
Kim Soo Hyun Leads Star Studded Recipients of the 2024 NEWSIS K-EXPO Awards — 69 Comments

  1. Pingback:Kim Soo Hyun Leads Star Studded Recipients of the 2024 NEWSIS K-EXPO Awards | Parlour News Korea

  2. They all looked so good even if they were all literally in black LOL. I love all of them; KSH obviously and BYH, GMS and ofc KHY. But I’ve never seen CJH in anything before Serendipity’s Embrace. Thought he was quite bland but considering he had that huge Japanese drama, definitely deserving of the award nonetheless.

    Congratulations to all of them!

  3. Congrats to all the winners! Happy for KSH as always but I’m especially excited for BYH. I’ve been rewatching Mr Sunshine the past week crying my eyes out lol. He’s a fantastic actor and very underrated imo. Its so good to him getting the recognition he deserves.

    • I totally agree with this! I loved BYH in Mr. Sunshine. His character was my favorite from the whole drama. I hope he gets more projects. He’s a fantastic actor. Love KSH always.

  4. And no one even needs to question if they color coordinated. Koreans all just automatically choose the same colors when they go to any awards 😂

  5. Yay to all the winners <33

    p.s. KSH looks like he lost weight and grew his hair at the back quite a bit in the 5 min he was away from the limelight.

  6. Lol it’s like SK make up awards just for the sake of it. KSH with another award yet again as mediocre QOT is with even the chemistry being bad, I’ll pretend it’s acknowledgment for his masterful performance in ordinary day. And so glad he’s getting spotlight after being outshined in his last drama. Some of his fans already hoping he acts with minsi, I need better for him, still hoping it’s goeun/taeri maybe SHS.

    • Why are oppa fans so weird about actresses? Minsi might not be as acclaimed as the two actresses you mentioned, but she’s a good actress at least. Like, relax—KSH is on the same level or maybe a bit better than the other Hallyu guys like PSJ and JCW. He’s not LBH 😂. Even when I said I wanted him in a drama with PMY, his so-called fans were dismissive.

      • Firstly, Doe is not an Oppa fan and if you were a regular here, you’d know she is an obsessed SYJ fan who shits on KJW any chance she gets.

        Secondly L M A O, KSH is on the same level as JCW? You can only WISH that with all your heart. JCW has not had a single Baeksang Best Actor nomination his entire career. Neither has he ever won a Daesang even if he’s been in the industry for 15+ years Quite similar to PMY in fact 😂 So in a post about KSH winning yet another award, its like you are trying to insult JCW on purpose. PSJ on the other hand is a fantastic actor, as is SJK.

        No one is LBH level and considering he is over 15 years senior than all the actors you mentioned, not sure why you felt the need to mention someone who is so legendary. Its like comparing Jung Somin to Kim Heeae, when she is in KHY’s level. There is no correlation in age or in experience. Nil.

      • Pls not my girls.. I hope Minsi and Minyoung never work with him, lee jehoon though I can get behind. 😏

      • i can see why his fans wouldnt want him to work with pmy. i wouldnt want my fav to do that either sorry not sorry.

      • @rosie

        Neither do we and she’s worked with almost all the hallyu guys it’s not like KSH is anything special.

      • @Ramona – hear hear. Pls not your girls with KSH. I genuinely hope they stick to LJH. Most especially PMY. Your hopes for your girls aligns perfectly with mine for KSH.

        Please and thank you drama gods!

      • ramona – oh yeah, fingers crossed she sticks with w/ “the hallyu guys” and not ever work with my fav even as a 2nd lead. he is far above her league anyway so i am not too concerned. as for ksh, he doesnt need to be anything special to you. what i care about is me, and ksh might not be the #1 on my list but he is an amazing actor who picks brilliant must see dramas. with pmy in the mix, it will cease to be that for me, so therefore, no tyvm.

      • @ramona

        Lee Jehoon is so hot and a fine actor, but I just don’t enjoy him in romance. KSH is more proven with romcoms, and I think he and PMY are both chemistry kings and queens in that regard. Admittedly, I haven’t enjoyed KSH’s dramas since MLFAS, but I just know he’d have sizzling chemistry with PMY.

    • Oh Doe, have the guts to own your bull. Everyone here knows you are itching to insult Kim Ji Won because you can’t stand her doing so well while your favorite Seo Yea Ji remains a one hit wonder playing up her real personality. That’s where your real beef is anyway. And to sound legit, you need to pretend you are a Kim Soo Hyun fan because you think that will increase your credibility. Just say it as it is, everyone know.

