
Puff Guo and Jasper Liu Reunited for Upcoming TW-drama Before We Get Married — 5 Comments

  1. TW dramas are great because they tend to portray relationships more accurately than any other Asian based shows. Casting decisions seem to be based on the chemistry of the ensemble as a whole and not just the lead couple. It Started with a Kiss is a classic example. Each cast member seemed like they were hanging out with each other and genuinely enjoyed being together. When those pairings happen, TW dramas are magical and can’t be touched. The problem is, recently, those castings are far and in between. Most commonly, the plots go from frothy and light to heavy and clunky in 0-60.

  2. In an interview, the casts mentioned that they’ve been hitting the gym hard due to some skinship scenes mentioned by the director. Hehehe.

  3. I can’t wait! I love Pleasantly Surprised and was hoping they could work together again! 😀 Haven’t been watching Tw dramas for a while and this would definitely bring me back!

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