Gong Jun Wears Ornate Couture Well After Successful Visit to the 2023 Fall Paris Fashion Shows

Another top C-star did a whirlwind turn in Paris last week for the 2023 fall fashion shows with Gong Jun making the most of his tall male model physique and aura. He attended Elie Saab, Maison Margiela, and also walked the runway as a brand ambassador for L’Oreal at the De File show wearing Julian Fournié. He’s also been a brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton and he shared a visit to the atelier during his stay. I think he has been one of the more visually striking C-actors to pair well with European fashion houses and I only wish his drama acting could be as eye catching.

I really like his hands!!!
GJ looks handsome here.
What successful visit? He isn’t even in the top ten of Chinese celebs who were at Paris fashion week and yes that is a measurable thing because the numbers for EMV are out. He did not manage to generate enough even for #10 which says everything.
Poor guy, his acting career is dying, he tried so hard for this fw but it just isn’t working.
lol nobody ever taught you to keep quiet if you couldn’t say anything nice?? it was successful. I don’t know what EMV numbers are and I have no interest but I do know no other male c-celeb got the treatment GJ got and that’s fact. I just know that you must be a fan of a certain celebrity to be talking about it here and that’s very good, but if you want to elevate your idol or whatever, do it by talking in articles about him, instead of throwing shade at others. I don’t go camping at other celebs’ articles just to diss or dismiss their accomplishments, why? because i simply don’t care.
Lmao deluded fans are always hilarious.
You might want to Google EMV before you open your mouth, why are his fans so illiterate. This is just basics.
His treatment? His treatment was nothing special. What facts. He tried the poor thing but oops.
Poor guy….you can just ignore…how purposeful pathetic you are…
This is a very successful event for shining star Gong Jun. Period.
Lol Gong Jun looks like gigolo Joe from A.I did he dress up early for Halloween or something, he’s wearing thicker makeup than a Kardashian lol.
Looks like the outfit is wearing him, he’s not wearing the outfit. He lacks a certain charisma to truly pull off this outfit.
C drama fans are passionate about who got the best treatment in a foreign fashion week as if that’s a validation of celebrities’ status and career prospects back home. Is it? It’s really amusing.
Talking about treatment by far as I know based upon the information from C social media and international fashion news media, Xiao Zhan has been the only one C celebrity that got equivalent treatment as Kpop BTS et al from luxury brands. XZ was flanked by the CEOs of both Gucci and TOD’s at the Milan fashion events early this year. His body guards during the EU visit were provided by both companies throughout all his travel in Italy and France, including his personal itinerary, that was shown in his EU vlogs. He’s invited to TOD’s and Gucci’s headquarters for tours of making limited designs. Tod’s founder and CEO invited him to his own residence for dinner with his family. There’re too many unique treatments to mention that XZ got during the MFW, e.g., the hotels he stayed.
But why did Koala only blog about the EU fashion show activities of the 2nd-3rd tier C celebrities? The bias is evident. Sure, this is Koala’s blog. LOL
Sometimes I wonder if you’re actually a XZ anti. You have this obnoxious attitude when it comes to other celebrities, and have to drag XZ into every conversation. I feel like you’re just trying to get people to dislike him and his fans at this point.
@realxzfan You got it right. He/she claims to be a XZ fan yet condemns XZ’s official fandom XFX. Pretends to praise XZ in every unrelated articles while putting other celebrities down, deliberately drawing hate to him. Even goes as far as dragging politics in, probably an attempt to get XZ into hot soup with the Chinese authorities.
If you truly love someone, you’ll prevent them from getting into dangerous situations, not push them into a dangerous situation then declare to the world that you’re going to save them.
It’s my interest to talk about anything relevant to XZ cos he’s my fave, one and the only one. In my prior comment, I was repeating a fact that Koala was not in favor of XZ and I’m entitled to comment on that cos she’s been blogging about EU fashion shows and had never mentioned one single piece of information about XZ’s MFW this year even it generated hotter searches on Chinese SM given how he was treated in EU. That’s her choice. But I’m entitled to demur as a regular visitor of her blogs! How’s this showing me a XZ anti? What’s your logic? Are you deranged? If ppl dislike XZ, that’s cos they dislike his acting or visuals or whatnot already. They just use XZ fans as an unconvincing but convenient excuse to discredit him. I like XZ even though I dislike many xfx like you who can’t think and banana Lilith who’s been constantly accusing me of something false to a point that I guess she’s obsessed with me and may have to check her mental state. LOL. Realxzfan? LOL. Many toxic fangirls in 227 also considered themselves real XZ fans without knowing they did more harm than good to XZ. Shake my head! But toxic xfx has no impact on my liking of XZ.
