Disney+ Schedules Next K-drama the Drug Bust Procedural The Worst of Evil with Ji Chang Wook and Wi Ha Joon
This is either how bad Disney+ is with promos or this drama just slipped so far under the radar it was in another time zone because I legit was like what is this when I heard it got scheduled for airing. The Worst of Evil is airing on September 27th on Disney+ with an undercover cop busting a multinational drug ring drama starring Ji Chang Wook, Wi Ha Joon, and Im Se Mi with the script from the writer of Local Hero and the director of Man in Love. Since 2021 Ji Chang Wook has kicked his career into overdrive with a minimum 2 dramas a year rather than his usual 1 a year but this drama I feel would have been way better airing in 2022 to capitalize on Wi Ha Joon’s buzz in the months post Squid Game.
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