
Song Joong Ki Seriously Considering tvN Drama Vincenzo with Reported Female Lead Jeon Yeo Bin — 43 Comments

  1. The plot sounds interesting. After seeing his performance in Arthdal. I can say that SJK is not only about baby face. He can play as Psycho character as Lord Saya in Arthdal. Give me plus point on his acting skill. So Im looking forward to see it

    • Ayy. He’s been “not just a babyface” ever since his performance as young King Sejong in Tree With Deep Roots back in 2011. It’s his post military performances that have been dud after dud.

      • Well, he first got my attention in SSKS then I saw him again in TWDR and I went, WOW! This young man really draws you in and the rest is history. I do hope he keeps moving forward.

    • The psycho Lord Saya is very fascinating, and I loove his portrayal of the young king Sejong in TWDR! The character description in this drama suits SJK so much, and yes, SIG too. Glad to see he gets more offers now. Good luck SJK

  2. Sounds like a part of it, at least the beginning, has to be filmed in Italy? How’re they going to do that with current issues but it being slated to air at the end of this year?

  3. Not so sure about this pairing. Female lead in only one lead role so far in drama. Really hope SJK can pull off the smooth operator, suave sophisticated Italian speaking Korean. Why do I feel that this role will suit SIG really well too? Don’t shoot me SJK fans. Just kidding. I can’t help it as SIG as Shopping King Louie can speak French, German, Spanish and Japanese in one scene. Anyways all cheers for SJK if it works out.

  4. So many dramas are lining up for 2020-21.i don’t why but l feel like kdrmas lost their touch in recent years.there are few good dramas.but lost the addiction in kdrama.i was someone who doesn’t liked chinese drama & said kdrmas are far better.but now i started to like them. I feel like something lost in kdrama.but now looking at line up in dramas & good casting, i think kdrmas are BacK to track.hope to see more actors who are in break come BacK.young actors/actress didnt captivating me. I don’t know why.May be iam wrong also??.

    • u are not wrong, I used to spend my time at soompi to share my thought on my favourite dramas, but now kdramas are simply unwatchable, a snore-fest at best.

    • @Smiley

      I feel the same way too. There’s a dearth of good k-dramas these days unlike their heyday a few years ago. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who share this sentiment. And yes, it is true that the C-ent have caught up. Up until a year and a half ago, I was an exclusive K-drama watcher. Sadly they began to pall, so I moved onto C-dramas. But they too also have their own issues (some are poor quality, and they regurgitate the same plot in multiple dramas), I’m getting tired of watching them, so I’m checking out the K-drama landscape once more. There have been a few gems lately like Itaewon Class, Hospital Playlist and I’m currently enjoying Its Ok To Not Be Okay. But I can’t help wishing there were more good k-dramas like the old days?.

      • @adal Could it possibly be your drama taste has changed? The gem dramas you listed are new gen, new type dramas which can’t be found in old kdramas. Older kdramss were mostly romance with a tsundere lead.

      • @Tan – It’s possible that my taste have changed over the years, or I could be more discerning, having watched dramas for years. I can easily spot what I don’t like by the second or third episode. So I drop dramas more easily. Btw – I was never a huge fan of the tsundere chaebol romance or revenge themed dramas.

      • @anon

        I tried to reply to your comment with a list of my favorites multiple times, but I guess my reply is getting blocked from this site. I don’t want you to feel that I ignored your question ?.

      • @anon
        Here’s me giving it one more shot….
        My taste is very eclectic. I like a well made drama, good acting with a good script. My favorites include: Heartless City, Father Is Strange, Five Children, Sassy Go Go, Misaeng, Playful KISS, 49 Days, Liar Game, Missing Noir, Queen In-hyun’s man, Six Flying Dragons, Kings2Heart, Signal, Stranger Forest, Just Between Lovers, Go Back Couple, Moon Embracing The Sun, Healer, Hello Monster, Faith, Romantic Teacher Dr Kim(2016), City Hunter, Mad Dog, Because it’s My First Life, Secret (2013), Kill Me Heal Me, Dream High 1, Flower Boy Band, Marriage Not Dating, My Ajusshi, Age of Youth (2016), The Three Musketeers (tVN), Goblin.

