
K-viewers Appalled by MBC Coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony with Offensive Stereotype Pictures of Certain Countries Including a Picture of Chernobyl Disaster When the Ukraine Team Paraded — 16 Comments

  1. Pingback:K-viewers Appalled by MBC Coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony with Offensive Stereotype Pictures of Certain Countries Including a Picture of Chernobyl Disaster When the Ukraine Team Paraded - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  2. Apparently they also had a picture of Dracula for Team Romania and as hilarious as that is, the tone-deaf ones (ie. Syria, Ukraine) severely negate its comedic effect. The graphic designer and MBC in general need to be sued at this point.

  3. Kinda want to see the faces behind that major blunder by a big SKorean TV network. I mean how weird was that in this digital age where all they needed to do was research properly. It was like an SNL sketch to be honest lol.

    • Some K-viewers might indeed be appalled but I also saw too many comments of K-viewers condoning and laughing at this effrontery.

    • You do realize right? That “K-viewers” aren’t just oh, I dunno, 10k ppl you see commenting on YouTube? It’s a nation so yeah, there are people enraged as much as there are laughing over it.

      Dunno about the blogger, but you are naive to be asking that question ?

  4. The country with Bitcoin is El Salvador, not Ecuador.

    I find it laughable that MBC really exerted so much effort to be offensive to multiple countries. Like, they could have skipped the annotations because no one is expecting to learn geography factoids from a sports event.

  5. I am so DONE with SK and their constant mockery and disrespect to other countries and cultures. And the dumb excuse they gave in their half-assed apology? Imagine the uproar from their end if a foreign media had used images of suicide or ‘molka’ spycams to represent their country. This is beyond repugnant.

    • Apparently, this wasn’t MBC’s first rodeo. I read that for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, they introduced Cayman Islands as “famous as a tax haven for establishing offshore funds.” Chad was “the dead heart of Africa” and Zimbabwe had “murderous inflation.” They were supposedly cautioned by Korea Communications Standards Commission. But it clearly didn’t stick. Smh.

      • It’s all that nationalistic nonsense. I heard they were flippant in how they introduced other Asian countries too. And did you hear that xenophobic drivel spewed by that politician? Who the hell do they think they are anyway?

  6. A member of SK soccer team snubbed a handshake from NZ player SK lost to NZ in an Olympic soccer match. May have been covid but everyone else was shaking hands & hugging. Lol. You always have one person that messed things up or embarrassed the country.

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