
Park Shin Hye Models Loungey Suit at Call Feb Press Conference as Movie Still Doesn’t Have a Firm Release Date with March End — 52 Comments

      • @ady

        If you stop being in denial in the light of facts maybe I’ll consider quieting down. IKR when dinosaurs resurrect. So get out.

      • You dont have to chi. U cant stop me from having an opinion. I m not here to please u lmaoo
        I will bash anyone i want or praise anyone i want. You cant order me around.i only stop when there is a limit by koalas. Dont give ur self ajy credit lmaoo

      • Marvelous, I feel the same way. Seeing you stuttering is such a delight, you’re just mad and upset and so you ramble like a baby.

        Baby having a tantrum. No reading skills haha I never order you, I gave you an offer but nope you have to keep acting like a baby. What can one expect from a fan of an arrogant thief? It’s like hoping dirt to clean itself hahaha ?

    • I just want to say one thing to hater like you. If you don’t like her, don’t see anything about her. It’s so simple. Why you’re busy with her fashion sense, while she didn’t bother you???

      • Hater? Girl she is one of my fave from 90s gen. If she is looking messy and has zero styling, i dont need to worship everything about her . That is forte of idiotic fangirls like u

    • @chi keep that offer inside your hairy a** and second you are acting like a bu**hurt oppa fangirl everywhere. Do u need a candy? I am not going to stop commenting and can handle likes of u anyday an d anytime!

  1. It feels like she went to a discount store everyday of her life and just randomly grab third rate apparel of clothing. lolz She thinks she is hipster but she dresses like a hobo. Her fashion sense matches her bad acting.

    • Lol what a bitter person. She can wear whatever she want, it’s her choice. None of your business. You can even afford her hobo clothes even if it’s from a discount store. Lean to be a wiser person please.

    • @moonlight

      You probably wear sacks of potatoes for your outfits. Too bitter. Your faves arent good actresses.


      Moonlight prob steals garbage bags from the dump to assemble her outfits hahaha

      • You’re just jealous that shk and Yoojung are better, talented actresses and better looking than your ordinary bias. I’ll call an optometrist for your eye appointment.

      • @marie

        Stop harping on the 1 percent when you were given the truth. Don’t be a denier lolz

        Everyone and their mother knows parkshinhye can’t act to save a life. She’s getting by her atrocious acting with her beauty. The one time she showed some potential was dr. Crush but that was long ago and she stumbled ever since. She’s on par with iU who prances around in dramas with their beauty and not acting chops. Stay jealous and salty lolz

      • @ and also dear Marie, you’re just green with envy that Yoojung is a better actress than sohyun so that’s why you always bring up the 1 percent rigmarole. Bring freshness please.

    • 1) She’s a kind person, very pure, she has beauty inside and outside especially her heart not like you. When you hate her you still want to know what she wears, you still want to see news about her and then give nasty comments. Don’t you have anything better to do??

      2) If her clothes really from a discount store then I am very grateful to like and love her because that’s mean she used her own money to help others while she just wear something simple and cheap. But she still have a wonderful life not like her haters.

      3) If her acting really bad she couldn’t make it this far. You just can’t see it because your heart is full of hatred.

      My advice is you have to clean your heart ?% so that way you can life a better life.

      • You nailed it, girl ?? You’re right , she’s living a good life. Aside from being single, she has a beautiful loving family. She’s an A-lister, atleast you can google it. And btw she made at least 72 endorsements since 2004 until now, if I’m not mistaken. Hit dramas, awards, movies too, and there’s so many.
        Yet I don’t think she wore such kind of trash. It’s still Fendi. For me it suits her, The first time I saw her pics wearing that… she looks like a young boss and a beautiful one. Haters couldn’t see it, of course.

    • Next on @chi hit list is probably @moonlight?

      Fans-war aside, i think this look is a big no for me. Her stylist should have ironed it first.

      • @leiy

        You think u so funny. Get a life and stay jealous. I’m not afraid of @chi. She graduated from insanity university.

        The only thing I agree with you is that parkshinhye outfits are awful and outdated like her acting.

    • @moon

      Oh please, change your favorite word. Because i wasn’t, am not and will never be jealous of you, your fandom and your fave. And most commenters here probably too?

      • @leiy

        Stay sour and resentful! You don’t speak for most people here. There’s no polling, just grabbing things out of the air so you can comfort yourself. Delulu.

  2. Kim Yoo Jung is the heir to SHK in terns of beauty

    as for their acting skills, kim Yoo Jung is a million times better than Shk.

    • hye kyo in early twenties is the queen of hallyu and cfs. she is good actress with beauty recognized by the luxury brands like chanel. LOL when kim yoo jung can have more than 1 hallyu hit drama that doesn’t rely on male lead, then let’s talk. you fangirls are really something.

    • I agree Yoojung is heir to shk.

      She may not be as talented in acting as shk at the moment but she will continue to grow and will one day reach her level because she’s the apparent heir.

      • @ crunch ginger

        You reek of nonsense. Trying to steal someone’s id.
        It’s ginger crunch not crunch ginger. Nice try you imposter.

        Don’t be a cry baby that sohyun will never be one of the greats like shk, jjh, syj.

      • Get out you acidic, bitter, spiteful hater.
        So what if they’re short. Height isn’t proportional to talent. Stay jealous

      • @ moonlight
        You’re so wrapped with your obsession of kyj that your brain stop working properly long ago. Get lost. You’re the jealous and bitter, you’re just coming out against other people because you’re insecure that Kyj is losing relevancy.

      • KYJ has no relevancy at all. Moonlight Yoo is having delusions for thinking that KYJ is a better actress and more popular overseas than KSH. HAHAHA. KYJ is a limited actress and can’t match KSH’s international popularity. KSH is the queen of their gen, and KYJ is a poor second fiddle with a 1% record-breakung drama.

  3. My concern is the industry is about to be decimated put on hold completely by whats happening in the world and a potential world depression…Every walk of life effected with little money and little jobs this is a very serious thing we are going through which puts us all in the same situation. Millions are loosing jobs around the world..Stay safe everyone.

  4. I am mostly here to enjoy the chaos….having said that….Park Shin Hye, criticism of acting prowess aside, she is a very gorgeous girl…her stylist needs to be fired. Its not the clothes but the fitting, how can you let your client go out in ill-fitted ensemble with fabric that easily wrinkles. Its like he/she goes out of his/her way to make his/her client not look absolute best which given her natural beauty should be easy.

    • i agree with you, i am fan of Park shin Hye she is indeed a very beautiful woman.
      I am not also liking her outfit as well as her hair. Her outfit is too “oversized” for her. and her hair styling, it’s messy, it looks as if she just got of bed. Shin Hye,you are pretty and smart, please dont trust your stylist so much.

  5. Pingback:Park Shin Hye Models Loungey Suit at Call Feb Press Conference as Movie Still Doesn’t Have a Firm Release Date with March End -

  6. Even as an ahjumma nana, I would not wear these clothes myself. I don’t have anything against PSH however her stylist ought to be fired or let go. She is attractive, still reasonably young and have a good figure. Why waste all that. Only very few actresses can pull off this look. Need to have a model height as well. I wish she would spend just a few minutes with Jun Ji Hyun’s stylist or even JJH’s second or third assistant stylist to get some fashion tips.

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