Aaron Yan Sexual Assault Accuser Yao Le Updates That He Gave Statement to the Authorities and Will Await the Legal System Investigation

Taiwan entertainment’s Me Too revelations from last week continue on and the one involving singer-actor Aaron Yan will have additional ramifications it appears. His accuser the TikTok star Yao Le (Raku) updated his SNS today that he went in to give his statement (to the authorities) and everything will await a formal legal investigation. His accusations against Aaron include unlawful recording of sex with a minor (he was 16/17 at that time) and even unwanted forced sexual relations, despite them dating consensually Yao Le said he did NOT consent to recording and at times Aaron forced sex on him when he was asleep/sleepy and unable to consent. I think his case absolutely deserves an investigation and hopefully the correct legal next steps to give his justice and perhaps closure one day.
I hope he gets the justice he deserves. No wonder Aaron is pissing in his pants now.
Good for him. Aaron Yan is a skunk, he stinks to high heaven. As he has publicly admitted and apologized, let him pay the price for his predatory ways.