
VR and Fantasy Collide in Spain in New Previews for tvN Romance Memories of Alhambra — 120 Comments

  1. Netflix’s trailer is on another level. The wait is almost over but damnn one week to go… Tbh rating wise, i dont think MOA will go beyond 10%, considering the target audience is more likely the younger generation. It’ll be like W case; highly online buzz with so-so rating. Encounter, on the other hand, can reach 15% at least, considering the wide target audience and generalized romance story that is an easy watch.
    No matter what the rating is, i look forward for miss mysterious-guitarist-in-red-veil. I wish she’s the villain in the game.It’ll be fun to see heejoo enters the game and has a showdown with miss mysterious lol

      • Yes. The netflix one reveals what the drama is going to deal with (AR games and the one with red veil is a game character not heejoo) while tvn… idk what they are promoting (-_-“)

      • But this is not a Netflix drama. Tvn is still the one’s handling the drama right? I’m confused. All I see on Tvn is promo after promo of Encounter so I thought this drama wasn’t premiering soon but turns out its actually coming out this week right?

      • Yeah tvN in Korea and Netflix everywhere else.
        I remember seeing ABS CBN promoting the drama for Phillipines viewers too; probably they don’t have Netflix?
        tvN probably has bigger bets on Encounter; not surprised as their leads are slightly more famous.

    • Seriously will cable dramas easily have rating over 10%? And even over 15% as comparable to Mr Sunshine? Don’t forget the writer of W (= Encounter) sucks. Just enjoy the dramas, no need to compare ratings ?

      • Sucks for you. Not really for those knet who are contributing for the rating. Who cares about the writing when they have pbg and shk. If writing is everything, a whole bunch of dramas wouldnt get >20% rating in public channel and >10% in cable. Btw, i was saying that even 10% will be hard for moa to get so i dont know which part i said ‘easily’for moa. As for encounter, we’ll see as time goes by

      • Do you understand English? Did I refer to MOA getting over 10%? Did I say you said it? Where and When did I put MOA in my comment? Read again and again!! I was referring to Encounter all along. Yes in my opinion, the writer of Encounter sucks. Many people care about writing. Do you know who is the writer of Encounter since you said W is “highly online buzz with so-so rating”? Get your facts straight before you try to predict ratings here. ?

      • @candycane so do you think ha myung hee has a good track of records in terms of writing prior to doctors? Now tell me how Doctors got 20%. Is it bcs of writing? This is an example of a hit drama largely because of the cast not the writing. The same thing can happen to encounter. I know encounter comes from yoo young ah,the one who wrote entertainer, pretty boy, my annoying brother, royal tailor to name a few. I watched entertainer till the end bcs of jisung back then and i watched pretty boy first few eps. I know exactly how terrible (for me) her dramas are written.

      • @sooshin – it’s ok. PSH is in Doctors and it got 20% rating. So why do you think MOA won’t get 10%? PSH usually gets decent ratings. I am cheering for both dramas, so I am not contradicting you really, I don’t mean to argue… Just wondering why you favor one but not the other… that’s all 🙂

      • @candycane simple. It’s because of the genre of the drama. The target audiences are different. The 30-40’s knet might find moa too heavy to comprehend and to put up with the ‘ridiculousness’ of sjj’s stuff is something tht not even me can do (i skipped a lot while watching W but Nine is greattt). Rating is not sth within her control. I’ll be more than happy to be proven wrong if moa does better tho

      • I literally didn’t understand what this argument was about. Are you just pretending to down play the ratings so that later you can say – but look it did so well and was a hit. Literally no one expects a PSH or SHK drama to ever flop especially when the male leads are HB and PBG. 10% isn’t even a big deal for either pair irrespective of genre. It could be an art genre of watching paint dry and they would still pull in 10%.

