SBS Fri-Sat Romance Drama Now, We are Breaking Up Drops to New Low Ratings of 4.2% in Episode 14 as Viewers Complain that the OTP Gets Little Together Screen Time Each Episode
It’s nearing the end of the run for SBS drama Now, We are Breaking Up and at this point I’m just wondering how much lower the ratings will go. It dropped to 4.2% for the most recent episode 14 that aired on Saturday but last week’s episode 13 already went into that territory with 4.9%. For those still watching, is there anything interesting that I should check back in for? I hear complaints that there is too little OTP screen time together and that’s a huge death knell for a romance drama, and for this drama in particular since there isn’t even a conflict that is compelling keeping them apart. I’m genuinely bummed for leads Song Hye Kyo and Jang Ki Yong, on paper they don’t seem like a mismatch but this drama hasn’t brought out the best in them.

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Only pics or is my phone glitching?
Same for me. But anyway this drama is sinking faster than the Titanic. Compare to TRS without much hype and less star power doing 17% and we see at the end of the day what matters is a good story and good acting that draws people in. Pretty people isn’t enough.
I think this is the lowest ever for SBS drama ever since they change to Fri-Sat slot. If I am not wrong, since it started, all drama in the time slot have double digit ratings.
Backstreet rookie epi 2 had 3.7 and 6.8 for its 2 parts. So if we take the total avg for these 2 parts , it’s bigger than 4.2. i guess u are right.
Fly From Rags to Riches’ lowest-rated episode scored 3.5% and 4.6% for its two parts, or an average of 4.1%. That’s lower than Now, We Are Breaking Up. In any case, it may possibly stop sliding now that Red Sleeve has ended, Tracer does not look like a ratings magnet, and neither Snowdrop nor Bad and Crazy are doing particularly well.
Taejong might be the rating magnet now that Red Sleeve is over. It has now broke into 10% mark.
Taejong airs on Sat -Sun time slot. So epi 15 of Now we are breaking up doesn’t have much competition..And the finale ratings always rise so @dakchig is right. It won’t slip further.
Because of Red Sleeve back to back episodes which went past 1: am, ratings of all other dramas in that time slot took a dip . So it’s understandable.
It’s not right to compare with the ratings from a decade ago. But numerically, Now we are breaking up is song hye kyo’s lowest rated drama surpassing world’s within which had its Lowest rating at 4.8 pc .
Atp jang ki Yong seems like he has extreme bad luck. Even song hye can’t help his dramas from flopping.
Uncle and Taejong managed to increase their ratings.
Uncle’s ratings did increase but it airs around 40 mins earlier than red sleeves.
As for taejong. This one had a slight increase from previous episode but that’s because last week that trot guy Lim Young Woong had a special show on kbs which took away most of the viewers. Thus Epi 6 had only 6.7.
Epi 7 rating is 7. 4 which is still the second lowest. So red sleeve indeed took away some viewers.
JKY doesnt have bad luck. This drama is a mixture poor script, poor directing, and poor leads. What other reason is there to watch it? Viewers have already evolved and we dont tolerate a drama just for the pretty faces anymore. The only shortcoming JKY had is that he lacked the experience to hard-carry a stiff veteran actress like SHK who has only depended on her co-stars in her whole career.
Agree with you abt SHk wooden acting not te mention the slow story, the voice over and her blinking all the time , seems all calculated.
I saw last time on good data ( korean drama ratings that nwbu reach 3.2% ) hm wonder how they did the calculation
The ratings are lower than world’s within ??. Jang ki Yong this man is cursed.
Why are you blaming JKY for NWABU’s failure? This was SHK’s comeback project and she shoulders it. JKY is mediocre here, but he doesn’t have much to work with and his character is a weird one.
The worst thing about this drama is by far the script, followed by SHK’s acting. No one could’ve saved NWABU from these two things.
Shk acting here is fit for HYE. The love for historical fictional dramas are what Koreans want. If you had watched it(NWABU) from start to episode 14 you will know how great SHK and her other co stars. And she’s not dependent on her what you said she is SHK. She has what it takes to be an over celebrity many love. From being a great actress, model and person with a heart…International phenomenon of NWABU is known by Korea and a hater like you so stop bad mouthing the drama
How is sbs feeling right now knowing they paid shk the biggest check just to get the lowest ratings and worst reviews from her drama? Do they wish they gave it to kim soyeon honey lee and lee jehoon who gave them two digit ratings instead? Wake up sbs. Nothing can conceal bad acting and script anymore no matter how much mediaplay or ppl you do. Nwbu started with ratings ahead of trsc and look at them now they ended with 17% while nwbu keeps getting lower ending the reign of sbs in the friday saturday dramas. A good lesson to invest in better actors and script next time
Let’s just hope Glory will be better. I’m not worried about SHK. The fashion industry will take care of her. It’s all about money.
lol yaa true.. i think she does better in magazines n endorsements rather than acting..
