
C-actor Jiang Jing Fu Admits to Horrific Domestic Violence Against Japanese Girlfriend After She Posts Pictures on SNS — 14 Comments

  1. Man who need to work on themselves or who have demons to deal with have no business bringing in an innocent person into their lives to be an outlet of their trauma.

  2. Not all the photos are showing, but the ones that are there make me cringe. WTH? He beat the hell out of her. I certainly hope he gets the help he needs and stays out of relationships for a long time.

  3. Oh my God what a monster. He should be in jail for these and I hope that he will NEVER come back to the entertainment industry.

    Good for her to come forward, hopefully others who hesitate for a variety of reasons will take her as an example and come forward.

  4. I wonder what the heck he did for her to get all these weird bruise shapes. He really should of left this crazy beach. Yes she cheated. Lied about being pregnant and wanted for him to buy her an expensive home. But seriously leave her if all this was happening. Now u let the trash got the best of you. Say bye to your career and personal life.

    • What a vile, victim blaming comment! The only trash in that relationship was the admitted abuser. You don’t know anything at all about this woman other than she was badly beaten by her ex-boyfriend. That’s it, that’s all!

      His friends and his fans who are throwing around accusations about her character (even after he admitted his guilt) are being absolutely disgusting. And we wonder why more women refuse to come forward when they are abused by their boyfriends and husbands.

      • Totally with you @OrangeyPants! Victim shaming has got to stop! It’s ridiculous how some people are still completely backwards.

    • Whether she cheated, lied or asked him to buy an expensive home, does not make it right for her to be beaten like this.The man is a deranged, piece of filthy trash that cant be recycled.Its good that his violent tendencies were exposed early in their relationship so she can dump him and find a better man who will treat her with more dignity.She would be dead if she married him!!!

  5. So he needs to be prosecuted and when she showed the extent of how badly beaten she got I hope she filed a police complaint against him when it happened. He can’t return to acting because he has publicly admitted to his crime and needs to do the time! Also how disrespectful to the iconic popular Hu Ge to be compared to him. And for the record; victims of domestic violence rarely or never post on their IG/social media account the handiwork of their perpetrators; like this ex has done. It’s too painful, raw, emotionally wrecking and humiliating to tell the world. I just hope she is getting counseling and support to help in her recovery and to see justice served.

  6. I did not expect her to look that bad. Those photos indicate a violent beating and I am glad they don’t insult us by saying otherwise.

    He needs help and I guess she probably does too after this.

    Horrible. No excuse.

  7. I am speechless.Wow!!There are really people who have the gall to do this to another human being.At least he is remorseful compared to that Kim Hyung Joong who kept giving one excuse to the other.

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