      Don’t be such a coward! You won’t be alone. Mummabear will come jumping in like a knight in SYJ gear ready to pounce on anyone who says anything about your true favourite. So you aren’t fighting a lone battle either!

      • @Butterfly – You called? Here we go again lol how about you go on and get that huge as cyst of your chest about Yea Ji. Still harping on are we? You should call yourself a moth instead of butterfly cos it’s obvious with the metamorphosis process you’re still stuck at the egg stage. I haven’t quite figured out how you’re always trying to change the narrative even when this article didn’t even mention SYJ. Yet you can’t help yourself but go full throttle over her. BTW seriously you need to get over yourself or maybe it’s because you can’t. YJ fronted at the Nars 30th anniversary today in Seoul ouch must hurt to see her still popular as ever. At least I am consistent in my defence of YJ when you want to play nasty. . Pfftt one hit wonder get real that one hit wonder is making bank. Deal with it.

      • One hit wonder, yet her character is still iconic haha and viral and what about gangtae lol. You KSH fans seem the most bitter about her, is it cause you know their offscreen/onscreen chem was unmatched.

        I didn’t want to mention her name to avoid riling up her fangirls, but it’s not like she got much award validation for that role. I will say the Qot team styling did wonders for her looks cause I tried watching her flop yawnfest show and was distracted by how haggard she looked, if I was her I’d encourage production to do the blurring effect but she doesn’t seem to care lol. Oh well she’s gonna be replaced by younger/hotter actresses unless maybe she does PS.

      • @butterly, try uplifting your fav without tearing down their former co-star. Yes that specific role propelled her to fame but she’s shown diversity in Save Me and Lawless Lawyer, so implying she’s a method actor is just lazy.

        Anyway, ‘doe’ seems to be a HyunJi shipper, so don’t take the bait, trust me, SJY fans aren’t pushing for their link either. And let’s not pretend your guy has a spotless rep and I actually hope karma doesn’t extend to KJW too. Anywho seems like the one hit wonder is back at a brand event and is signed to new agency.

      • @Mummabear
        I did! I knew you’d show face, as usual. Love to harp just a tad less than you. You wrote an essay and said nothing at the same time. How typical lmao. I’d love to see where the “bank” is. Its been empty cans for quite a while now and I’m sure you know that phrase very well.

        Lmao you’re so easy to wilt. You weren’t trying to mention her name but then wrote a whole paragraph talking about her looks pfffttt. Didnt take much to bring out your true intentions.

        Oh puhlease, all you need to do is keep your fellow fans away from her previous costar’s articles and she’d never be brought up. SYJ had been in the industry for years and never broke out until IOTNBO. She was good in the role not because of “method acting”. You assuming that’s the implication is lazy because method acting = adapting a character trait and making it your real character. SYJ was already her IONBO character years before she got the script. She was acting as herself so where is the need for method acting?

      • @loretta its fortunate isnt it that SYJ rubbish rep didnt extend to any of her costars. SJY is so far a one hit forgotten wonder with a tarnished reputation in the industry and that hasnt affected KSH or OJS or PGY whatsoever so why would there be any concern that KSH not-so-spotless rep karma may extend to KJW?
        Keep your fake concerns to yourself because KJW is thriving and getting CFs and scripts left right center while your girl sits on her ass hoping to land just any project. Its always easy for fans to be up and righteous about other fandoms talking ill of their favourite but have no balls calling out their own fandom for being jerks. Dont pass off @Doe as some HYUNJI shipper when she goes around insulting one half of that same ship every chance she gets on top of being jealous af that her fav is nowhere near where KJW is. If you SYJ stans stop following her former costars and their new costars around, fight your own fight and leave KJW out then no one will hunt your one hit wonder girl. But since you all cannot seem to control yourselves your favourite will be torn down just as hard as you are tearing others down

      • @Doe
        You didn’t want to mention her name, and yet you did it, the more nasty way you could. If “she doesn’t seem to care”, when why are you care? For someone who can’t stand QOT and thinks it’s a yawnfest flop show, for someone who can’t stand Kim Ji Won, you talk very often about them.

      • @Doe Its gratifying to see you acknowledging how beautiful KJW was in QOT albeit unintentionally but fortunately for every single person not you ~ you are not KJW and can never ever be her no matter how hard you try so there is no point of thinking if i were her. Speaking of plastic surgery KJW doesnt need it for now but if she wants to maybe SYJ can hook her up with the surgeon who did her abundantly fake new nose job on her already fake face.

