Period C-drama Lost You Forever with Yang Zi and Zhang Wan Yi Celebrates One Year Filming Anniversary with New Stills and BTS Video

The passing of time in the C-novel Lost You Forever is in the hundreds and thousands of years marking the lives and loves of the gods and goddesses with their outsized pathos. For the C-drama this month marks the one year anniversary of filming start and the production released a new official BTS video and stills to celebrate. The video is fantastic and shows basically a handful of key scenes from the novel that readers will immediately recognize and probably love as much as I seeing it come to life. Yang Zi is straddling the happy-go-lucky dude character and the weight of the world goddess character nicely and all three male leads Zhang Wan Yi, Deng Wei, and Tan Jian Ci keep growing on me as their respective roles.

Anniversary Special:
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I see Dailuwa and I go all
the girl is cutely pretty!
Really wanna watch this drama. Tencent – hope you release this asap!
Waiting for it to be released… love the novel eventho didnt really love the ending lmao.. i shipped the female lead with other guy…
Why don’t they celebrate by actually releasing the series itself…*rolling my eyes.
How are they supposed to release it if the show doesn’t have a broadcasting licence? It has to pass censorship first. All melons say Tencent plans for August if the process goes normally.
Come on, it shouldn’t have to take this long to air a series. I’m not only speaking for this series, most Chinese series. If it only takes a year and 1/2 to air this, that’s called luck. If 2-3 years, that’s called foolish.
Yang Zi looks really good here. Idk if it was because of the camera because she did not look good in Immortal Samsara. I thought her face looked slimmer in Ashes of Love.
I can’t wait for this. I grew to like Yang Zi. She’s not the best actress out there but her dramas are not bad.
Being a good actress has nothing to do with being the best, but you don’t understand that because you don’t know anything about acting. You have such an empty mind that you come to consider that what’s good is what you like when it’s not.