      • @LOL What? Many dramas have flopped despite the famous leads. SHK herself flopped with World Within because the audience couldn’t appreciate the genre back then. Saimdang flopped even with Lee Youngae coming back after a decade. Hyun Bin-Han Jimin pairing is not less hyped than Hyun Bin-Park Shinhye but Hyde flopped badly.
        Koreans are not into sci-fi and AR genre for dramas. Two sci-fi dramas have flopped before this. So what makes you think people are downplaying it on purpose?

      • @LOL the thing is the genre. People in Korea, easily eat up noona chaebol romance but AR game? Most of them don’t even know what it is to keep them interested. Clearly this drama is targeting oversea market if you keep up with how TVN promoted for both dramas

      • You are talking as if dramas led by big name actors hasn’t flopped before.
        Song Hyekyo and Hyun Bin’s drama had low ratings because the Korean viewers did not like the genre.

      • How does it matter which one gets higher ratings? Both will eventually get over 10% even if Korea doesn’t understand the genre. Nobody is actually watching the dramas for genre or story. They only care about the actors for this one. I mean Secretary Kim was absolutely shit but people watched if for Seojoon. What’s the big deal about genre people watch tv passively not actively. Only international fans watch it actively most regular people just have the tv on in the background.

    • I agree with you. Sci-fi dramas don’t do well in Korea and SJJ’s highest rated drama was W… which had high ratings but not really high. Hope for the best though.

      • Wasn’t MLFTAS a scifi genre since it had aliens and all? Or do aliens not count for scifi in Korea? Irrespective anything with PSH will always be romance first and foremost and then whatever else so I wouldn’t worry about the genre. Essentially they are both melo romance with whatever extra fancy stuff thrown in.

      • …I really don’t see how MLFTAS is sci-fi. Have you even watched that drama?
        And I question your logic. Just because PSH is known for romance dramas, it somehow determines the drama’s genre? There’s Song Jaejung who is known for fantasy and sci-fi and Hyun Bin who is known for action.

  2. I am guessing MOA will have higher ratings than Encounter cos two single good looking leads vs one married and single leads haha…

    Of course I could be completely wrong as Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo have big fandoms.

    Should be interesting to see which come out on top in terms of rating.

    • Hyunbin look so cool in here, but korean love bogum more. His teaser alone reach 1 million in tvnaver and he already in top 3 for brand reputation. His popularity just insane.

      • Jung hae in image ruined because baeksang award and park seo joon going downhill because his agency can’t handle dating scandal. So park bo gum taking spot in top 3.

      • Yeah, the only thing bogum did in his teaser was walking and smiling. And because of that he ranked 7th as buzzworthy actor even before his drama aired.

        Btw I watched netflix’s trailer. Not a fan of PSY’s acting, but will give it a try for hyunbin

      • its funny how people comparing PBG with JHI, Jung hae in’s popularity still not in PBG’s level, please with rating monster like reply 1988 and moonlight, noona buy me food just overhype drama (the rating just 7%) And PBG have a stable fanbase in korea, thats why his fans going crazy about his comeback. Poor jung hae in, too much media play (I saw many space in his seoul fanmeeting tho, looks like its not sold out?)

      • didn’t JHI debut at age 26? That’s why JHI’s agency has to media play to hype him up. He is 30 now… No more noona drama. Ajhussi soon. My friends are not watching him… LOL.

      • Bogum is definitely the top it boy.
        JHI and PSJ aren’t as popular as him even before their “scandal”.
        This is why I think his drama will do very well… on top of that his partner is Song Hyekyo.

    • Valentinozara, strong words to say about the guys whom faces you can easily see everywhere in Seoul and they both advertise most well-known brands in Korea with brining strong profits and views for said brands and CFs lmfao Both also kept their top positions long after their “scandals” in the ranking that you all talking about. Once they comeback with new projects (and both don’t take long breaks), they will go up again. And Park Bo Geum himself has more serious scandal with being a cult member along with his family, let me remind you.