      • @Doe So you accept Seo YeaJi is a 1 hit wonder. Thats a great start. But the thing about [[NOT]] being a 1 hit wonder is that removing KangTae does not diminish KSH’s character relevance in the slightest. Not when he has SamDong, MinJoon, Hwon & HyunWoo. & most kdrama fans know exactly what iconic dramas those characters are from. Its the same for KJW. Before HaeIn, KJW had MiJeong, MyungJoo, Rachel & AeRa. Even her second lead roles are better known that SYJ’s first leads. Bcz you see, [[THAT]] is the diff b/w a real star and a 1 hit viral wonder. If you remove its ok, who is Seo YeaJi? You got it, she is [[NOBODY]]… & the tragedy here is that she could have somebody, but her real personality said nu-uh. Karma, you see, is a beeatch.

      • Although I pissed off by Doe comments who just can’t leave KJW alone, despite QOT ended 4 months ago, I will wear a white coat and say there’s no need to start negatively speculating about other actress just because Doe’s her fan, and compare SYJ with KJW, or KSH, or with someone else. This is quickly turns out into fanwar and comments about who will criticise or badmouth other’s faves better.

      • @Butterfly/Karmen/Doeisaclown
        Birds from a feather flock together so territorial and angry. Lol try harder brcause SYJ is back from your cancelled era. Must really suck knowing her popularity is going from strength to strength. Remember NARS invited her to front at their campaign. 4 years on and your bitterness knows no bounds because here you are still on this site with the same old still twisting their SYJ anti sentiment.
        @Butterfly Oh SYJ was acting herself in IOTNBO? Must have worked she got a lot of nominations from it and is a HALLYU star. Geez clutching at straws you need to find peace and harmony cos it’s so obvious that green eyed monster has got you hook line and sinker.
        As for writing essays practice what you preach, you wrote up a storm on YJ nothing else. So much hatred in your heart..oh that’s right you don’t have one.

      • @Olesya1
        If you are addressing your comment to me what speculation are you talking about? No one has said anything that isnt a well known FACT.
        1. SYJ has just one major drama on her resume and it was when she played a character very close to the real her as in controlling girlfriend with narcissistic tendencies.
        2. She has done multiple plastic surgeries including her brand spanking new nose job and a quick before after will tell you that so again where is the speculation?
        3. She was in reflection for years due to the scandal that broke out not just with her dictating who her ex should or shouldnt communicate with but also lying about her education and background and all the other bullying scandals associated with her name and for which she has not clarified or apologized for.
        Her fans will give you an X link next with some longwinded reasoning on why it was all a WITCH hunt and meanwhile they continue witch hunting other actresses as their hobby. You wave your white flag all you want but i will be speaking out as KJW fans have been minding their own business hyping her up but every time we look there are people like Doe who try to bring her down for no reason other than some ridic jealousy eating at them. Unlike Doe KJW fans are not attacking SYJ with some made up “she looks haggard”, “if i were her team i would blurr her image” or whatever shallow nonsense she can come up with. Facts are facts and there are articles upon articles across the internet talking about the downfall of SYJ and why despite how IOTNBO doing so well she was never able to capitalize.

      • It takes a special kind of audacity to bring up PS for KJW while openly stanning a legit plastic queen damn.

        And some of you seem to be forgetting the real reason SYJ hasn’t taken on an acting gig: it’s not because she’s reflecting on her big scandal—it’s because she hasn’t had any offers or even an agency for the past year. Have you all forgotten about the massive flop that was Eve? She already tried to make a comeback after tarnishing her own reputation, and it sank like the Titanic. Since then, she’s been open to work, but no one wanted to be associated with her until now. Finally, she’s found an agency willing to take her on. For her fans that is as big as her landing a KES drama, considering how bleak things looked for her for so long.

        SYJ fans need to stop aiming as high as a comparison to KJW or any of the popular actresses. The focus should be on getting her back to the level of an actress who can actually secure some work first. Any work.

      • @Karmen
        I addressed not to you, but to the whole comments section.
        I know about all these facts, I don’t know why people keep baiting on Doe trolls comments and starting comparing actresses who has nothing to do with each other. And what about acting I’m not agree with it. SYJ got recognition as an actress for Save me, critical acclaimed drama. Her previous drama Lawless lawyer got bigger ratings than IOTNTB. For IONTBO she got popularity.
        And people saying she maintain her character in IONTBO because she “played herself” is a nonsense. No matter if she’s similar to character or not, this similarity can’t bring confidence, natural speech and acting in front of camera. I know many people don’t like her, and I’m not gonna argue with it, but putting down her acting because of her personality, this isn’t a fact, but personal antisympathy.