Wow how could you say that?. Advertisers are part of it so SBS still has a gain. Do you have the numbers of their losses? Do you think they don’t have share for international rights of NWABU. Clapping so hard if you can give me the number of their losses
Lol when the drama is so poorly written with tones of unnecessary scenes that shouldn’t need to be shown. And you are here talking about finding who is well suited to play as lead. Pretty interesting! You should wake up and re-read you post. Hella stupid.
It does deserve the bad script, goes nowhere plot comments, which all the eye-candy OTP does little to save.
BUT there are other redeeming features which keep me on – although I click on Red-Sleeve first, or another Cdrama which aired on wkends until it ended (Delicious Romance)
The 3 friends. Esp her reed-thin model friend. I have cried for her worries even as I applaud her wisdom and astute abilities to be perceptive to her 2 friends’ problems.
I teared yesterday for her selflessness to look out for her family … and be so magnanimous in making sure subtly checking out her target, sussing her out to her husband-kiddo will be looked after but someone she can trust-rely on. Once the inevitable happens, and she moves on.
SHG’s parents – mom.
This goes beyond a pretty OTP eye candy romance – and I have been partial to JKY eversince Search WWW (which I enjoyed way better than the Hyeri one)
delicious romance is gold!
@jusash – +1 to the 爱很美味/Delicious Romance mention! C-dramas have been uninspiring as of late, but Delicious Romance is a delight. The meta drama-within-a-drama scenes had me laughing aloud.
It would be much nicee if they could have slaped his mother and the sis in law out of the drama … or his brother as well (overkill repeating over and over his car accelerating and skidding)
For. Me actors are good, it’s the story that brings Bout the situation.. NWRBU presents choices with traditional concepts of children affected by parental interference. Does it happen in real life, yes it does. Especially so when love of work and ambitions are prioritized more than relationship. It is also impt. To note for mature audience that not all love stories ends with a happy plot.
Next week will going down to 3% rating and for Jan ki young it’s was 6 lead role so far. I don’t know who his sponsor or maybe he has powerful backup so he keep getting lead role after so many flop back to back. And for song hye kyo this was most disaster drama after world within.
It’s the bad script and directing and how they characterised the characters , it feels so outdated like romance from 10-15 years ago
SHK and JKY have pretty good chemistry but even that can’t save this drama
I’m expecting a happy ending
Ike most regular rom-coms where the near- ending is a short break up then they get back together and live happily ever after.Most of them has a death, kidnapping, or going abroad for a while and then reunite as this story is like a common one.
The first thing I noticed was the drama introduced as an Extreme Romance. Considering their age gap I wondered if that alone was meant to attract curiosity or a turn off. While families are staying home most parents may not consider recommending it to the younger ones…maybe I’m wrong
Let’s just hope Glory will be better. I’m not worried about SHK. The fashion industry will take care of her. It’s all about money.
Whatever bashings and hates, I love the drama. And please, stop blaming JKY and telling he is cursed. How can one be so rude to JKY. You just don’t understand the drama.Poor ratings? Only in Korea.Good lead actors and all the cast…Thanks Team NWABU for making a good drama!
Obrigada ? pela atenção com drama maravilhoso e realista. Os atores não são culpados, roteiro já vem pronto. Amo todos do NWABU, vejo sim falta de investir no drama como tempo e espaço. Não foi o pior do mundo, porque os famosos também fracassaram na audiência que dia O Rei Eterno. Penso que todos deram o melhor deles no drama, e eles não foram escalados pela beleza e sim pelo profissionalismo. O público da Coréia do Sul parece não dar valor seus atores. No mundo o drama NWABU faz sucesso. Sou Brasil e está no top 10 viki desde que começou e no viu dos países asiáticos.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Son otros los factores que han bajado la calificación. El drama es maduro, los actores Excelentes y Song Hye Kyo es una actriz que logra transmitir exactamente el guión. Qué competencia tan anticuada y estresante de vive en ese país por Dios!!!
I already guessed even before the drama starts that if this didn’t become a hit, JKY will be the one blamed.