      • Arrgghh I just full on praised PBG in my last post as being scandal free as I totally forgot about his cult association article that dropped last year. Oh well. So MOA is action/thriller/fantasy/romance and Encounter is Melodrama/Romance different time slots but with Tvn. As long as the story is tight and all the beats are in the right places then I guess it’s going to be a full on 2 months of intense drama watching. Good luck to both productions see you on the other side of Koala’s playground for the debrief. Fun times everyone!

      • Hahaha jung hae in and park seo joon only get fame in few months! Just look at gong yoo he didn’t take any project after goblin can stay in top brand male in 2 years!! And nothing wrong with park bo gum controversy as long he didn’t doing rape, sexual harassment or even cheating. I also hope pbg take spotlight since jhi and psj ruined career for little scandal.

      • Lmfao, Gong Yoo also feel down several times. They go up and down depending on word of mouth around their released CFs in one particular months. Also, let me remind you, that PBG himself was on a lower half of the rank for more than a year now. His new project generated some talk.
        Then how PSJ or JHI have so called “ruined careers” with so called “scandals”, when it doesn’t involve “rape, sexsual hassment or cheating”. Man, you logic sucks, flawed and simply biased.
        Good luck to PSJ and JHI if fans of other actors feel some urge to bring them down (even in article not related to them at all) because of their “oppas”, then guys doing something right.

    • Nah, BF will be much higher just for the fact this the kind of drama Korea love, simple love story with visual. Ajuhma or ahjusi wouldn’t care about MoA and they are the one who control the promote… Teenager and gaming might be interest. I’m not even sure

    • No they are on different day slot and same station.
      As both dramas cast megastars as leads hence some interest to compare.
      But I am quite sure both dramas will do well with support from their fans.

    • I’m a big fan of both so don’t bother to read any of these anti comments. Go Hyun Bin MOA and Song Hye Kyo Boyfriend. Both dramas has different concepts besides the divorce.

    • I think the competition is for popularity charts and exposure and CF related things. I understand the question of similarities since both give off the same vibe in their trailers despite being completely different genres.

  3. As for me I’m all in for MOA. After watching all the teasers I even eagerly more and at the same time very excited to watch it coz everything about it is sound more interesting and mysterious. Also i have strong feeling and great confidence that both main leads will have an amazing chemistry. Most importantly my dream pair PSH and Hyun Bin will finally collaborating together and watching them on December 1st will be a big huge Christmas bonus for me. Omo omo 5 more days from the USA calendar and MOA will be on the air. ???????

  4. I hope people stop comparing both dramas.they are not competing with one another.encounter is a week day drama compared to a weekend drama memories of Alhambra.the difference is significant.

  5. Can’t wait for the show , we will see new way AR is integrated in a drama. Hope it intrigues the viewers and does well in ratings as well. As a fan, we are over the moon for Park Shin Hye comeback!

  6. OMG the Netflix teaser is very good but got to admit I’m a bit disappointed that the story is about gaming. I was hoping to see a deeper concept with more meaningful plot. Hopefully it’s worth my wait. Hyun Bin ❤❤❤.

  7. The netflix trailer has me convinced this would be a fun show.
    I’m not too worried about ratings. Hyun Bin and Park Shinhye would bring in a viewers, and I trust that the production team will make sure the story engaging enough for audience to stay.

    • Park Shinhye is rating queen so I am not too concerned about ratings.
      But just curious since we are having hallyu stars in both dramas, MOA and Encounter/Boyfriend.

      • I think both dramas will have decent ratings. No need to compare by put one down to raise the other one higher. Both are of different genres and in different time slots, not sure why people need to compare ?

  8. Lol because all these unnie fans and oppa fans girls are a bunch of retard people. Too in love with their favorites that they can’t see the difference between the two dramas. Hopefully both dramas get high ratings and don’t flop, or else I’ll laugh my head off about all these stupid fan wars.

