Alchemy of Souls Settles into the Mid-airing Slump with More Training and Less Breakthroughs for Episode 11
So, maybe I have high expectations (now) of Alchemy of Souls but this episode 11 really felt like filler. I know this narrative progression is needed, it’s the exposition, the training montage, the little steps forward so we can get the big leaps forward, but the drama has been such a whiz bang for the first 8 episodes its a bit disconcerting to see it slow down so much. I still love it but a few more slow episodes the crack factor will have dissipated and you get the gist. Episode 11 had the OTP basically acknowledge they like each other, and both know it, but still it’s danced around with poison analogies and lots of double speak. Yul continues to be his sweet but reserved self and the best he can do is tell Mu Duk that he once liked Naksu and good luck when you’re 10 years too late. I actually like Cho Yeon and Dang Gu both as a couple and individually, they have energy and playfulness that helps the comedic elements of this drama. The Crown Prince continues to do no wrong and I hope he doesn’t turn evil once he realizes he’s been played but then again he’s willing to do this all on his own and that I love because I hope it helps him grow to have affection for someone and just do what he wants to help her. All in all, I love the F5 moments individually and together but all else even Jin Mu and his mega evil plot which is basically Get Out in fantasy sageuk form bores me.

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I want mudeok with crown prince!!
I laughed so hard when Uk and Crown Prince got drawn together because of the jade.