
C-drama Unchained Love with Dylan Wang and Chen Yu Qi Head into Final Stretch of Airing with Reviews Getting Better — 11 Comments

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  2. Drama could have even been better had they didn’t cut some scenes…All intimate scenes have been deleted and for a drama whose main theme is romance, that was not a wise thing to do… (It has totally dampened my excitement/enthusiasm)

    • Panda_eyes you are rightโ€ฆ.
      Guess they may have cut the kissing scene tooโ€ฆ
      But overall the show does get betterโ€ฆ which is good as Chinese dramas tend to stray off after episode 15

      And considering this show was filmed before LBFAD then I think Dylan does show varied range of emotions here

      And even Yukee is slipping into her role comfortably, and I like her better here than in her two recent shows, the modern time travel and the messy fantasy epic with Li Yi Feng

    • WeiรŸt man, wieso diese Scenen rausgenommen wurden?? Wieso wรผrden sie dann รผberhaupt gedreht?
      Was macht das dann fรผr einen Sinn???

      • Und das Ergebnis ist auch etwas seltsam. Eine Episode hat Rรผckblenden zu einer Zwischensequenz, aber die Originalszene ist weg. Es gibt keine Erklรคrung. Man hat das Gefรผhl, aus Versehen etwas รผbersprungen zu haben.

  3. I was wondering which drama was filmed first. UL before LBFAD makes sense. (LBFAD has some intense emotional scenes for Dylan Wang, and it just feels more recent.)

    I initially tried this drama out because Dylan Wang was in it, but I ended up staying because I like the feisty feminist female lead. She just wants to be in control of her own life, and she’ll do whatever she can to reach that goal. I have no idea how she will achieve that, given the circumstances, but hey, it’s fiction, so I’m crossing my fingers. (I don’t watch many Cdramas so I don’t know if they are usually sad or happy endings.)

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