I’m a fan of XZ and he’s the only celebrity I stan in the world. But I detest some xfx like you paranoia who are incoherent in logic. This is a free forum outside China where everyone is entitled to express opinions about celebrities including my own fave. If you think opinions coming from a non Chinese outside China like me would risk XZ’s career or safety because of my criticism of the CCP, then you underestimate your beloved Chinese authorities who I don’t think are as dim witted as you. Are you implying the Chinese authority is stupid enough to be skeptical of XZ’s loyalty to his own country and therefore to undermine great influence of the most popular Chinese star overseas thanks to foreign fans’ comments about XZ and the CCP regime? LMAO. In the west, fans do not only sugar talk all the time but also critique. Stop transfer Chinese mentality and fear overseas!
BTW, @Lilith, I can tell you’ve never learned critical thinking even though you are living in a democratic society. You’re too old to change. Hopeless! But stop harassing non Chinese fans like me! I don’t give a shit about pathetic mentality of Chinese fans. I’m a fan of XZ but I won’t call myself xfx cos there are indeed very toxic fans in that fandom like other crazy Cdrama fandoms. Who set the rule that a fan of an actor has to be conformed to the crazy behavior of his fandom without independent thinking? I personally don’t believe the theory that xfx were all innocent and had nothing to do XZ’s suffering from cyberbully of 227, as fabricated by many xfx. I’m not stupid!
@realxzfan See? Told you. He/she’s a “fan” that doesn’t even heed XZ’s own words.
He/she is the exact “toxic fangirls” that he himself mentioned. By explicitly calling himself a XZ’s fan while putting other celebrities down, people assume he’s a XFX, and that’s how the poor XFXs get dirty water thrown onto their name.
@Lilith, you’re losing legit reasoning for your standpoints so you could only twist XZ’s words advising his fans. XZ advised his fans to get real life rather than being a busybody pressing others what to do/say and what not online. No only has you misinterpreted XZ’s interview and what he said, you also have trouble communicating with and respecting different opinions that you don’t like. That’s why you have been stalking me nonstop to accuse me of being a XZ hater while in the opposite I’m a diehard fan of XZ. LOL.
It’s so ludicrous of you, claiming yourself NOT a die hard fan of XZ in other comments, to label me countless times a XZ anti while I confessed many times to the public as a staunch fan of XZ. LOL. You really have trouble defining or identifying how a fan should behave online, do you? I don’t think you have stalked and harassed me so much bcos you’re defending and caring about XZ but bcos you identify yourself with the CCP and the related culture to the extent that my strong critique of the regime, the C-ent nepotism, the poor production quality of C dramas in average, and the pathetic C fan culture has got on your nerves and you’re bitter and all emo. You’re attacking me for the foregoing reasons, not for the reason to defend XZ instead.
@Lilith, I totally see what you mean. This is exactly how many fan wars start in Weibo. A fan of celebrity A trash talks celebrity B, while “praising” and saying how much better celebrity A is. Celebrity B’s fans gets angry and attacks back. Then a whole fan war begins with a bunch of posts of screenshots “proving” the other party started it. It happens all the time. That’s why even though I’m a fan and agree how great XZ is, I don’t want to say negative things about other celebrities, while dragging my idol along for everyone to attack later.
@Somebody, yes you have a right to your opinion. You can post whatever you want. Likewise, I can make an observation of your posts that you put on a public blog. I see many antis doing what you do. Perhaps you are a true fan. If so, I suggest you tone it down so you don’t go making enemies for XZ for no reason. You can post negative comments on anyone you want, but you don’t need to bring XZ into every single one of your posts while you’re doing that. XZ doesn’t constantly compare himself to other people or say how much better he is. He is humble, just worries about himself and works hard to push out content. He lets his actions and work speak for themselves.
