
Zhang Bin Bin and Sun Zhenni Saddled with Overwrought Xianxia Costumes as Filming Kicks off for New C-drama — 12 Comments

  1. I’m impressed that she’s managing to slay even in that headpiece! She stole my heart in Till the End of the Moon so I might be inclined to check this one out.

  2. Just sad ZBB never made it big to date. He’s always been the go-to male lead for up and coming stars, e.g. Dilreba then, Esther, Xu Lu, Wu Qian. Now Sun Zhenni. I still love his CP with Dilreba, in Pretty LHZ and King’s Woman. I think Dilreba’s acting was more authentic during those days. ZBB’s acting is solid and I read he is such a gentleman, very rare in C-ent. Hope he can still have a reunion with Dilreba and a happy ending this time.

      • I agree

        ZBB…. Hmmm I only watched him in a few shows. But the most interesting was with Jing Tian.

        He has everything as an actor… and yet, he has yet to have an iconic or memorable role… let’s hope this upcoming one would be the one.

        Even though she is new, Sun Zhenni has lots of charisma and depth as an actress. Not to mention that she is super pretty

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