
Han Suk Kyu, Ahn Hyo Seob, and Lee Sung Kyung Confirmed for Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 3 to Start Filming After November 2022 — 24 Comments

  1. Wow! Ahn Hyo-Seob is really busy with back to back projects. He doesn’t have to enlist on the military so he can continue his leading man status after hit dramas unlike other actors his age.

    • Since he has advantage of his nationality, he doesn’t need to worry about 2-year break like others. But I think he might get a lot of hate because of it, while it’s not his fault. I wonder how he would maintain his popularity.

      • @Sara

        Maybe it’s because CWS is more Chungmuro than dramaland unlike AHS? And k-dramas are more widespread than k-movies so people will see more of AHS (and get sick of him) than CWS? Just guessing.

    • I think Seo Hyun Jin is already too big for this, no? She is already at a level where she would get a drama that revolves around her character, like in Why Her.

  2. I’m more curious about Yang Se-Jong. He had cameo scenes in the second season. I’m not a fan of the leads, so I love Han Suk-Kyu in this role. So it would be nice to see YSJ back!

  3. I really like romantic dr 2. But I think they need to cast new actor so the writers can write new story with new character. It’s obvious they will play the same character. I don’t see them can write a fresh story for them. But who knows?

  4. This is a guaranteed hit, and after the disaster that was Sh**ting Stars, I see why LSK would sign up for this. An easy hit she won’t have to carry. As for AHS, ugh. Too bad there’s no MS for him to go so the royal we won’t have to see him for a while.

    • I really liked Shooting Star. It wasn’t perfect and I cringed when they referred to Africa as opposed to a specific African nation. But it was an easy watch and I looked forward to the new episodes.

      • It was really interesting. And different
        LYD sarcasm was on another level likewise Lsk acting. All the actors were perfect for the role. The whole series and casts was like watching a family. The series is the most underrated k-series I’ve ever seen and I can’t stop saying it.

    • Shooting stars was not a disaster. It was just unfortunate that people didn’t watch it cos of the racial controversy and it wasn’t on Netflix too. It was really interesting.

  5. I like the 2 seasons but why not change ” the couple” and bring a new one . Aside that , I want all the people in Doldam hospital back . Kim Min Jae . Please !

  6. It was really interesting. And different
    LYD sarcasm was on another level likewise Lsk acting. All the actors were perfect for the role. The whole series and casts was like watching a family. The series is the most underrated k-series I’ve ever seen and I can’t stop saying it.

  7. Hope to see Yang Se-jong love interest too..all of the cast have their partners..only YSJ doesnt have..hoping to see the complete cast of DR2 and having a cameo of the leading cast of exciting❤️❤️

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