  5. I loved her so much in Be Melodramatic! She was my favourite character and her chemistry with the weird Son Seok Koo was great.

  6. Better put my lowest expectation, I was so hyped for Lee Min-ho drama, but it turned out to be a major disappointment and I’ve not finished watching the ‘king

    • It’s a major hit on Netflix the The King: Eternal Monarch like ridiculously major hit. Not a big fan of both LMH and KGE but they have hit with alot of audience and I would say majority on Netflix are massively into it. It could be top 5 biggest hit worldwide on Netflix this year and hack at this point it could be top 3 biggest show this year globally. It punched waaay over it’s capabilities

      • I was surprised to the magnitude it became a hit on netflix and I am still baffled. It truly punched 1000-times over it’s capabilities. majority of the westerns shows can’t even come near to it except the big once like Witcher, Money Heist, snowpiecere etc etc.

        I am team backstreet rookie and JCW fan I wish that my bias gets such a big hit on netflix and never seen a korean show ever perform on netflix like that and this is a first time and honestly nobody even believed Kdrama’s could perform like that on netflix until now

      • The thing with JCW is that he takes low-key scripts and not good at picking projects where as LMH is way better at doing that and even SJK is alot better and even KSH is not good at picking projects and I would LMH and SJK are the best at picking scripts

      • @healerites
        I used to be a huge (huge) fan of JCW. I watched most and liked all his pre MS drama Eempress Ki, Healer, the K2 and SP). I was amazed by his acting skills in these drama.
        but the thing is, I am slowly losing interest on him and his projects after his MS. It started with MMS. i had high hopes for MMS, but unfortunately it didnt deliver. . there was something off about this acting and of course the plot of the story.
        then come BSR, i attempted to watch but i dropped the drama for it’s not my CUP of tea- just not my cup of tea. i wont comment further on BR since it’s currently airing.

        tbh, Casting news about JCW did not excite me anymore.

        Though im no longer a fan of him, i still wish him the very best in his future projects and careeer.

        I sincery hope that he will remain popular and halyu star for the succeeding years to come.

      • What is the evidence of this? I haven’t seen anything released by Netflix showing rankings for The King.

      • @asdf

        Netflix has introduced daily ranking system for 190 countries around the globe. Fans can sort of know and have good indiction on before hand whether or not a show has become a hit or not on the platform. they know on before hand which countries it has become a hit on daily basis and how high the ranking is and then finally calculate the subscriber base of these countries and you look at for how long it has remained ranking high. It gives you a very solid indiction and estimation. All the hits have the same trajectory

      • Snowpiecere is another major hit it just bulldozed thru the rankings for quite awhile and just had a strong staying power

    • I am wondering why people are claiming it’s a big Netflix hit, how do you define huge Netflix hit cause I think you guys haven’t got a clue.

  7. He is cancelled. Sad I actually liked him in Nice guy, but idk his image is dropping low after the divorcee and the way he treat song hye kyo

    • Is it always necessary to bring his personal life when people are discussing about his works. And this is not the first time. I have seen many people unnecessarily bringing that issue in the last few posts about SJK’S career.

    • By ” cancelled ” you mean you or the korean government / netizen / citizens???
      I was scrolling the positive comment “only” about work(which is great,hardly find here about him,here) and expectations find reality, your one!!!LOL.

    • And there it is, that one miserable fan guy/ girl who can’t wait to talk about his divorce. At this rate, he may fall in love again, get married and have kids and you guys would still repeat this same shit.

  8. I don’t know if it’s just me, but none of these plots sound interesting. I dunno…of course it’s not possible for every plot to be the next Sky Castle or Misaeng or Mr Sunshine, but Korean Italian mobster? C’mon.

  9. WOW! Big admiration for PD Kim Hee Won, she’s IMO the most talented we’ve seen in the industry in a long time. Money Flower & The Crowned Clown both rare high quality shows. Scriptwriter also interesting – Fiery Priest & Good Manager both had thoughtful social commentary mixed with zany fun. Interesting to see how this will turn out. And Good to see SJK back!

    • From what i read from soompi. Vincenzo is korean man have a styled fashion in italia because he lived in Italian since he was 8 years old

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