
MBN Sageuk Bossam: Stealing Fate Ends with Network Record High 9.769% Ratings as Jung Il Woo, Yuri, and Shin Hyun Soo Bask in the Deserved Success — 23 Comments

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  2. Loved this show, but have to admit that it was better before the politics took over. I wish there were more sageuks showing humans and their daily struggles away from palace intrigues.

    As for Yuri, she was brilliant! But can I just point out that this drama’s PD is Kwon Seok-Jang. He does some weird magic with his actors, he even made Lee Yeon Hee shine in Miss Korea.

    • Actually hesitant to continue cuz the politics were very draggy and I wanted more Bawoo and Sookyung scenes together. I loved Yuri in this and looking forward to her next project, but i’ll just watch clips here and there haha

  3. The cast deserved the ratings but the drama itself didn’t. It dragged and the politics was dreadfully boring. Most of the characters didn’t make sense and wasn’t developed properly. I give it a generous 3/10 A juvenile drama in and out. Romance was pitiful. I see more natural romance in family friendly shows than this drama. Drama was supposed to be women empowerment, we saw almost none of that. I’m really surprised koala like this drama as much as she does, but it’s her opinion haha

    • Still a far superior sageuk and way more highly-rated than that mediocre flop river whose myriad flaws you tightly shut your eyes to and praised to the skies just because it starred your idol. Deal with it. ?

      • Certainly a far more adult drama. What is the rating again? 8.3% and 7.3% for in the last episode…and mature romance does not equal pitiful romance (you can have many on-screen kisses yet not many koreans love them).

      • In my opinion despite its flaws, RWTMR is indeed the far superior drama in every way ❤️

      • I agree Catherine, lack of kissing scenes does not solely define a mature romance but the thing is that there was barely any romance. No natural build-up. Somehow they gotten together. No confessions. Marriage just happened right away when she wanted to share the same room haha. They had some longing looks but besides that, that’s all. Barely any love scenes, mostly “I miss you.”

      • It has no actor that attracts controversies…and most grown-up/traditional saeguks have politics in them. And if it has little chemistry or that weak a romance, the rating will not grow from episode to episode. Plus, it has poor writing, directing and editing as well.

      • I agree, every historical has politics, but how much is the underlying point and if it’s presented in an interesting way.

        I respect your opinion although I disagree ?

    • Well we can all agree to disagree but I am totally the opposite in my view.

      It was a mature, well-acted drama with characters who had defining developments over the course of the 20 episodes. It was a mature response and frankly that makes sense given the history of our pair – and whilst I do like a nice kiss between couples, I think the relationship was much stronger through the looks they gave each other and what they said to each other.

      One of my favourite sageuks of recent times – and I can’t wait to see more of this cast and production team.

      Finally – great soundtrack.

      • Thank you for sharing your perspective ?

        I think we can both agree the soundtrack is phenomenal ❤️

      • Great. I agree. Chadol actor is very good also. But his scenes became few toward the end. Im wondering why the 2 leads did not kiss when there had been moments when it wss natural to do so.

      • I saw conjectures of people saying that perhaps one of them is dating in real life and they didn’t want to upset their partner

  4. Pingback:MBN Sageuk Bossam: Stealing Fate Ends with Network Record High 9.769% Ratings as Jung Il Woo, Yuri, and Shin Hyun Soo Bask in the Deserved Success – SanIsidro

  5. The first half was good and promising but the second was just dreadfully boring. I thought it was going to be more focused on the human side and how they get to be a strong family with of course more romance but we got almost none of that…Couldn’t go beyond the 14 episodes.

  6. Great. I agree. Chadol actor is very good also. But his scenes became few toward the end. Im wondering why the 2 leads did not kiss when there had been moments when it wss natural to do so.

  7. Good stars but then it crumbled. Political schemes ruined it. The Princess’s Man is still my all time favorite sageuk !

  8. Why should viewers ask for more kissing scenes in romance? Mere glances, sweet hugs, deeds and words, sincerety and respect with each other make the drama very enticing. I followed it through the end as I really loved watching historical ones. Lately, most dramas do have similar plots with too much use of phones, kisses and same old dragging talk.

  9. Very happy for their local success but I thought the drama was okay okay. I did enjoy it but its not something i’ll rewatch nor recommend. They could have chosed to focus on either the romance or the politics but they did neither. so sorry but i did get bored on some episodes. hahaha

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