Jirisan Episode 4 Jumps Back to 9.384% Rating and Better Yet Audience Reviews are Positive and Say This Should Have Been Episode 1 as the Directing Problems are Gone and the Script is Tight

This has been a see-saw weekend for tvN weekend drama Jirisan (Mount Jiri) so it’s once again hard to see where this drama is headed for the long run in terms of ratings and audience reception. This Sunday’s episode 4 brought in an increase to 9.384% ratings which isn’t as high as the breaking 10% episode 2 but the better news for this drama is that the complaints in the first three episodes appear to be addressed. I don’t know if the production team has been editing like mad all week to change things or it was always going to get better, but K-netz are saying that the directing is much improved, the OST got better, and the script is really good now. Majority feedback is that this is the first episode that flowed well and kept the attention the entire way through. Some viewers are even saying this should have been the first episode which probably means the quality in this episode should have been there from the beginning, This bodes well and let’s see where things go next week.

So the pattern is it’ll go down every Sat and rise every Sun? Let’s see how much the ratings see saw in the future.
the first 5 minutes is the light bulb moment..
That is expected. Sunday episodes do not have to compete with the Friday-Saturday dramas of SBS and MBC. That is also the reason why the Friday episodes of One the Woman tend to do better.
That’s the way it usually goes for tvN Saturday/Sunday dramas.
That has been the trend with a lot of weekend dramas lately.
People should stop focusing about ratings. If, for you, the story is good, the drama is entertaining, what’s the problem with ratings? Often haters gleefully watch when their hated drama’s ratings are bad, and fans over worrying about their favorite drama that they lose focus on the drama itself. Just enjoy the drama, people.
Honestly most dramas I’ve watched are mediocre ratings, even some were low. But nevertheless I really enjoy them and for me they are great dramas. As for dramas that I found not good, boring, etc, I just simply didn’t continue watching it.
At first I can’t wait for Jirisan because I want to see Ju Ji Hoon. But then there was superb cast, good writer, and famous director. Sure, stellar cast, writer and director, big budget, can’t guarantee it’s success. But so far to ep4, I still find it really good, overall. Can’t wait to see next episode.
Not basing my opinion on the way ratings swings. When episodes goes up or down doesn’t mean the quality suddenly changed for good or worse. I just feel like the overall production is a mess despite whatever ratings it’s getting. From silly script (really surprisingly bad, considering who is the writer), so-so acting with off chemistry between the leads even when they simply talk with each other and uncoordinated directing, that washes off any interesting aspects of the drama itself. And no, I don’t need to hold a bachelor degree in filmography, directing or screenwriting to form my own opinion about a TV lol. The drama was made for average viewers, so any of them can and should form their own opinion. I understand, that a lot of work probably was poured into production by many people, but results are meh. Sometimes it happens. Good luck to everyone involved in their next projects, but I’m done with episode four.
The fact still remains K audiences said Honey Lee > Jun Ji Hyun so we can see where the trend is going. Its performance over star power.
‘I don’t need to hold a bachelor degree in filmography, directing or screenwriting to form my own opinion about a TV’ This honestly.
It boggles me when fans of a certain show or celebrity come at me when I express my dissatisfaction with their work by saying I do not hold the credentials to have an opinion. It’s a TV show, it’s obviously made for mass consumption, why do I need to be a certified critic to criticize certain aspects which I find lacking?
The way kdrama stans change their minds like sheeps because of Korean ajumma crowd’s television watching habits is literally embarrassing.
I found all episodes so far decent and a bit of suspenseful thrill, no horror. I cast to my TV so episode 3 wasn’t too dark with normal brightness, as I read in the comments. Maybe because I watched with lights off. I saw the face the first time it appeared in the 1st week and then the story gave hint to it as well. Time jumps also doesn’t bother me. Maybe because there is almost always flashbacks in kdramas. They are moving the old storyline parallel to the recent timeline so there are a quite few of it starting from 2nd episode. Special Effects could have been better but its not the worst.
The trailer clearly also talked about a murderer in the mountain so it was expected. All in all, I am not disappointed.
I found all episodes so far decent woth a bit of suspenseful thrill, no horror.
I cast to my TV so episode 3 wasn’t too dark with normal brightness, as I read in the comments. Maybe because I watched with lights off. I saw the face the first time it appeared in the 1st week and then the story gave hint to it as well. Time jumps also doesn’t bother me. Maybe because there is almost always flashbacks in kdramas. They are moving the old storyline parallel to the recent one so there are a quite few of it starting from 2nd episode. Special Effects could have been better but its not the worst.
The trailer clearly also talked about a murderer in the mountain so it was expected. All in all, I am not disappointed.
So far, while I do think the storyline is picking up and the cinematography is getting better (closer to normal at least), it’s the acting that is holding me back from truly enjoying this show. Let’s be honest, Jun Ji Hyun’s biggest works of her 20+ years career are romcoms/comedies. My Sassy Girl, YWCFTS are romcoms. The Thieves is a comedy. Some of her heavier works do well like Berlin and Assassination, but they have an all-star ensemble cast who pretty much carried her throughout. Her forte lies in the romcom/comedy genre and it really shows with how limited her acting is in Jirisan.
I love Ju Ji Hoon to bits, but the lack of onscreen chemistry, coupled with Jun Ji Hyun’s diction and his weird breathing at the end of every sentence is too distracting to really focus on the story.
I might give it another week to see if I wanna continue, but so far, the vast improvements are still marred by mediocre acting from the leads and unless something radically changes for the better, I don’t think I will continue with the show.
Eu particularmente como uma simples telespectadora estou gostando do drama,mais enfim eu não ganho pra fazer críticas. A quem viva disso. O drama tem prendido minha atenção,isso etc que realmente levo em conta. Claro que estou anciosa para ouvir JIN (BTS) cantando afinal nós ARMYS esperamos por esse momento.
I know might be Jun Ji Hoon arc as of now is non existent… But can she bother to emote ?
Your comment made me laugh because it is so true. I wonder why. Too much botox?
I don’t know, maybe you are right. She is trying to look pretty so she doesn’t bother to emote.
she basically outacted by everybody.
Ju Ji Hoon as in “he” or Jun Ji Hyun as in “she”? Don’t mean to sound rude, but I noticed many kdrama fans often get these pronouns mixed up.
@um : Jeon Ji Hyun off course… JJH at least he bother to act. meanwhile Jeon Ji Hyun most often she is like in another dimension. her eyes looks bland.