  9. Why people have to compare everything… MOA and Encounter or Park Bo Gum and Jung Hae In/Park Seo Jun. It’s so useless… The both drama have a great casting but they have a completely different story and style. The both are risky. Koreans don’t seem to like SF stories and for Encounter, it’s a love story and it will have to be able to maintain the watcher’s interest and the couple’s chemistry will be very important.

    • Encounter is pretty safe actually.
      Even if the plot is basic, slow-motion and kissing scenes of SHK and PBG will ensure the drama has high ratings.
      Its not like Hundred Days Husband, Pretty Noona and Secretary Kim have very good storylines…

      MoA on the other hand has a high chance of flopping.

      • Err Hundred days husband was good, the main lead is the one who made it boring. I actually watch it for the plot

      • Frankly NJH ruined that drama for me. She overacts tad bit too much. Its not so bad if its only for a small bit but almost every single scene is over acting with her.

  10. People all over the world, thanks to NetFlex, are anxiously waiting for the drama Memories of Alhambra and the pairing of Park Shin Hye ( Queen of rates) and Hyun Bin. And Park Shin Hye’s fans are thrill to be able to see her challenging herself again on small screen! Fighting! It will be a succcess, with God’s will!

  11. Lol when the most gorgeous couple Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum vs. the alright looking couple Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye Memories of Alhambra. Of course the beautiful couple will win due to Korean fans obsessed of beauty.

    • They are equal imo.
      Song Hyekyo is prettier than Park Shinhye but Hyun Bin is better looking than Park Bogum.
      I would suggest they switch their partners but then I remembered Song Hyekyo and Hyun Bin broke up.

    • is PBG looking more gorgeous over HB? hahaha… oh well, looks are subjective, but you are really stretching it here. I wouldn’t call HB as “alright looking”. LOL.

      • Honest opinion Park Bo Gum is so much handsomer than Hyun Bin and is a much better actor. His work has better recognition that’s why korean people love him. His pairing up with Song Hye Kyo will surely get a better feed back when the drama air. These too are top hallyu stars. As for Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye their visual are not top notch plus acting wise but hopefully their drama is worth their comeback to the small screen this year. Hyun Bin don’t shine if he don’t have a top A-list actress acting along side him. He became a Hallyu start thanks to Ha Ji Won and it’s the same for Park Shin Hye. So hopefully this drama prove me wrong that they are actually good actors sine it’s contract with Netflix.

      • @delurker you are nothing but a loser seriously respect your self if you fan of PBG so your limits are to offering him the support but offending park shin hye and hyun bin to make your bias is wow it is called trash ,park shin hye is big actress and Hyun bin also who are you to talk about them like that !

      • @Delurker – your honest opinion does not fly with me. You are a delulu if you call PBG’s work has better recognition than HB? HB has been on international film festivals many times, how about PBG (not even once!). Your very biased opinion totally shows how limited you are in your knowledge.

      • @delurker PSH doesn’t shine if she doesn’t have Alist star with her? Who was the Alister that made her shine? lmao
        People can talk whatever they please without checking facts.
        Is JGS or JYH considered Alister for you? Or LMH or YSY? Please lol
        But I can’t wait for them proving you wrong either

    • Seriously when the comments of others show how their brains work ,are you really superficial to make comparisons based on beauty competition by offending the others .
      You want to start fan wars.

    • Boyfriend fans, ya should try harder, visual is surely something you can’t attack when it comes to Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye lol
      They’re one of the most beautiful couple i’ve seen in kdramaland

      • @PleaseDude Hi Deluker, are you have fun pretending to be someone else? lmao
        SHK is indeed beautiful but super boring imo so i’ve never got the hype. And i know by fact, i’m not the only one.
        While for PBG, i have to laugh, the boy looks like a creepy doll.
        Well you should accept people opinion once you’re the first one to share yours

      • Lmfao who care about your opinion
        Knetz always voting SHK as the most beautiful women in SK. And PBG in the top 5 as the most handsome actor in SK. I bet u dont know that pfft

