
First Look at MBC K-drama A Good Day to be a Dog with Cha Eun Woo, Park Kyu Young, and Lee Hyun Woo — 12 Comments

    • I am.. at episode 3 and seriously thinking of dropping. Theres no chemistry between the leads. Im wondering if its a jo bo ah issue. Shes pretty, her acting is decent, so I dun get why she doesn’t spark with her co-stars? Ro Woons cold acting is not doing much for me either and the script is not good. Honest question – does it get better the later eps???

      • @Sayaris you can’t not love this one, if not, both of us are going to be treated as a Machiavellian duet . If i like Destined with you , you can’t . OK ! I know that we don’t love always the same dramas or actors but others think otherwise ! A BIG NO . We must agree about this , if not we are done ! For others who are reading this comment it’s just my special french sense of humor.PEACE, it’s just entertainment not the G20 (which it may be considered as a joke as well)😉

      • Oh, désolée.
        Mais il y a Rowoon dedans, si tu ne veux pas que tout le monde te tombe dessus, tu ne dois pas ce drama :p

      • Sayaris, NO WAY, J’aime bien cet acteur . Mettons nous d’accord sur ce désaccord ( citation MIB 3) Moi je reste toi tu pars ! i don’t know why but when he is dressed at the City Hall he gives me vibes of Choi Siwon a few years ago . He may be not the best actor but i find him good and if he continues in this field he could become a very good actor . He is charismatic and i like him in The king’s affection , Tomorrow, She would never know,…time for you to go elsewhere ( aller voir ailleirs) Je ne partage pas ! LOL. I’m going to buy my coffin! After being crucified i became a vampire !

  1. Park Kyu-Young is really versatile. She was so stunning in Celebrity and now super cute.

    For CEW, I usually like him in the beginning of the show as the cold outside but nice inside like in True Beauty or ID:Gangnam Beauty but he failed to adapt his acting to the evolution of his characters. I didn’t like him in Island but to be honest I didn’t like any actors in this show, after the great Through the Darkness, KNG was kinda disapointing too.

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