kim Hye Ja will be reuniting with the PD from her hit sitcom I Live in Cheondamdong (Live Among the Rich) which is one of my favorite K-dramas ever ever ever but oh so hard to find streams to watch. Han Ji Min plays the young Kim Hye Ja who suddenly turns into an old woman played by veteran Kim Hye Ja who also develops the ability to manipulate time. It’s the romance between a woman running out of time and Nam Joo Hyuk‘s male lead described as an aimless reporter who is wasting the time he has. Son Ho Jun has also signed on as the second male lead. The drama goes into production soon with an early 2019 airing date on cable network jTBC.
Im so happy Han Ji Min had a new drama coming soon. Can’t wait to see her again on screen.
Nam Joo Hyuk is a really bad actor i’m gonna pass this one
should hv let son ho jun be the lead.
Agree.Nam Joo Hyuk is the weakest link here.Son Ho Jun is the more charismatic one with better acting skill than Nam Joo Hyuk.
Second this!
Agreed- SHJ would be heaps better and well deserving. His performance in Go Back Couple just shows the emotional depth he can carry any lead role.
Nam Joo Hyuk was not bad in The Great Battle but I’m not a big fan and after seeing Son Ho Jun in Terius I find pretty bland.
I think they should cast two different male actors.
SHJ is totally wasted for a badly written and aimless character in Terius.
Awkward with NJH to say the least. Enter SHJ then HJM will be like ‘Umm hang on a minute’ ends up following SHJ. In all fairness I did like NJH in Weightlifting Fairy so I’m on the fence with this drama. And lo n behold another time genre. Gosh there seems to be a lot these days.
Two good actresses matched by two bland ones.
Likely pass this one.
I am glad han ji min has a new drama but i have reservations with njh. He is okay with wfkbj but i heard he was bad in botwg. I hope the PD is good to maximize the acting talents of both the male leads. And i hope the story is good too. Funny yet romantic.
Maybe this is one of those rare dramas where the main actress ends up with the second male lead. ?
Would suddenly become an incest drama though. Pretty SHJ is playing HJM/KHJ’s older brother.