@realxzfan, You guys have to learn to accept all kinds of opinions with respect even you don’t agree! Stop telling ppl to shut up just bcos their comments aren’t to your liking! I observed a similar pattern in many XZ fans’ (identified themselves as xfx) attitude towards other netizens that I have to say pretty obnoxious and uncivilized! You can’t expect all the ideas and thinking are uniformly conformed to certain standards unless they obviously violate written laws. Let me say again! Please respect ppl with different opinions. I’m not interested in any frivolous debate. How should I be concerned about triggering any fan war if ppl are all rational enough to accept facts and respect different opinions???????????? We’ve been used to this kind of civil communication and discussions either on campus, at workplace, and more so online in the west, specifically in the US. We respect all kinds of opinions even we don’t agree or even dislike very much. I’m communicating on Koala’s blogs with the same civil attitude. If you’re not comfortable with that, you should reflect upon yourselves why !!!!
Where in my comments did you see any negativity? Just point it out rather than insinuating I’m calling for fan wars !!!!!!! I guess coming from different cultural background with different upbringing and education gives us different mentality and mindset about public opinions and how to interact with ppl online! I don’t buy into how China has cultivated your attitude on social media. It’s pretty oppressive! Stop telling ppl how to behave and express in public as XZ fans! You’re not my legal advisor, nor is XZ. I like him the most but he’s not my God. LOL. I don’t live in China nor do I have anything associated with China. Therefore, I’ll comment on anything speaking my mind, not to please you or any nosey strangers!
@realxzfan …I think this is a trap that a lot of a stans fall into. They’re so intent on spreading the gospel of their fav that they don’t see how it can be a turn off and a bad reflection on their fav. And we see this in all kind of fandoms. Even for my own fav, if I’ve encountered their fandom before I got so obsessed with them , I wouldn’t have even go near. Even now, I get moments of doubts being like “what’s wrong with me that I stan the same person these insane fans stan?!” and my fav is like a small bean in Cent so am sure their fandom’s craziness is not even that much in comparison to other Cent juggernauts 😅
@Somebody, I’m not telling you what to do. I was merely making an observation that what you’re doing is what a lot of antis also do. I merely suggested you could tone it down as this behavior could make enemies for XZ from other people’s fans. Suggest means something for you to consider, not dictating what you should do. You can keep doing what you’re doing, and others can continue to find your behavior problematic, which is obviously fine since we all don’t even know each other.
In regards to you asking what you said that was negative. Your first comment, you were basically calling anyone Koala posted about for EU fashion shows “2nd-3rd tier C celebrities”, which is likely to be perceived as negative and as you calling their faves 2nd or 3rd tier. Then you go and brag about XZ’s exceptional treatment. I’m not going to go back into all your long posts to try to give you more examples, but obviously other people have noticed too.
@R I agree with you, sometimes you just like someone a lot and think they’re the best in the world so you want to spread the gospel. But being humble is a virtue too. I’m sure your fave is great even if he is what you called a “small bean” right now. Everyone has something special that can attract fans. There are many talented people that just don’t get famous because of poor luck or just not getting that one hit.
@realxzfan…my small bean is the bestest in my very biased fangirling heart. Haha. In all seriousness, I really believe tho that to be a good fan, you’ve to be cognizant there is your biased view and there is the fact that your bias objectively can’t be good at everything so like fangirl to your heart content but don’t be completely blind about it. And the amount of ppl liking your fav shouldn’t affect how you view your fav. I would love for my small bean to have more fans and recognitions (wake up, china fans!!) but I don’t like them any less for not getting there yet( but hopefully, soon!)
@Realxzfan, Stop judging me! I’m not problematic. I was throwing out a fact based upon hard statistics data on the current popularity ranking in C-ent. If ppl refuse to accept the fact but get emo or butthurt instead, that’s their problems. They have mental issues and don’t feel secure cos their faves aren’t the most popular! They are the ones needing change in their mentality and psychology, not me! Being top 1 has nothing to brag about. I agree. But my original comment to Koala was to address her coverage of C-ent celebrities, not who’s the best or better. “Tier” is an English word used to describe ranking (of popularity in C-ent). What’s wrong with that? It’s the problem of ppl with weak (and very unhealthy) mentality that feeling looked down upon cos their faves aren’t on the top of every ranking. Is it why C fans always arguing about which celebrities are treated better in any social events? LOL. I was kinda sarcastic about their fights (including the comments prior to my first one and a lot I read from Chinese SM) and gave XZ for example in their face. How’s that problematic? The problem lies in C fans’ unhealthy competitive mentality not me.