He really should not have been cast just for his visual. His acting depth is still lacking. In Gumiho it is alright since it is a comedy. Plus he and Hyeri looked good together.
To be honest, it would have been a better watch if this was an ensemble drama with two other leads who could carry the show. Sometimes the OTP romance simply lacks the sizzle, there should be other elements to make the story interesting to watch.
Parents interfering with their adult offspring’s relationships is just too boring.
Someone blamed SHK since she is the star. They are right, but why is no one blaming the writer for coming up with this kind of story?
If PBG or some other A lister was the lead here I don’t think it would do well either.
Jeon Do Yeon drama did have low ratings as well but the acting wasn’t criticized, just that the story was too depressing.
I don’t know who managed to make SHK’s mind to change when she already turned it down. She should have just signed for The Glory.
Would like to add that maybe SBS should have cut NWABU to 12 episodes and ended it there. There is really no point if they were giving the OTP little screen time together.
Just like a hit project enhances your brand, a flop one tarnishes it also. Especially when you are considered as one of the biggest reasons it flopped. Shk now has a widespread rep of being a mediocre actress at best and one who cannot act at all at worst.
She has been depending on her popular leading men all these years. Take those away and we have the flop that is nwbu.
Plus she can’t use her goddess visual card for much longer. She looked every bit of 40 and even older on nwbu. People now have clear evidence that her cf photos are photoshopped to death.
You’re one funny SHK keyboard graduating acting experts. You hate SHK to the point where you only see her with photoshop touch up. Proven you blind AF. Everyone in the industry relay on photoshops to look decent especiallyat the age of 40 and up… Let me fill in some more because you forgot to mention SHK has some plastic surgery touch up along with botox. Everyone in the industry has plastic surgery done and botox.
NWABU conveys a breaking up/separation/farewell from a situation between married couples, intimate friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, employer/employee is full of imperfections…it is how we responsibly face it that counts eventually.the casts and everybody did their best.kudos to you for viewers with profound comprehension.cheer up Hye kyo and ki yong, director, writer, etc.God bless us all.
Johna Seballa, estoy muy de acuerdo contigo. Es un bonito drama para personas inteligentes y quizás con experiencia ya en la vida. Es verdad que transmite emociones fuertes, pero en Corea todavía viven del ratings y una stressante competencia priorizando en ocasiones dramas violentos y verdaderamente estúpidos e irreales
A star like JKY,he presents himself well in any genre be it romance, action,fantasy. Not only a versatile actor, he sings, raps and model (ah! that is his ‘crown’)
would say, he’s a Director seek for as his performance is nothing short of excellencies!
In any show, be it in dramas, movies are influenced by every aspect of viewers where ample of comments and criticisms shooting like comets. Considering this,we are spoilt for choices whether in bad rating or good rating but personally, I am enjoying everything about it!
so, kdrama…kudos! keep reeling, saranghae!
very agree. his acting is so excellent. not to mention his multi-faceted facial expressions they literally give me goose bumps. he’s multi-talented, extremely hot and chemistry king. he slays it every time. every director and writer muse and inspiration. hwaiting oppa.
JKY cannot act. His voice is just dead tone. Emotionless. It fits the Gumiho character..but listening to it makes me feel bored, I’d rather watch something else.
Shk now has a widespread reputation as a mediocre actress. Not a good look
At least now, the bar is set much lower in terms of her acting. How much lower? Needs a back hoe to dig deeper to put the bar. People won’t expect much from her, In her next drama, if we see even a little bit of expression and movement on her upper face area, that’s already a big improvement.
Beauty can get you far, but it has its limits too. All the best to her.
You change your name just to talk low on SHK. Show what kind of person your are. I don’t think SHK give a F… about being a mediocre actress. She doing what she like and the fact that she has YAI one of Korean best actors as a friend. It’s not hard to asked for acting tips. She could easy play with him instead of playing with all these other actors.
I’m wondering how did this story manage to get the go ahead from the production company, the nod from the lead actors, as well as the stamp from SBS to even put it in its best timeslot. It’s not that the actors are completely innocent (the acting does sick), but when you have a story as outdated and plotless as this there’s not much one can do.
Song hye-gyo is queen of media play. She thought people will be intrigued about the breaking up title and story because of her divorce. You see her fans call this her healing drama because she relates to it and wanted to use the buzz from her real life story. Her agency even co produced it and everyone know they are great with pr.