      • You kjw fans are laughable naming all these characters like that’s supposed to mean something point me towards her awards then talk big. One hit wonder break out role is still more iconic then her character now even now she’s tied shipping nonsense, how many ships is she in btw, must be so frustrating to cloud her work,even now dating rumours she’s not bothered by cause u know clout.

      • You are going off about acting when I did not say a single word on it. You also did not say anything about acting in your comment i responded to by the way you talked about “speculation” and there is nothing called speculation in acting abilities. But fine lets talk acting since you cannot stick to your initial comment on speculation. I will not speak on behalf of anyone who thinks her acting with ease in her drama is due to how similar that character is to her real character because that is an opinion they are entitled to. But in what regard is a comment “nonsense” because they think soemone is not a good actress outside of playing herself? You are talking about critical acclaim and recognition? Who recognized SYJ and what critical acclaim? Comment on blogs and forums praising her is what you mean? Because where are her awards or true industry recognition? Where are her nominations and wins for Lawless Lawyer or Save Me or ANYTHING?

        She did not win a singular acting award in her entire career before IOTNBO. That is a FACT. She did not even get nominated her entire life for a best actress award in ANY awards function major or minor before IOTNBO. That is another FACT. And because there is no recognition of her actual ability by an awarding committee OPINIONS become the main measuring stick which means everyone’s opinion is as valid as yours and you cannot say you are right and others are wrong because what evidence do you have to back up your claim? The real nonsense here is you thinking two different opinion on someone’s acting cannot coexist and only you can make sense so everyone can eff off. How about you do that yourself? I am not here to even talk about SYJ’s acting but to tell poeple like Doe to leave KJW tf alone. So yes i will be responding to trolling and as you can see many others are as well. Deal with it.

      • @Karmen – NARS says hi! Sublime agency says hi too and so do her 1.4 million IG followers. Gosh must hurt and pain you that SYJ is returning back to K Ent. Handle it well please cos your copy and paste comments are getting really tiresome but then again you can’t just focus on your fave/s you have to nit pick at SYJ to make yourself relevant. Look around you no one apart from 5 other haters of SYJ give a flying razoo about YJ on this blog.Take up yoga, go bird watching, learn breakdancing cos you really are doing no favours drumming up YJ sentiment on cue here on unrelated articles.

    • I’m a KSH fan and now I hope he works with PMY just for the fun of it, already fans being displeased. 😂😂 Also KSH fans needs to get over themselves, erm yall forget PMY is more popular than his last 2 female leads (though one if not for the witch hunt would be on par).

    • @Doe
      I am a silent reader of this site but I thought you might be warmed to know you always amuse me. Your obsession with KSH, KJW and QOT is hilarious, its like they live in your mind rent free 24×6. Like clockwork; Step1: you shade on KJW and QOT chemistry; Step2: you make sure to emphasize you are a “KSH fan” so no one labels you the anti that you are; Step 3: Not-so-casually add in that SYJ is the queen and far better than both KSH/KJW; too bad she was witch hunted unfairly (L O L); Step5: Add in somewhere that as a “KSH fan” however, you are glad he is “getting spotlight” now (L O L); Step5: watch your bait stir up fanwar.

      You may not realize this but you are as transparent as clingwrap and I enjoy the heck out of it. Thanks for always being a clown around here (:

      • Nice to have a stalker 🙂 Where the hate or lie was in my original comment, it’s a fact PMY is more popular. And I’m a KSH fan, yes but it doesn’t mean I worship him to hold him to a pedestal. Yes I’ve made it obvious that KJW is least fav fl. We can all have opinions so get off your high horse.

      • @Doe
        Why of course! I love funny clowns so I find a way to “stalk” the likes even if this website has limit capabilities on that regard. Lol, I find a way because who doesn’t love being amused? Your response is some disappointing low level trolling tho. I expect more from you than the stock response, but you’re still my favorite clown around (:

        By the by, I recommend looking up the meaning of “get off your high hose”. Google is everyone’s best friend and will (hopefully) teach you how to use that phrase in a more… logical and relevant way L O L.