      • @PleaseDude i guess you care about my opinion since you answered my comment making an unnecessary comparison when i was just praising one couple without downgrade anyone.
        And again, just because some think she is the most beautiful person they have ever seen, this doesn’t make it truth for everyone. And now please, can you try to look less desperate and pretend you care about boyfriend? because it seems you are more interested in memories of the alhambra and their cast. But i don’t blame you, i’m too lol

      • Becuase your comment is very funny and full of delusion lol. Yet Idc about the rating. And btw I’m praising one couple without downgrade anyone too

      • I thought Knetz always vote Kim Tae Hee as the most beautiful actress in SK. SHK is usually in the top 3, but never at the very top (ie. most beautiful). And Yeah, this article will get over 100 comments thanks to all our blah blah blah… LOL.

    • @Delurker ONE big FAT words for you is EWWWE!!! Be more open minded please when this is not a Boyfriend post and don’t add your goddess Ha Ji Won in here too. Sadly Hyun Bin will never be recognized for his acting alone without hear Ha Ji Won name as string attached.

  12. Philippine FANS, are all looking forward to this drama! Truly adorable couple! They’re both great in Acting & professionalism. Keep it up, we’re all set for your series! Congratulations!

  13. Well Jung hae in and park seo joon got popular and love call from CF because noona romance drama. So they’re just ruined momentum because “scandal”. Also you can see rapist, cheater and sexual harassment make comeback drama like lee min ki, lee byung hun,kim hyu joong, park shi hoo didn’t have alot of CF because their image was bad. Park bo gum can take no.1 spot since he didn’t have any strong competitor like lee jung suk or lee seung gi didn’t even make top 30 brand male reputation for awhile.

    • Jung Hae In and Park Seo Joon are doing fine. Some actors always are first on some polls like Lee Min Ho when he didn’t act since a long time and he never was the best actor… It’s not because you don’t hear about them they don’t have CF or activities…

      • LOL, I have never seen Lee Min Ho first on any Korean poll, EVER. Even when he is active or have a drama airing, he barely makes top 30.

  14. i came to read about the drama discussion but ppl seems talk about CF brand value ranking lol well from what i know, bogum top no.1 through all months of Moonlight with the rank but it’s actually not bcoz of CF alone. the poll came from exposure and netizen comments. it doesnt mean ppl love them, when someone’s in controversy they can also top with that poll as well so i dont why it’s significant. it’s all about MEDIA PLAY too. To be no.1 it doesnt mean the person is no.1 in CF. Some comedian also rank high bcoz they were in variety without CF deal for example.

  15. The comment section is as ugly as always ,watch what do want to watch .
    MoA not for Korean viewers but it is for international viewers it is obvious .

  16. Why compare Boyfriend to Memories of Alhambra when Boyfriend have stronger actors? Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin has no chance against Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo although I like all actors. Unless I’m proven wrong.

    • You are comparing and asking why are you comparing?
      Ha please don’t use offensive words park shin hye and hyun Bin are strong actors as well as SHK and PBG so don’t start fans wars

    • True park bo gum already topping the chart, as the most buzzworthy actor, song hye kyo number 3. I cant see hyunbin or park shin hye in that poll. And knetz give negative comment for moa now. Its so different with encounter, knetz said they will watch it heven just for visual. WTF

  17. Koala didn’t even make any comparisons and just merely stated that two are highly anticipate dramas.
    The people who commented here are the ones who are drawing comparisons between the actors, plot etc.

  18. Fans of Boyfriend are becoming funny in their defense of their actors in an article about MOA….why for the life me, they don’t go and support ,praise worship their actors in the article about them! It is becoming ridiculous these comments. Are they perhaps getting anxious that PSH/ HB pairing will surpass their biases? Just wondering. Us fans are just happy for PSH comeback and some here are looking green every time there’s news about MOA. Both shows will do well, I hope. So far , PSH hasn’t failed ratings wise, the only actress who continue her hitting streak and hopefully she does here as well. But we know Shinhye….she didn’t even anticipate her last drama to do that well……………we’ll just see. And hope you do too…..just go to Boyfriend article and increase the comment section. And I don’t see MOA fans bashing anyone….just Reasoning.