This is what I have issues with you and many xfx! You throw shades on me bcos my opinions happen to be similar to many antis! LOL. I have no control over what excuses antis would like to use to discredit XZ. If one has malicious intention, then anything neutral (or even positive) can be manipulated into a weapon to offend others. Why am I liable to other’s bad behaviors and schemes? The same argument goes for 227 cyberbully. In his interview when XZ initially responded to 227, he said that he didn’t think himself in a position to manage (control) fans’ behaviors. (That is, he didn’t consider himself responsible for how his fans behaved.) He’s totally right! Why should he be responsible for strangers’ banana behaviors even they claimed to be his fans and using him as a reason to create cyber turmoil? But then he got attacked again for not managing his fans. So his studio came out to issue an official apology again and he said in an award ceremony later on that he would do a better job managing his fans. It’s a huge joke and nonsense from western perspectives. Excuse me! The entire episode was train-wreck nonsense!!!! I pitied XZ since he’s entirely innocent but has to bear all the brunt caused by either his fans or antis.
But I’m not XZ, nor do I live in China. I will not pick up nonsensical blames for presenting simple facts that got other ppl butthurt thanks to their unhealthy mindset. If ppl decide to hate XZ bcos of my honesty with how popular he is, that’s their problems. I have no control over their choice to hate. I’m a fan, not his marketing team! So stop spurious moral preaching to me !
@realxzfan This Somebody is a brainwashed psychopath. I don’t bother replying to him unless there is a need to clarify any wrong information posted by him. He will ramble on and on about the same things like a broken record.
@somebody… it amuses me how you spent the first paragraph being amused at C drama fans placing importance on Chinese celebs’ appearance at fashion week in other countries but then spent the next longer paragraph touting XZ’s treatments to showcase how important/ amazing/ *insert chosen superlative here* he is. Do you not see the disconnect?
Nope! My comments are totally relevant to this blog and what others commented before my first comment. I don’t see the conflict between being amused by how C drama fans give so much SM coverage to fashion shows in EU (per my observation on Chinese SM), raving about their own idols, and my opinion how Koala completely ignored the coverage of a top tier C actor’s FS in EU. IMO, she should have at least mentioned XZ’s FS. So I protested! I protested in a civil way with my explanations. Is that a problem? LOL
I really can’t get the logic behind you guys’ grudge against my comments. I only stated a fact that how come Koala would dismiss the EU FS of the most popular C celebrity but gave so much coverage to C celebrities of next tier in terms of popularity and treatments in EU FS. My question to her is legit! Since other ppl already argued about the importance of their own faves based upon how they were treated during the EU FS, it promoted me to chime in simply based upon the popularity of these C-ent celebrities. How would this trigger fan wars per the other commenters suggested unless they ignored and denied the fact and just couldn’t tolerate ppl raving about other celebrities. LOL. It’s all about civil attitude respecting different opinions even you’re not happy about those opinions. Popularity ranking is right there with numerous data suggesting XZ being the first-tier C celebrity and others far behind him also per how he’s treated in EU FS compared with all others. Even I were not his fan, I wouldn’t deny the fact that there’s popularity ranking and he’s on the top while everyone else is trailing far behind. You can argue about the ranking but please provide evidence to support your opinion, rather than tell me to shut up. We don’t do this in a democratic society respecting freedom of speech! Stop intimidating ppl using the same tactics popular in China. SMH!
@somebody …of course, it’s not a problem at all , I just found it amusing seeing your two tones. Also , I don’t really see Koala’s blog as an actual news sources for Cent so I take no issue with her not updating on every facets of Cent news even if they’re consider big news. I think Koala just post what they find interesting and in this case, they found Gong Jun’s looks at PFW to be shiny and pretty so they wrote about it . It’s really not a slight against your fav, I think.