  7. Im curious on why Marry My Husband isn’t getting much acknowledgment, especially considering it’s TVN’s first big hit after a long drought. It performed well both domestically and internationally, and even now, it’s still holding strong. The lack of recognition is surprising given its success.

    • its overshadowed by more buzzy and amazing (lr) and a way more successful drama in every regard (qot). the actors are also more hyped for those 2 other tvn dramas. none of the actors in mmh did anything spectacular so they are not up for any major acting award either.

    • @zouun: I think airing so early in the year means it is easy to over look and whilst it was fun it didn’t exactly bring anything new to the romcom table. For a romcom to really resonate the central romance needs to really hit with the audience and the romance here was fine but not captivating like LR or QoT. As @rosie said it was hugely overshadowed by the two subsequent romances from TVN: Queen of Tears which was huge and Lovely Runner which became a whole syndrome in SK.

      Also the second leads seemed to be the standouts but the 2nd FL had a big bullying controversy. At least Lee Yi Kyung received a Baeksang nomination.

      • suuny – i have to correct myself – none of the *main lead* actors in mmh did anything spectacular. because i am totally with you that the second leads were amazing. both shy and lyk were the real stars with performances i still remember vividly. lyk deserved that baeksang nomi and if shy didnt have that scandal breakout, she would have most likely made the cut too.

        i dont think mmh is considered as a rom com. it is more revenge romance, but either way it was overshadowed by lr despite having double the ratings in that same time slot and lesser known actors. qot is not even comparable because it is just far more successful in every regard.

    • @zouun
      I don’t think it’s because QOT or LR overshadowed MMH, it’s not like Byun Yo Han got huge hype as well. Although I like PMY, I think her scandal with a fraud boyfriend 2 years ago could put a shadow on her. It’s not like she’s forbidden from awards ceremonies or Korean public don’t acknowledge her, but for a government’s award I think it can be a no no. Maybe if not her second female lead had a chance to receive this award, but she seems cancelled now.

  8. some ksh stan posted a pic of acting awards he has on twitter (refuse to call it x no matter what lolz) and i thought it was a joke at first. his noms list is flatline bonkers but the actual win ratio is mind boggling wth. congrats all winners !

  9. Kim Soo Hyun is gonna swept all the acting awards later in awards shows including the daesangs. Haters can stay pressed and mad lol he will always recognized by the industry and critically acclaimed for his acting and popularity.

  10. Lol as expected, some people just cannot congratulate the winners and move on. Keeps things interesting.

    This award is different from the other Ministry of Culture and Tourism award that they give out at the latter half of the year i think. For the one I am talking about, I recall NGM/PEB winning it last year and LSM/JMD the year before. I believe KSH himself already won that years ago. I guess that just means KSH will be getting another similar award later in the year. There will be a koala article on that win, and bitter folks will be jumping in to express their frustrations. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

    • You mean Korean Popular Culture and Arts Awards. Yes this awards show always held in Oct and higher level from this one. Soohyun already won 2 awards in 2012 and 2014 from this show and he will def get another one later with higher category, I believe he is gonna receive Presidential Commendation Awards Category.

  11. Ep14 of QOT alone was enough to get KSH all the acting awards. He was phenomenal and I’m so happy for him. My girl Kim Hye-yoon getting an award is such a great feeling and after seeing them together, her and Byun Yo-han’s pairing shot up on the top of my wishlist. If they can just do a romance sageuk together like The Princess Man or Moon Embracing Sun, I would be the happiest girl on earth.

  12. Good. Without any doubt KSH and KHY will be a continuous feature in all the award functions for the season, deservedly so.

    Btw Bona also won an award in the same category as CJH. Not sure if she was able to make it to the ceremony to accept it.

  13. its good that kim soo hyun is getting all the recognition for queen of tears but he just should not stick to one writer park ji eun . he should work with more good writers like kim eun shook, hong sisters or king of moving story where he can show his true potential acting not cliche like park ji eun drama which he always does and work alo with better actress like han so hee park bo young bay suzy or song hye kyo like equal combination .

    • With all respect, I don’t think Han So Hee is better actress than previous KSH co-stars. And other actresses you mentioned either, they can have more star power, but by acting they’re at the same level, almost all of KSH co-stars are good actresses. Even people who don’t like SYJ acknowledging her acting was good in IONTBO.
      What about KSH working with other writers, he already doing it, with Knock Off, IONTBO and One ordinary day. Although he often work with PJE his roles in her dramas are different from each other so as an actor he’s not stagnated in one character.
      But I understood what you mean, as a fan I always want for my fave to work with more big writers.

