
jTBC Mon-Tues Drama The Light in Your Eyes with Han Ji Min, Kim Hye Ja, and Nam Joo Hyuk Sure to Wring Tears — 36 Comments

  1. The double jab at the actresses was so unnecessary. Its not their fault for the kind of roles and dramas they get offered. They both work very hard and are constantly improving their acting skills. I never see this kind of comments for actors.

  2. OMG can’t wait for this drama. Love Han Ji Min more and more as she progressed in her acting field. She’s so gorgeous and cute my favorite actress now. Nam Joo Hyuk looks great in here. Best luck to this production.

    *Off topic I’m still crossing fingers for my favorite Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min to crossed collaborate again. So with Gong Yoo and Han Ji Min too.

    • Why rooting for Han Ji Min to pair up with Hyun Bin again? She is the weakest actress he’d ever collaborate with. Compare to his other actresses like Ha Ji Won and Song Hye Kyo to Son Ye Jin and many more. I’m sure Hyun Bin don’t want to repeat the same mistake. The same with Gong Yoo. He’s a great actor and should pair up with stronger potential actresses like Ha Ji Won, Song Hye Kyo, Son Ye Jin, and others that he has never pair up with. Sorry to Han Ji Min fans but Han Ji Min only shine if the screen focuses less on her like in her movies.

      • What a click bait comment. This was clearly meant to start fanwars. Ignore the troll everyone. Bad dramas are not the fault of the actors its always going to be the fault of the scriptwriter. Actors are people not magicians. They can’t make gold out of garbage.

      • Sad for you because Hyun Bin never said he is disappointed to collaborate with Han Ji Min. He accepted Hyde Jekyll Me when know Han Ji Min was in it. The guy said it himself it’s his interest. It’s people like you and his dumb shippers who’s being salty about Han Ji Min. Gong Yoo also seem to enjoy working with her so stop trying to start fanwars.

        I know Hyun Bin shipper must be so proud but sorry to say Ha Ji Wons acting is so so only.

      • I think you forgot their movie The Fatal Encounter. Clearly their drama was bad but because of the writting. But the movie was good, their chemistry was great when they were antagonist characters.

      • You can make all the comparisons you want but sadly I love Han Ji Min more. People don’t have to appreciate her if they don’t like her. As long as her fans support her. Hyun Bin collaborate with her in Hyde Jekyll Me because of his desire and interest to start with again since they were enemy in The Fatal Encounter movie. It’s enough he didn’t have doubt on her but appreciation. There’s always plenty of times to improve and that’s Han Ji Min. Gong Yoo also appreciate her so your rent is for you and those that agree with you but not for me.

      • Lol when everyone agrees Han Ji Min is a horrible actress but her fans stands her like she’s the best.

        Is it just me or are y’all too delusional with your ship that you trying to pull a Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin interest in each others with Han Ji Min. Trying to sound like he really like her and is happy although she ruin his comeback.

        Don’t trying to make Han Ji Min a Son Ye Jin because Han Ji Min can never be on the same level. How delusional.

      • @greattalents LMFAO!… Are you comparing talents or are you a Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin lover who is so happy and gone bitter? Sadly it’s the truth so face it.

      • @greattalents Don’t have to be so bitter because I’m pretty sure Han Ji Min won’t still Hyun Bin from both your unnies. She is a great person and will find a good man. It’s Hyun Bin who show interest on her and is happy to collaborate with her. The drama failed because it’s a bad script and Han Ji Min also did bad but she improved big time since that drama ended. You’re saying as if Hyun Bin was forced to accept the role. He admitted himself that he still want to see more from her acting abilities.

        Leave Song Hye Kyo out of this because it’s pretty much you just want to drag her in for attention when you’re clearly not her fans. You’re comments are so childish. You should rejoice with your couple that they’re dating and leave others alone.

      • @greattalents An actress who improved is better then those that regress. Han Ji Min is still a great actress even if people try to talk down on her.

    • I would love to see her collaborate with Hyun Bin, Gong Yoo, and Ji Sung again in the future. She is also growing on me as an amazing actress and becoming my favorite actress.

  3. Waiting for Han Ji Min new dramas. She is such a strong and capable actor if given a good script. Love her so much since I saw her in Yi San and Rooftop Prince. She has her own flaws but is easily bounce bad. Miss Baek is a good movie and Han Ji Min is amazing with her performances. I looked forward to see her grow in the entertainment field.