You seem to know SHK personally. Why do people think it’s alright to talk so much trash about another woman just like them. An honest fact is she has dumb and delusional fans but they are probably not as dumb as you and those others who think it’s okay to insult her. Her divorce has nothing to do with this drama or Encounter. Everyone goes through a hardship in their life but you are indeed a very shallow person. What the F! does this drama has to do with her personal life? You really are dumb because every drama has to have a hype in order for it to attract attention.
The drama really is a failure, such a waste. The plot is so flat even from early episode. Do the writer expects viewers to keep on watching without that much development on the plot and characters? Not the best act from SHK and JKY either but still i don’t think any actor can safe this drama from flop. SHK shouldn’t have accept this mediocre drama at all. I don’t know what make her change her mind because i thought she rejected it at first. Maybe she intended to take light project before The Glory.
World Within suffered from low rating too but that drama is so underrated for me. All the cast is great especially the seniors actor. Rating alone didn’t defined how great the drama is to be fair.
JKY is good in Gumiho,i can say he have potential. Maybe he suit more with romcom and action. To be good in certain genre only is not a crime. Many actor even in Hollywood only do genre fit them best so ya im looking forward for his next project after enlistment.
Well I know Song Hye Kyo is not the best but she after watching this drama for a few eps, she really sucks at acting.
She just basically stands there trying to look pretty thorough the entire drama ( weirdly she has too mich botox). She talks like she is a robot reading her script.
She never wants to challenge herself as an actress. She only cares about looking pretty on screen unlike Gong Hyo Jin who is well known to not care about how she looks as long as she is portraying her role perfectly.
Most Song Hye Kyo drama’s really rely on her male lead. Now she has another kim eun sook drama…gonna skip it for sure.
Lol then dont watch it if you hate her so much. She great in TWTWB with JIS give credit where its due not all her drama just rely on her ML.
Actually, it’s true. That was JIS. She always get good actor (at least than her) as male lead,there’s no lie.
And ppl like her acting (including me) there only because she(her character) was blind, she need blank stare,she had it from the start, so she succeed. I was a newbie kdrama watcher then, so I thought she was at her best in that drama. But,years later and now, I can really feel the emptiness in her as an actress with 25+ experience.
Why do you think it’s hate? Once , after all the hypes of this drama after second ep. I wrote that “her acting was meh”so i drop it suddenly i got attacked from her fans saying i have no brains and all the names calling, ? i mean Its like we are not entitle to give our opinions cause we dont like her acting.
I agree even Lee Young Ae wasn’t afraid to look totally deranged in her comeback drama. And it didn’t make her any less beautiful.
I really liked this drama for FL and ML through ep 10. I will probably still go back and rewatch their scenes. But even me, the script has just gotten downright dull. So I can completely understand the low ratings. Practically nothing is happening to move the story, except in circles and it’s a quick way to lose viewers.
This drama well defines the English terms “Wishy-washy” and “Fickle-headed”. Every episode is about deciding on the best time to break up. Gosh, even the most patient person will smash a glass for hanging on. I did not watch ep 12 & 13, only to come back to ep 14 to see what’s happening… but sadly NOTHING! Guess I will skip ep 15. Probably watch the last two minutes of ep 16 to see if the FL & ML will decide to stay or break. All other characters are annoying especially the omega hairstyle with bright red lips and fake smile. SHK’s acting is bland, she delivers her dialogue without (or maybe cannot) moving her cheeks. JKY still needs lots of refinement in his emotions, many tearing scenes are not convincing (definitely cannot be compared to Junho in Red Sleeve). This drama deserves low rating.
and.. did u watch it? The comment abt this drama is more entertaining than the drama itself???
This drama has such a poor storyline so I don’t think anyone can save it from receiving low rating. It is what it is but so many drama acting experts here think they know so much about the acting field. They think they can just throw in any actors and boom the drama will become a super hit for SBS. Please give me a break! I’m getting a headache from reading all these criticism from these graduating acting experts. ? I have seen so many acclaimed actors with big flop drama because of the bad script but I guess these keyboard graduating experts are too smart to see any of them. Only SHK is bad and is production killer. I remember another actress who also received the same dreadful treatment from the acting experts in this blogging a while back. If I’m not mistaken it’s actress Han Ji Min since that horrible fail drama Hyde Jekyll, Me.
Year ending, no one like to break up ?.
Name caused negative thoughts among viewers.
Further in each episode main character share less then 10 minutes scree together. Lol.
It’s the director’s fault they have a really good actors but the flow of the story is sooo boring