    • Is this a troll post? I don’t even like Park Ji Eun’s works but you can’t be serious that the Hong Sisters and their mediocre dramas are better writers. And KSH has worked with other writers besides PJE. Even his upcoming drama is with a different writer.

      There is no world where Han So Hee is on the level of his previous co-stars like Seo Yea Ji(don’t like her but she is a talented actress) and Kim Ji Won or top actresses like Park Bo Young, Suzy or Song Hye Kyo.

    • …Queen of Tears is his first Park Ji Eun drama in nine years though?

      you sound unaware that he’s worked with other writers between 2015 and 2024 and is in fact currently filming with yet another writer

      also the Hong sisters are so hit and miss over the last ten years that they cannot be called reliably good writers. For every Master’s Sun there’s a Big or Warm & Cozy, for every Alchemy of Souls there’s a Hwayugi.

    • @Tina, Paulami winget and all your other aliases

      If you think a Hong Sisters drama is challenging, you’ve got a very different definition for the word than most people. With the exception of IU, I can’t remember a single HS drama lead getting nominated for a major acting award in the past 10 years. And it’s not for the lack of talent, mind you. PJE, on the other hand, released just 2 dramas in 4 years. And 3 of her 4 leads were nominated for a Baeksang acting award. That’s enough to speak on challenging roles: PJE vs HS. KSH’s success and accolades with PJE is well documented so I don’t need to rehash it and his acting potential have *always* been realized with her. Every. Single. Time. Knowing how loyal he is to her and how much she enjoys writing for him, they’ll be collaborating again in a few years. I don’t doubt it for a second.

      And below on your point for Knock Off, you made the exact same comment in a different article and I said the exact same thing back then too: I trust KSH’s ability to pick a script over any screen writer’s name. Be it Kim Eun “shook” or whoever else. He’s worked with a newbie writers (DH, MoonSun), an untested writer (ironically MLFTS), writers with crappy track record (IOTNBO, OOD) and his record is whopping 7/7. He’s fine.

    • Please stop calling her Kim Eun “Shook”. It’s Kim Eun Sook without the “h”. Even if you change your aliases, it’s obvious it’s the same user because of your mispelling the name constantly. HHis previous costars are actually great actresses, KJW, SYJ, IU, JJH. I don’t know where you got the idea that he should work with “better” actresses.

  14. Also I don’t have faith on knock off writer/director. They are very mediocre and none of their dramas are hit and by the way every actor fans want there star to workb with good writers who could brigh out potential work from them and Hong sisters and kim eun shook are that kind of writers also park ji eun dramas are not that good i hope he doesn’t work with that writer in future any more 3times collaboration is enough and also hope he will once work with moving writer or kim eun shook

  15. Also I don’t have faith on knock off writer/director. They are very mediocre and none of their dramas are hit and by the way every actor fans want there star to workb with good writers who could brigh out potential work from them and Hong sisters and kim eun shook are that kind of writers also park ji eun dramas are not that good i hope he doesn’t work with that writer in future any more 3times collaboration is enough and also hope he will once work with moving writer or kim eun shook

  16. Listen i will say what I will feel and I am saying my opinion what is wrong if he work with them may be not now but later on who knows I don’t like park ji eun dramas you do thats your taste not mine and I will say what I want to

  17. Jeeze louize some fandoms as a whole are such pests, my good god. There was a time when KYJ fans had the title of most toxic fandom amongst korean actresses but a washed up actress fans’ giving their best shot at stealing it. It’s especially jarring to try and spark a fan war in a post where both women are 100% irrelevant. Neither of them has ever won this award or a variation of it. Sometimes it feels like Twitter invades this blog, I swear 🙄🙄.

    Whatever. Congrats all the award winners! KSH is consistently amazing so just another feather to his cap, but my girl KHY getting some real focus for once. So well deserved. She was the heart of LR and despite the lack of support from her agency, she’s come out on top! Seoul Drama Awards next. She already has the popularity award but I am expecting her to win best actress as well. Huzza!

    • Hyeyoon fan acting all mighty wasn’t your fav recently crying for love calls, maybe if your lr fandom weren’t too busy lusting over ml she’d be more popular. And enough with the smugness your girl was in a teen show lol maybe tell her to fix her screeching voice then she can graduate from teen roles . And also can your fans leave suzy alone, your fandom is just as toxic as the others.

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