Jeon Ji Hyun Leaves Culture Depot Along with Kim So Hyun, Seo Ji Hye, and Yoon Ji On to Follow CEO to Newly Formed Agency Ieum Hashtag

It’s rare to see a group agency move in tandem but that’s what has happened this week with a quarter moving to a newly formed agency. Jeon Ji Hyun is the biggest name that left Culture Depot and going with her is Seo Ji Hye, Kim So Hyun, and Yoon Ji On. The new agency is called Ieum Hashtag and is founded by the CEO of Culture Depot. I feel like this group won’t ever be competing with each other for the same roles, the three actresses are all female leads but occupy different niche/age/styles so it may be a great movie for leverage purposes an.
Kim So Hyun is the queen of switching agencies. Lol. So, ungrateful.
I see no problem with that honestly. If the work offered by the agency is not okay, she definitely got rights to not stay with them after her contract ended
Ungrateful? A curious word to use in describing a purely business arrangement. Agencies dump talent like hotcakes when the agency no longer sees enough profit in retaining the the talent, why should not talent do likewise?
The fact that she and the others have followed the former CEO to a new agency suggests there is some personal loyalty involved, rather than attachment to a company. Attachment to a corporate entity makes no sense since companies do not reciprocate.
Exactly, thank you
Wow look like someone is pinched. If she was not getting proper opportunity while staying with the agency she has every right to change agency. It was a two way thing. I don’t think she needs anyone’s unsolicited opinion just because she wanted to do something for her career.
Ungrateful? A long future lies ahead for her since she is still young. Like a normal person, will you remain at a company that you don’t think is good for your career in the future when you have other opportunities?
Additionally, she is free to change agencies, meaning the previous agency had no dirt on her. That speaks volumes, doesn’t it?
Lol, you must be the type to think employees should be “grateful” and never leave a company for the whole of their career, no? Step out of lala land a bit. It might help
LOL How is she ungrateful? If an agency is not promoting her well, she has every right to get out. Will you stay in a company that pays you dust? Another dumb Yoo-Jung fan. Yawn, next
Are you surprised? I swear that fandom shares only one braincell
No wonder no one likes them 
And now we have kayla over here thinking business and career is all about emotions, so stupid
@kayla Stay in your lane, keep stanning your fave who can’t even get a Baeksang nomination for her overacting, and shut up about things you know nothing about
Are you surprised? I swear that fandom shares only one braincell
No wonder everyone hates them 
And now we have kayla over here thinking business and career is all about emotions, so stup*id
@kayla Stay in your lane, keep stanning your fave who can’t even get a Baeksang nomination for her overacting, and shut up about things you know nothing about
Well said
What do you mean Yoo Jung fan @Yandere ? You dragged her name out of nowhere. Are you even sure that the commenter @Kayla is from that fandom?
You mentioned her and play victim. So annoying. You should have call out @Kayla not Yoo Jung fans, who has nothing to do with your fave.
@AtinyExol you too.
You know I was agreeing with all the comments until KYJ got dragged into this, please let all hate be directed to the person that commented, lets not drag other KYJ fans into it, because one person is stupid doesn’t mean the whole fandom has to be insulted and she didn’t even compare her to KYJ …..just saying.
Love how everyone is calling out this kayla bit*ch dumbness LMAO
Ungrateful? Hahaha, you sound twelve if you think she leaving a company for another is being ungrateful. Its all business moron. You will understand when you’re older.
If you want to defend sohyun,do it without bringing other people.It will only create more hate and fight.
I’m proud that sohyun was nominated,but it doesn’t make other actors who aren’t nominated any less talented.I am happy to see sohyun back.
She was not given any work by culture depot I think she did a great job….
Hey stop hating over Kim So Hyun are u a kid or what Culture Depot was not promoting her so she did the right thing leaving it now see if you are working in an company and they doesn’t pay you will you stay there you will definitely leave so she did a great job leaving it so vent your anger somewhere else.
Most of the commenters here are good at trash talking Yoo Jung and her fans. Can you get something from it? I’m wondering why you cannot specifically call out the bad commenter @Kayla, and start putting down Yooj instead with their fave’s baeksang nomination. You can brag all you want about that, we don’t care. I wish for your peace of mind, so you cannot think of Yoo jung and her fans and solely prioritize your favorite. Just think and focus on your fave’s career and not make accusations.
welcome to the real world
Looks like another rabid fan of you-know-who wants to spread negativity in this article lol so obsessed
And here I thought that fandom is finally quieting down, but they’re just waiting for the right opportunity to bash KSH lol. Best to ignore her, folks.
Anyway, I think this is why these artists didn’t have projects these past few months, they’re just fixing some things behind the scenes, and whatever that is, I’m glad it got resolved now, it seems. Best of luck to all artists!
love jun ji hyun so much! hopefully we hear about her next project soon

as for kim sohyun, I’m not exactly a fan, but having seen her in dramas since she’s young, I kinda have a soft spot for her and I don’t understand how anyone can hate her like the first commenter? like she’s literally unproblematic, known to be really kind to her fans, and is the type to just do her thing and go home. the hatred for her is one of the weirdest things I’ve witnessed until now, and even weirder when you realized that most of the women hating are grown-ass women
Oh I can imagine the politics and behind the scenes drama with this move. Hope it works out well for all of them!
Is it so fun kim so hyun fans? @Demi @Rose @AtinyExol @Yandere Looks like you find enjoyment lambasting Yoo Jung and her fans in this Koala article. You mention Yooj, you accuse her fans in that no sense ungrateful comment of whoever that Kayla is, you start boasting about your faves baeksang nomination, comparing her always to Yoo Jung. Great move!!! That would really help your faves career. Goodluck to your fandom.