      • HS was medicore but it’s thank to the writer left the set.
        FBND wasn’t bad at that time.
        YB count win over Iris with big budget and huge stars but was still at 9-10% and has huge international following. It was one of the biggest hallyu drama in 2009 besides BOF

        So of all, only HS flopped and it was pretty great record

      • YAB wasn’t a hallyu drama it still isn’t. It was a teeny bopper drama for audiences with very low standards. Since when does big budget count for better ratings? Saimdang and Moon Lovers would like a word on that. Just accept the fact that her first big hit was Heirs and she’s being cruising on that hit since then. Hell even Heirs got its ass kicked by ‘low budget’ Secret and only pulled in 20% after that drama ended.

      • If it isn’t a Hallyu drama then why does it have remakes in both Japan and Taiwan?
        Seriously, people lose all their facts and logic whenever they want to downplay PSH.

      • The delulu on this page is going crazy! The hell does Hallyu have to do with remakes? Most Asian countries just remake each others drama out of lack of creativity. Mother was remade in Korea, Signal was remade in Japan, Oh My Ghost was remade in Thailand. These are not Hallyu dramas but regular dramas that were popular. Goblin is a Hallyu drama but do you see it being remade? Same for Secret Garden, Healer and Autumn in My Heart. Stop over selling people and over exaggerating. No one is dragging her down but her fans have been making up lies for far too long.

      • You are the delusion one.
        So Japan isn’t considered Hallyu to you? Overseas popularity isn’t considered Hallyu to you?

        I don’t care if you dislike PSH or the drama but now you are claiming your statements as facts and accusing PSH fans of lying. As a fan of PSH I don’t see anyone claiming she hasn’t had flops or is the greatest at acting, but its an undeniable fact she is popular both in her home country and overseas. Where is the over-selling? You are just bitter because you dislike her.

    • there are some parts for you (Mel).

      Sorry, I think MoA fans who compare first. They said BF copied MoA just because previously BF planned to shot in Spain too. They also said BF followed MoA’s character (hyunbin is a widower, hyekyo is a widow) and bla bla bla…

      and there’s person who said he/she is really excited for MoA than BF. But he/she is still comment in BF article.

      The two dramas are really different. MoA is fantasy, sci-fi, romance, melodrama. BF is a pure melodrama romance and realistic. They’re in different time slot and in the same network, tvN.

      MoA fans should not be worried because they have two hallyus, one famous idol who have many fans around the world, a writer who have good track record, a director from Stranger.

      BF should compared with The Last Empress, Children of Nobody, Feel Good to Die (they’re in the same time slot, BF started early).

      MoA should compared with My Healing Love (only aired on Sunday), A Promise with the God (only aired on Saturday), Fates and Furies (only aired on Saturday).

      So, there’s not need to compare each other and good luck to both of them (MoA & BF).

  19. These fanwars are so stupid lol. I don’t understand the point of comparing both dramas when they’re not even on the same time-slots. Smh

  20. Well with all this if you’re new to K dramas and didn’t know all the 4 leads from a bar of soap and you had to watch both MoA and Encounter it will be the story that will hook you in so take that as a given and also MoA will have the added advantage of being on Netflix so more international followers can access the series but then again Chinese fans are hyper over PBG and SHK so I guess it will be who has the most captivating story but then again both will most likely be highly successful regardless and in 2 months time we would’ve moved on to another K drama with our fav actors debating the wind and what not. Why do I feel that both female leads are gonna be under more scrutiny then the male leads?

      • No sorry dependent on what region ie the South Pacific; Africa; Europe and the Americas we don’t have access to the legal platforms you mentioned but we do to my beloved Kiss asian and you tube channel updates.

