Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi Confirm Birth of Adorable Baby Boy
The stork is working overtime in C-ent and we a bouncing bundle of joy who arrived over the weekend. Married acting couple Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi welcomed the arrival of their first child a baby boy on Monday April 29th, with Nicky first posting on SNS the news of the baby’s arrival and assuring that both mother and son are safe and healthy. He thanked everyone for their care and also gave love and thanks to his wife for all her hard work. The couple is very low key on social media and news in discussing their personal lives but new mommy Shi Shi actually replied to Nicky’s baby post by saying that the new baby is super adorable with lots of heart emojis. So happy for them, and honestly the best reel to real couple for me still as they made me cry onscreen with Bu Bu Jing Xin and tear up in real life as Nicky found love again after a bad divorce years ago.
I love these 2 , loving bubujin xin and there chemistry and all, althou part 2 is meeh to me
NW and LSS are my favorite reel-to-real couple. So happy for them! This is like the happily ever after ending for 4th Prince and Rouxi ^^
So happy for them! Best reel-to real ever. <3
Congratulations to my BBJX couple on the arrival of their bundle of joy! May this family enjoy abundant blessings always!