  4. Han Ji Min is a great actress; I just finished watching Miss Baek and Familiar Wife. Her acting is impressive well delivered. I have yet to see her other works but is looking forward to see more of her performances.

  5. I hope The light in your eyes will be her third successful project in a row. Familiar/knowing wife, Miss Baek and now this drama. DO NOT judge her by one drama alone. Yes she has acted bad in her project with hyun bin but it is not her fault alone. The writer is the main problem and whoever is put in her place will not make a difference IMHO. She bounced back and is being recognized for her convincing performance with Miss Baek and familiar wife. Just watch her 2 previous projects and she is just amazing. Her new drama seems so much fun and very family oriented. Can’t wait!

  6. @grwattalents I don’t understand why does people always fight over Hyun Bin? Like seriously? Han Ji Min and him don’t look good together. The lady shows no interest in him or felt comfortable around him during filming and bts. She’s very reserved unlike with her other costars. Han Ji Min didn’t even try to talk to him during their promotion or wrap up party. Gurrela date, she know nothing about him or seem to care about him. I prefer seeing Ji Min acting with actors like Gong Yoo and Ji Sung to So Ji Sub again. Stupid shippers of Hyun Bin can take him to their unnies. The most straight up dumbest Secret Garden shipper need to stop comparing other actresses to their freaking unnie. Like for real, bashing Han Ji Min like she’s stealing your freaking Hyun Bin. I feel bad for every actresses that will be pairing up with him next because he probably has the worlds dumbest fanbase.

    Don’t tell me Son Ye Jin fan’s becoming some mofo…dumbass too. So dam pathetic. Lol Han Ji Min wanna be your Son Ye Jin? Han Ji Min is her own uniqueness person and actress. She is a much better actress than these actress you’ve mentioned. LMFAO the only actress that show no interest in Hyun Bin get shit on by his girlfriend fans and retarded shipper. Jealous is all I see.

    • Reading your comments break my heart because I really want Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min to be a real couple.

      Off topic usually when coming upon these kind of shipper fan wars comments make me super embarrass since I used to be a crazy Sega Shipper. ?? lol I watch Secret Garden with such huge obsession with Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won praying to see them become a real couple. I even as far as trash talking about Song Hye Kyo when I didn’t even watch World Within. Also keep comparing her to Ha Ji Won until I finally decided to watch World Within to see how good the drama is after discover Song Hye Kyo is Hyun Bin girlfriend. Lol my Sega heart so jealous because I shipped Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won so much. World Within change my crazy shipper heart 360 degree. I fall in love with Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo chemistry together. I have to eat up my nasty words of degrading Song Hye Kyo. I forgot about my Sega heart and was so heart breaking when Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo announced their breakup. Getting fedup by my own very first shipper fans group for bashing on Song Hye Kyo and become heart broken. Then The Fatal Encounter and Hyde Jekyll, Me came along making my shipper heart fall in love all over again with Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min when watching both productions… Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min was so beautiful together as a couple that my shipper heart fall head over heels for them. The way Hyun Bin tease and react toward Han Ji Min on the Screen and Bts got me on full mode shipping again. They are now my favorite Korean Dramas couple and still praying everyday to see them end up together. Although like you mentioned I can really felt Hyun Bin is secretly crushing on Jan Ji Min by his interactions and awkward shyness toward her. Sadly Han Ji Min doesn’t seem to have that same feeling for him. She seem to try hard to act cute with him and one can totally see it as so akwards. She’s not comfortable with him even if his body language say it all he’s interested in her. During the wrap up party she didn’t even look at him or exchange any words with him. So sad to see them like that. She also acted like she doesn’t know him during her Gerrilla Date and still pretend not to know or remember him on her recent talk show appearance. I wonder what happened to them.

      So funny how Secret Garden started out as my most obsessed drama and Ship but ended up to be my least favorite ship now. I even get fedup reading people shit on Song Hye Kyo and Han Ji Min because of Ha Ji Won and Sega Shipper.

      How I wish Han Ji Min and Hyun Bin collaborate again. Even the most pathetic script I’ll still watch because I really miss them together.

      Back to original topic I like the starting of Dazzling pretty much. My Han Ji Min is really killing her recent productions so far. Can’t wait for another week episodes to air. Such a warm and fuzzy family oriented story. Though I can see the age gap between Nam Joo Hyuk and Han Ji Min I’m okay with it. Glad Nam Joo Hyuk is also improving on his acting. Fight Han Ji Min and team for a good decent rating.

