
Lee Min Ho Brings Back Shades of Glorious Gu Jun Pyo in New Messy Hair Pictorial — 45 Comments

  1. I have a bad feeling about this year. Watching Pachinko will bring back all the horrific memories of the WW2 Japan invasion of Asia. With a real war happening in Europe now, will Kim Jong Un nuke SK and China invade Taiwan? So far all the West does is talk about sanctions. They never worked to stop both world wars.

  2. I made a cheeky remark last year that US version of CLOY should be set in Ukraine in Donbass region with a Russian operative falling in love with a Ukrainian oil heiress. What do you know, actual war has begun there. Buckle up peeps, the world is going get a lot darker in the next few weeks and months. My next guess is Iran going to hit Israel from the north with Russian troops already in Syria coming from the east. China will be emboldened to take TW since no one in the west is doing anything to stop Putin in EU. As for SK, anything goes as little rocket man is nuts.

  3. Amo o Lee Min Ho e tudo que ele faz, meu primeiro kdrama foi com ele em Herdeiros, assisto sempre Boys Over Flowers, amava o Gu Jun Pyo, Pachinko tá no Apple+ não vou ver tão cedo, mas acho que terá um novo drama na Netflix para 2022!!! E não sei se quero ver Leeminho em personagem pobre não rsrs ???

    Que as coisas no mundo melhorem, que a paz chegue logo na Ucrânia e Rússia, que toda essa triste guerra termine!

  4. He is remarkable young man.. He has the ability at this age to draw you into the character hes playing and and make you apart a part of the scene he is engaged. I’m sure that he will be around for a long long time.

  5. What do you mean by he looks like V? Did V invent the perm or does he own it? Why are V stans so annoying nowadays. You must want people to hate so bad with this gate keeping of perm that isn’t peculiar to him.

  6. Quit hating! My word the guy is gorgeous and so is V dang! BTS IS YUMMY! YES there are other men to drool over but hey! Our choice and my choice. We have too much hate still in this world. Love & Peace.

  7. I see armpits have brought their stupidity here too.. Do you even K ow is Lee min ho.. The original hallyu celebraty that made women swoon all over the world for decades.. Even before your useless V came into existence.. Clowns

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