@AtinyExoL @Yandere How dare you accused Yoo Jung fans? Whoever that bitch who said a bad thing to your fave, is automatically a Yoo Jung Fan? Wow. What a great strategy to campaign hate to Yoo Jung. Stop mentioning Yoo Jung and make others believe to your lies that the bitch who commented is a Yoo Jung fan. You guys are so great in making Yooj fans looks like an evil, when it is you both who is the evil here, accusing yoo jung fandom. Also, bringing her down about that baeksang nomination will never affect Yoo Jung’s career. You should focus on your fave. Not with Yoo Jung.
Omo! These @Yandere @AtinyExoL @Demi @Rose cannot defend their fave without accusing fans of Yoo Jung. It is so obvious that you always wanted to start fan war because you just easily assummed that the bad commenter @Kayla is a Yoo jung fan. You can call her out specifically, but you really choose to drag Yoo Jung’s fandom. You guys just prove how low you are. And you can never put Yoo Jung down. You will always be triggered, even she and her fans is just quietly waiting for her next project. Why not spend your time to pray and begged God to give your fave a lot of projects and endorsements.

Ockoala be like keep it going KSH vs KYJ fandom. I’m just gonna enjoy the $$$ from your visit my site. Lol
For all the time I’ve been on this site, I’ve seen some of you people call Kim so Hyun words like “loser”, “greedy” (oh, she wants to be paid for reshooting her scenes, the horror! what a greedy b*tch! and now it was revealed she didn’t even claim her payment lol), and now “ungrateful”? My gosh, the level of hatred this girl gets just for breathing is insane. At this point, I don’t even blame her fans for being overprotective of her. It’s a young woman you’re talking about, Karen, not a criminal, can you tone down the hate? Please and thank you.
You know who fans getting triggered over baeksang nominations
If some fans are triggered over a nominations, imagine how ksh fans were feeling,when some people were celebrating when her drama was almost cancelled? saying things like she should retire.
@Tulip Here you go again. What fandom are you talking about? Keep being insensitive
Tell that to @swa person, because I know who she is from her way of talking. Tell her to mind her own business, because I see her not only talking bad about ksh but so many actors.In this post also I am only defending people except the comment to which you have replied to before.
some of ksh fans’ behaviour really make me doing this
.me as one of her casual fans is getting a 2nd hand embarrassment reading an insignificant person in her life was dragged into this discussion. even if u want to drag her so bad, don’t be too direct lol. u just made the fandom looks bad. don’t be too overproud with her achievements and use it to belittle others. u should be aware what’d happened to a certain fandom. they used to be so overproud with their bias’ awards and belittle her bias’s competitor. then what’d happened is a series a flop. just pray that ksh fandom will not experience this. you guys should be worried that whether she’ll have a good work and time under this cd 2.0. and u @kayla..ieum hashtag is just basically culture depot 2.0
they are basically the same management with different name. probably most of all the satffs in cd transfered into ieum hashtag joined their previous ceo. why would she stays in cd if there are no staff to manage her lol. i know u just want to throw hate
Oh god even if the kayla was yoo jung fan I don’t think we ksh fans need to drag their whole fandom. It just makes our whole fandom looks bad. Please let’s not go undermining other’s achievements because of one bad comment. I am sure that 1st commenter is just a troll who likes to see fandoms riling up. Also, at last I am very sorry for all the bad comments on KYJ from some of the KSH fans.
@AtinyExoL @Yandere How dare you accused Yoo Jung fans? Whoever that bitch who said a bad thing to your fave, is automatically a Yoo Jung Fan? Wow. What a great strategy to campaign hate to Yoo Jung. Stop mentioning Yoo Jung and make others believe to your lies that the bitch who commented is a Yoo Jung fan. You guys are so great in making Yooj fans looks like an evil, when it is you both who is the evil here, accusing yoo jung fandom. Also, bringing her down about that baeksang nomination will never affect Yoo Jung’s career. You should focus on your fave. Not with Yoo Jung.
I am always ready to use a lot of email accounts just so I can defend Yoo Jung from your slanders here.
It’s frustrating to see these specific people like @Yandere @AtinyExoL @Rose @Demi bellitling Yooj and assuming that it is Yooj fans when they see every non sense and bad comments. Stop that.