Kim Rae Won and Lee Da Hee Signs on for tvN Sci-fi Thriller Drama LUCA

Cable network tvN has found its leads for upcoming sci-fi thriller K-drama LUCA, which stands for Last Universal Common Ancestor which is an evolutionary theory. The drama was first offered to Ji Chang Wook who declined and is instead filming Convenience Store Morning Star. Now we have both the male and female leads confirmed and it’s Kim Rae Won paired with Lee Da Hee. Kim Rae Won plays the mysterious male lead with no memory but he holds the clues to a great evolutionary mystery while Lee Da Hee is a dogged detective looking to solve a long buried crime and gets swept up in this big conspiracy. The drama will finish casting soon and head into filming for a later in 2020 premiere.

I love Ji Chang Wook and I love Lee Da Hee. I wished they could had work together. The premise of this show is more interesting than convenience. I don’t know why he had to choose romantic comedy 3X. I miss him in a thriller. But I guess it will still be fun seeing him play a clumsy, cute character haha I read the character of Lee Da Hee and this fits her to a T. I can’t wait too see her martial art powerhouse and her snarky, verbal bites in action. She was so great in WWW search. The director and writer is also very promising, so I’m excited to watch.
Only God knows how much I want JCW back to thriller and action. Yet I support whatever genre or role he decides to take. Its obvious he is wandering outside his comfort zone. Taking risks. Trying new things only few dare to. I admire risk-taking spirit in people. The more the odds are against the risk turning to success, the more excited it’ll be. My brain secretes Dopamine when I see people like me.
jcw rocks thrillers
I heard he said that doing a lot actions hurt his body that’s why he is not doing any action dramas for now same as LMH, they want to take care of their health first.
As fans let’s support them in whatever drama they chose to star in
I’m not sure if doing romantic comedy three times in a row counts as going out of his comfort zone haha but I’m excited to see him act regardless. I hope convenience would be better than his last two dramas. He still rocks despite the horrific scripts.
@ Lee
Yes in that case it’s good that he take care of his health and avoid physically burdensome roles. When will writer KES cast him in a project?
Me too. I am dying to see JCW in action and thriller again. My ultimate dream is that he is willing to share male lead role with Seo In Guk in Smoking Gun, an upcoming MBC action thriller with NK and SK NIS theme. They are actually good friends in real life going to noraebangs (karaoke) together. No doubt singing each other’s songs. What a hoot. My two hotties together slugging it whether it’s singing, fighting using hapkido, boxing, mixed martial arts or wrestling. Which will never happen in real life, sigh.
i consider mms a huge risk. That drama could turn up to sth good or a flop,which it did. And SP was more of a criminal to me again and I liked that although it wasnt a hit.
And also here we go with CSSB, its not again a project u can say it’ll be a hit for sure, odds are working in his favor this time, they have good pd and quite good cast but the story is a risk to this project again.
He is not taking win-win projects.
@lee taemin @ady
i heard of the same thing for both JCW and LMH. Yet nothing matters more than their health condition to we fans of course. Lets keep supporting.
@kimchi ajumma
I admit Im dying too.lets just keep up thinking for his health.
I heard of the same thing for both LMH and JCW. Their health condition comes with first priority to we fans.
Lets just support their choice of projects.
it depends on point of view. Neither MMS nor CSSB a win-win project. MMS could turn to sth cool, the idea of story was intersting to me, drama could go with other funny situations rather than focusing on his relation with his ex. bad script ruined that in a way even JCWs acting skills couldnt fix it. and here we have CSST. Great pd and pretty good cast yet the story is a risk. Its not a project you can say it’ll be a hit for sure. I hope it will. Cant wait to watch him on screen.
waiting for KES to cast him too,I wonder when would that happen.
I see where you’re coming from, but you could say the same for almost any project. Nothing is guaranteed win-win with the exception of writer KES dramas , she’s the only one on a winning streak.
If he was to accept Luca instead, it would also be a risky gamble as well because sci-fi dramas/films are rare and the director of this drama even stated it will be the start of a new genre, a genre never seen before at least in Korea. The director might be acting hyperbolic but who knows haha
Yeah ur right. I see your point here.
Hope CSSB becomes a success for him.
kim rae won was my first korean actor whom i watched. That movie with moon young.He will always have special place inside me
Lee dahee finally become the main lead. Congratulation!
such actresses have to work so hard to earn lead roles. i respect them
Love Lee Da Hee, she is so cool in WWW. I will definitely tune in for sure.
Wow. Nice leads we have her.
LDH is a great actress. Very happy to see her in a lead role finally.
Did LUCA being mention before? ? i remember read about it with different cast somewhere else?
I love Lee Dahee so much. She’s charismatic and a pleasure to watch. Kim Raewon’s not on my radar at all but may be I’ll rediscover him in this.
hope he gets a hit
KIM RAE WON .. so excited to have him back in dramaland … been a fan since love story in harvard!! Now i am giving away my age ! LOL
so happy LEE DA HEE is finally getting to be in the spotlight.. she was indeed a delight in WWW as many has already voiced <3
KIM RAE WON .. so excited to have him back in dramaland … been a fan since love story in harvard!! Now i am giving away my age ! LOL
so happy LEE DA HEE is finally getting to be in the spotlight.. she was indeed a delight in WWW as many has already voiced <3
is that a good drama?
love story in harvard, well for the year it was airing , such stories were the norm and kim rae won and kim tae hee made a really good couple … give it a watch if you are running out of things to keep you going!!
i will highly recommend it just see how far and well the 2 actors have grown in their craft
Better casting since their height too is perfect.
I love both Kim Rae Won and Lee Da Hee! This is a casting that I would’ve never dared to dream of. Both charismatic and great at acting. Excited.
i do hope this drama becomes a hit. the premise of the story looks interesting.
Yesss, so happy Lee Da Hee gets to play the lead! She was great in Search WWW, like everyone has said. And Kim Rae Won’s a pretty solid veteran actor and an age-appropriate ML for her. I hope the writing turns out to be good.
Am so excited to see Kim Rae Won on screen again! Wish come TRUE. I am FAN of both Ji Chang Wook and Kim Rae Won, they both SUPERB. Best of Rae Won’s drama Doctors and Black Knight. He is SUPREME in acting. I beleive it’s gonna be a hit. Can’t wait?
Yes… I love Kim Rae Won esp. In Doctors watch it maybe 20x already and Black Knight.. I have long been waiting for Kim Rae Won to have another drama thriller or whatever.. He has such a great chemistry with Park Shin Hye.. In Doctors.. I have yet to see Lee Da Hee