  7. What is so good about Hyun Bin to have all these actress comparisons? What is so good to always see people compare Ha Ji Won to all Hyun Bin co-stars. She’s just like any other actresses. Nothing special.
    What’s the point to loathe Han Ji Min by comparing her to those 3 actresses? It’s because of Hyun Bin? Please Han Ji Min has no interest in him just by the way react towards him. It’s him who show interest in her. People these days need to get a life. Sorry but Han Ji Min is more precious than Son Ye Jin and no one is or want to make her a Son Ye Jin. Your delusional mind is insecure that another actress might take your unnie man.

  8. Watch Han Ji Min over all your three actresses anytime. Han Ji Min doesn’t like Hyun Bin. Dont be too delusional or your bias heart will break. Ha Ji Won and Son Ye Jin are Hyun Bin lovers not Han Ji Min. Han Ji Min is a great actress, she can costar with whomever she want to. It’s call acting land not imagination crazy land. Love Hyun Bin but this actor really does have tons of ignorant fans. Lol with the attention Hyun Bin give to Han Ji Min, they would have been a couple like your Son Ye Jin but sadly Han Ji Min doesn’t share the same feelings. She chose to ignore him while Son Ye Jin didn’t. Lol I hope Han Ji Min landed in another drama or film with Hyun Bin again to killed the heart of this new shipper BinJin and the decade old itchy Sega shippers.

  9. I just finished episode 1 and it’s good. Han Ji Min and Nam Joo Hyuk are cute together. Han Ji Min is so cute and love her performances. She’s improving so much since Hyde Jekyll Me. The rating is okay not the best but who cares. On to episode 2. ?

    The dissing on Han Ji Min and comparing her to other actresses is never old from Hyun Bin crazy shippers. ? Let just say Hyun Bin must very like Han Ji Min enough to collaborate with her twist when both production The Fatal Encounter and Hyde Jekyll Me both flops in the Korean market. His reaction says enough about her. He sure is lucky to have that chance because. Han Ji Min and Song Hye Kyo are the most gorgeous Korean actress he’d costars with from dramas to films. I’m pretty sure if they give him another chance with her he’ll take it.

  10. Enough with the Hyun Bin leading ladys comparison shit.

    Han Ji Min did great in this first episode of The Light in your Eyes. She’s so gorgeous and cute. Hope this production get good recieving from knetizens.

    We all know The Fatal Encounter failed in the box office but he’s still interested to collaborate with her again in Hyde Jekyll Me. The drama also flop big time but he didn’t complain and still give Han Ji Min good reviews knowing those two are not close at all. Says pretty much about him.

  11. The good thing is han ji min improved big time since hyde, jekyll and me. The light in your eyes is so funny and warm. All the characters so far have done a good job. Han ji min is an actress who don’t stop learning. And it is very visible with her current film and dramas. As if only han ji min has her share of flop movies and dramas. Most of the actors have their share of embarrasing projects but what is good with han ji min is she never stopped learning. The light in your eyes will be another good project of hers. Looking forward to the next episodes!!!

  12. Han ji min is doing good again in her latest drama the light in your eyes. Very funny and warm. She has really improved a lot after that embarrasing drama hyde, jekyll and me. Be it comedy or drama, she can do with ease now. I think that is what filming Miss Baek has thought her. And almost all of the actors have embarrasing projects, what is important is han ji min has bounced back big time. Try watching the light in your eyes, it was really funny and heart warming.

  13. OMG Han Ji Min is winning my heart as a capable actor. She is awesome and I here want to see her with Gong Yoo too. Han Ji Min is such a gorgeous woman with a beauty that is different among all Korean actresses. Please more success for her in all her up coming project. But sadly I might skip her new drama because I not a fan of JHI. Really can’t stand his acting.

  14. Well anyway good on HJM for her success in the last drama FW and movie Miss Baek. Moving forward Son Ho Jun will be a laugh to watch but I’m already up to my eyeballs with 2 rom com dramas I’ll be content following the posts here and please share your thoughts on the drama as it progresses.

    • It is a gem of a drama so far. I am loving it. Warm and fuzzy with substance. Look up Soompi for drama convos. Most if not all KDramas are discussed there.

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