Vincenzo So Popular in Japan Production is Holding Drama Showcase Next Month Alongside Two Other Dramas Start-Up and Why Secretary Kim

Vincenzo has been a big hit for tvN and also constantly ranked in the top lists for Netflix streaming whether worldwide during its run and definitely in the various Asian regions where even now a month later it’s still trending. I didn’t realize it was SO popular in Japan though, to the point that the production will be holding a drama showcase in Tokyo next month to present the drama, and will also present Start-up and Why Secretary Kim both of which were also big hits in Japan. It’s funny thinking of these three dramas lumped into the same drama showcase since it’s so different in genre but I can see why Japanese viewers love them because there is something that appeals to that audience base in each drama.

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I never understand the appeal of Why Secretary Kim at all. I can’t stand the FL who keeps saying about wanting to leave her job but treating the ML like the center of her universe. And by the end of 16 episodes, she does leave her job by getting herself elevated to become his wife. Still at the end, her life is all about him.
I agree. I thought it was cute watchable fluff but that’s it. The plot is so weak (the whole childhood swap story subplot and reveal was ridiculous). Japan has a huge hallyu appetite, and they went crazy over Crash Landing this past year with exhibits and everything so I get why they want to market other kdramas there as well. Vincenzo makes sense since it has great widespread appeal but Start Up and Secretary Kim? I don’t get how you lump these together.
Secretary kim got popular because park seo joon cool and charming?
I like their chemistry at first but it sort of fade halfway through the show then I stopped watching it. I don’t even know what was the point of the show on the second half anymore so I dropped it.
I *loathed* Secretary Kim for that reason. Rank misogyny to the very end. For me, The worst WTH headdesk moment came at the very end – AFTER they’re married, she doesn’t call him by his name, or use any endearment at all – she STILL calls him “boss” (or the equivalent thereof). I would have dropped that toxic turd if it had not been for some faves in supporting roles.
I hated it too, and I found PSJ and PMY chemistry to be overhyped cuz i thought it was a bit manufactured haha
She loved her job and was mostly “burned out” by constant work rather than not being happy. Burned out by debt they her family put her in and wanting to leave her job for marriage. And by the episode 16 she didn’t leave her job at all and still doing a job that she actually enjoys, which been shown numerous times. Never it was shown, that she ever hated her job. Contrary, she was always energized by being a professional on her field. The drama shows that if you’re good at your office job and actually like it, you don’t need to feel yourself obligated to do something “better” as people always try to push on office workers. She had her dreams, she achieved her dreams. Wanting to get married, finding an important person from your childhood, keeping a job that you actually enjoyed, but felt forced to leave and being free from family debt in a healthy way is not “about man”, but rather a real goals that everyone have in their lives to some degree.
The drama is around 3 years old and still has huge following, recognition and all type of people with all type of k-dramas enjoy it. I can say only… deal with it.
Also P.S. but belittling women who marry and leave their jobs is a no-no in any way.
There will be the actors, PD and writer?
It’s interesting to hear the actors to talk about their work like that. They did for Extraordinary You after one year.
Secretary Kim is a 3 year old drama and still getting a showcase? Wow.
I can definitely see the appeal of Vincenzo for the Japanese market, it’s similar in spirit to dramas like Hanzawa Naoki (which is really good btw, I 10/10 recommend).