Produce 101 Contestant Turned Actor Lee Ji Han Confirmed to Have Passed Away in the Itaewon Halloween Tragedy

With over 150 casualties and similar number of injuries, the list of people in the Itaewon Halloween crush tragedy is starting to come out. A former Produce 101 contestant turned actor Lee Ji Han has been confirmed as one of the people who passed away. He was only 24-years old and is actually currently filming the K-drama Season of KKok Du with a supporting role. The drama production has halted for the time being in consideration of his passing and to re-cast his role before resuming filming. It’s inconceivable that a festive Saturday night out could have such devastating results and my condolences to his friends and family, and of course to everyone impacted by this terrible event.

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O my goodness that is terrible
. May he Rest In Peace. He so young and had a bright ahead of him.
Really sad. I have to say though and I’m sorry to say but I’ve been disgusted by some of the heartless comments I’ve seen Koreans regarding these young adults that died. Anyway, My heart goes out to the victims and their loved ones. The way they died is terrible.
Such a tragedy. May his soul rest in peace. This had to be one of the craziest stories to struck the world this past weekend. This one and the bridge collapsing in India, killing 130+ people. Such a devastating weekend.
It is indeed. But the world isn’t short of devastating news with Ukraine war, Iran and also 2 bombings in Mogadishu killing hundreds yesterday. Sad world we live in.
over 100 people died in a car bombing in Somalia over the weekend, women with their children in their arms included. I had to eventually stop keeping up with the news this weekend, so much suffering and heartache and this is what we only hear of, it’s just nonstop.
Tragic! All these young deaths.