
Jung Hae In and Kim Go Eun are Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed for Romance in Cine21 Spread — 7 Comments

  1. Kim Go Eun is so beautiful!!! She’s very photogenic and she has this unique model like face.

    They just don’t look synchronized. Maybe it’s a purpose because everyone in life has a different sense of love so it’s difficult to snap a good lovey dovey photo unless you act. Kim Go Eun is dreamy, romantic like and Jung Hae In is playful, teasing like.

  2. I loved the trailer. I really like this kind of movie very peaceful and romantic. I think they showed chemistry in the trailer, and they were cute in their interviews.

  3. I have watchedbthe trailer and they are really conpatible and has some emotional and intimated scene. They look realy compatible together Ugh, I really can’t wait!.

  4. Kim Go Eun can do smoldering and hot passion looks if needed but I think both of them are toning it down to convey the movie’s theme of sweet innocent love.The movie spans over 10 years, from 1994 to 2005, a slow build up of their love that endures as they cross paths over the years but the timing is never right as they continue to meet and miss each other. The main movie trailer just rely does a better job of showing their chemistry together:

  5. KGE is a phenomenal actress and JHI is going to pale in comparison that’s my opinion and I haven’t even watched the trailer. I dunno he strikes me as the brotherly type and best guy friend. So I’ll admit it from Goo Yong, Seo Kang Joo and ParkHae Jin some of the the most gorgeous and hunkiest guys out to JHI ah yeah I’ll calm down. The storyline sounds like it’s been done to death before so I wonder what kind of angle they’ll take for this film.

  6. I didn’t like JHI in Pretty Noona but he totally won me over in One Spring Night. I still am not attracted to him but I think he has the acting chops.

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