
China’s Tightening of Citizenship Starts as HK-actor Nicholas Tse Applied to Relinquish His Dual Citizenship with Canada and Same with Young Actor Chen Fei Yu With His US Citizenship to Continue Working in China — 18 Comments

  1. Pingback:China’s Tightening of Citizenship Starts as HK-actor Nicholas Tse Applied to Relinquish His Dual Citizenship with Canada and Same with Young Actor Chen Fei Yu With His US Citizenship to Continue Working in China - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  2. Does this means actors and idols can’t endorse in China? BP have a ton of Chinese endorsements and JJH too. Recently SYJ and KYD appeared in Chinese magazines.

  3. I wouldn’t choose the Chinese one… I would prefer leave this country and live free. I understand it’s hard to leave your country but when the goverment chooses weird laws, I will be scared for the future.

    • They will definitely choose China cos its chinese money everywhere. Plus, i don thk Nic Tse can make that much money if he works elsewhere. HK cinema is basically dead and HK already handed back to China. He does not have Hollywood career too.

      • Yeah, but isn’t Nic Tse rich enough? He is settled for the next generations. But to be fair to him, as long as you do not walk the wrong path (raping underaged girls) and suck up to the CCP/stay out of politics, I do not think it is really a disadvantage for him. If he is loyal to mainland China (which he shows through this action), he will be put on a pedestal. He will be opposite of Vicky Zhao or Kris Wu. He will be considered a national hero and poster boy by the CCP (even though they said that people should not idolise famous people). Now he should hope that the leadership never changes, because then he should do a runner…

    • Well, freedom is nothing when you have to go hungry. As long as you are behave and follow the laws of the country, you are good to go. This principle applies in every corner of the world.

      • Although I had to admit China is scary but it is what it is. You live in the country so no matter what you have to obey its laws and principles.

      • The problem is the country changing its rules on a whim…hard for anyone to keep up.

        But yeah, supposed freedom is no use if you’re poor in a country with no chance of earning money. Poverty is a trap too.

  4. What does this mean for ethnic Chinese entertainers from the South East Asia region? Many also head towards China as it is lucrative and much bigger pool than their own countries.

  5. I hope Nic Tse the best. Love him just as I love Vicki Zhao. I was sadden because of what happened to Zhao Wei so hopefully Nic is fine.

  6. Pingback:China’s Tightening of Citizenship Starts as HK-actor Nicholas Tse Applied to Relinquish His Dual Citizenship with Canada and Same with Young Actor Chen Fei Yu With His US Citizenship to Continue Working in China – SanIsidro

  7. Omg China is getting crazy scary as time goes. The actors that I really love, and to think they will all be gone from the C-entertainment is heart broken. I love Vicki Zhao, Nicky Wu, Nicholas Tse, Louis Koo, Donnie Yen, Jet Li, Jacky Chen, Athena Chu, Stephen Chow, and Jessica Husan. First is Zhao Wei and wondering who’s next. Nic is now on the radar. Scary is all I can say.

  8. Honestly what has transpired recently just gives me chills. The implications on the landslide that could avalanche with foreign relations alone and to be honest LBGTQ+ acceptance within the global community – it feels like the tip of the iceberg.

  9. Damn…if only America or Canada did this…if you ain’t American or Candaian citizens, don’t think you can buy properties or do business there.

  10. Lots of chatter about this rumored rule coming down. This one is confusing. If the gov really wanted to ensure citizenship purity, they should start with the Politburo itself. Every political elite and their extended families have backup foreign passports. It’s easy for this rule to come back and bite them when people start asking questions.

    I guess one loophole out of this for celebs is to go for permanent residency instead of citizenship.

    This rule is more troubling for broader implications that go beyond c-ent. Today it’s c-ent, tmrw what industries will it be?

  11. I’m confused as to why everyone is surprised?
    Dual citizenship was never allowed in China, and Nicholas has barely came back to Canada ever since he (& Tablo from Epik High) was kicked out of Highschool for fighting a racist classmate who kept picking on Tablo lol

    Since then, he’s always been working within China/Hong Kong so it makes no sense he’s going to keep his Canadian citizenship. His long-time partner Faye Wong has been living in Beijing for many years so maybe marriage is a possibility between the two?

  12. It’s for money reasons obviously. Plus once they’ve earned enough they can do a Gong Li and become Singaporean (or any other nationality). They have plenty of ways out.

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