      • Hardly as Suzy and Kim Ji Won dont create the same amount of ‘energy’ that PSH and SHK do. Gosh it’s like ‘Survivor’ unfold K drama styles. I’m excited for both dramas now and sitting patiently waiting for subbed eps to drop. Let the games begin!

      • I agree Asadal will be more favorable because K-audience likes saguek dramas. Both leads in Asadal can act, unlike Suzy who sucks badly.

  21. MoA’s biggest competition is probably how to get the Korean audience to accept the sci-fi genre. From netizenbuzz comments people doesn’t seem to be receptive to it. Being the first of anything means you are gonna succeed with a bang or just flop badly.

  22. Park Shin Hye is always champions when talk about the comments here. Each time Koala posted something about her, is always flooded with comments. Good, bad comparing with another actress, even those who don’t like her still watch her drama just give bad comments.
    Never ending

    • Totally agree with you 1000% but let just ignore all that and cheer for MOA especially to the main casts lead. MOA fighting ???

    • yup,it always happento her drama,they love to comparing n put bad comments.i dont know what was she doing to their faves,why do they so pressed

  23. It’s all about how PSH gets all the attention from producers, publications etc in which some think it should be for their biases? The gist I get is this…., why does she get all these when my bias who is more beautiful, more talented , taller, thinner, Whiter, has straight high nose , who’s perfect.. no funny thumb ? doesn’t get this great opportunities, reputation and offers!!! It’s Marcia… Marcia… Marcia!!! ?

    Haha maybe because she’s great with people!

  24. Come on people if you are to start a fan wars about being gorgeous than Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye are a total joke. They can’t be compared to Goddess Kyo and her husband best friend Park Bo Gum. These two can easily win just by looking at their visual appealing. But if to talk about acting than I don’t know about Park Shin Hye because she somehow suck. Hyun Bin is okay too but not impressive. My bet will be Boyfriend win because it’s something people can relate to. While Hyun Bin is soo old but still striving for a teenager plot wise. At least act something his age and give a memorable performance because all his work are all little kids genres.

    • Don’t exaggerate here. PBG is not SJK’s best friend (just an acquaintance in the same agency). PBG is not visually pleasing to me (SHK is, but definitely not her male lead). PSH does not suck in acting, her drama ratings can prove you wrong. MOA does not have a teenager plot. HB has acted in many movies with different genres (not just little kids genres). Boyfriend/Encounter is more pleasing to the Ajhummas and melodrama is not the genre for everyone, I certainly cannot relate to it. You cannot speak for everybody. Accept other opinions. Not everyone is at your age!

    • @Review are you getting anxious because some people prefer other actresses over your “”goddess”” Kyo and PBG? Because many does, deal with it.

  25. Ewwwwe!!! Why do I feel like I wanna puke…and gosh hopefully people don’t start throwing Ha Ji Won name in here too as Hyun Bin’s life saver or I’ll be even more sick. Why can people just learn to appreciate that an actor or actress get to where they are because of their hard work. Waiting to see MOA soon.

    • Gosh lol you just did it by dropping HJW there was no mention of her in this thread until now. Now Reign is gonna appear and we’re gonna go off on to another tangent.

  26. The discussion on this article literally has no coherence or continuity. It just jumps from one topic to another. Who cares which drama will have better? They will all still go home as winners get over it. I also don’t get the hate for SHK or PSH and the ‘beauty’ wars. They are almost a decade apart and don’t even belong to the same generation nor do they have the same acting style. Literally nothing is common so why compare? I wanted to be happy that the comments are about the actresses more than the actors but its basically a low blow cat fight at this point. Just wait till the end of the week and everything will be sorted. Gosh.

  27. Negativity on all articles of MOA like whyyyyyyyy??? Can you please just shut up and just enjoy the drama you all want to watch. as for me I’m excited for MOA eagerly waiting for later. fighting park shin hye ❤️❤️

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