@R, I have no idea how Koala thinks about XZ. I have no evidence to prove anything but just by guessing she may not be liking him. Even so, I respect this is her blog so that she’s entitled to her choices of coverage of C-ent news. Nonetheless, as a long-term regular visitor of her blogs that I even praised to be the best among all Asian drama SM I’ve visited so far IMO, I feel like suggesting her perhaps giving more coverage to XZ given how popular he is inside and outside China.
It’s really confounding my simple question to Koala would create so many negative responses. In my comments, I didn’t even touch anything to do with celebrities’ looks, attire, and styles etc. Other ppl mocked GJ but I didn’t see others critical of those dissing comments. How come there started a pile-on over my simple question to Koala? Ppl are irrational! LOL
@somebody …It’s not confounding at all why your initial comment elicit so many responses. It is because you didn’t even discuss anything about GJ in a post about him but instead bring in a completely different celeb which you have a tendency to do in this blog (and no, am not stalking you but I’ve a tendency to read all the comments in posts and since Koala posts’ comments are not that many, it’s easy to see pattern of different commenters). The negative comments about GJ is at least on topic.
@R, I’ve clarified enough about my comments. As I explained, my initial comment was totally relevant to this blog since she’s been talking about FS in EU for a while. That prompts me to make that comment. I don’t see any issues mentioning other celebrities (XZ in this case) in a blog meant to provide information of another celebrity. Tell me what the problem with this!!!!!! Are there any rules commenters have to abide by that mentioning someone else isn’t allowed in a blog covering another celebrity? LOL. I’m indifferent to GJ’s fashion styles (here you go as you suggested that I should mention him LOL). But the coverage of lesser popular C celebrities by Koala promoted me to make the first comment.
I’m more vocal as a XZ fan since a lot of them actually do not visit this site again. I might not have mentioned XZ so often if he were covered more on this site. I don’t see the problem with tendency to discuss him a lot. I’m his diehard fan and he’s the only C actor I stan. Is that unreasonable for me to talk about him very often? That just shows that how much I like him. LOL. Ppl can equally talk about their faves rather than feeling offended cos I talk a lot about my own fave. LOL. SMH
@somebody …sure, I don’t think Koala has any rules about ppl talking off topic in her post so you’re correct in a technical sense. But if you can’t see there’s something off/ kinda rude by discussing solely about celeb B in a post about celeb A then I don’t know what else to tell you. But am sure we will continue to disagree on how your initial comment (which is the only one am talking about. I understand how readers’ comments to each other can stray from the post so that’s not what am talking about in our discussion here. I mean my initial comment to you didn’t include GJ at all) was actually relevant to what the post is about aka GJ wearing a pretty outfit and attend some shows.
And of course , you can keep talking about XZ as much as you like but if your intention is to win him more fans (which I would guess it is cause all fans want more fans for their fav. If it’s not and it’s just you wanting to fangirl over XZ then my apologies. But there surely must be other online groups/ spaces of like minded fans that you can fangirl over him as much as your heart desires in peace?) , then I want to say that your intention is not being received in quite that spirit in this blog space.
@R, I can communicate with ppl like you who I deem civilized and reasonable enough although we differ in opinions. Nope, I have no intention or any desire to win XZ more fans since he’s actually popular enough. I don’t think popularity is his career goal either given his choice of characters and scripts recently.
I’m just fangirling over him since as I said many times, I’m his diehard fan and he’s the only one bias among all celebrities around the world. I actually watch many more K dramas than C dramas and I was also used to be an avid Kpop fan. But XZ is the only celebrity whom I’m invested in a lot. You believe it or not. I don’t care how my comments/opinions are received in public since we are all strangers in real life, not a significant one to one other. Why should I care? LOL. Koala is very decent in the sense she doesn’t moderate her comment sections as much as some polarized Cdrama SM, e.g., Reddit. She only did that when slurs and name calling popped up. That’s how SM is supposed to function – let ppl talk whatever they want to and others learn to respect and tolerate different opinions.
I’m not doing marketing for XZ. LOL. He’s got his excellent team to do the job. So, I’ll discuss about him any time and anywhere I feel like to. I’ll praise his strength and also critique his the flaws of his works if I find any. He is my favorite actor and Chinese singer (FYI, I was a fan of singer XZ before being a fan of actor XZ and I had no idea he’s so big when I started to like his music stage). But XZ is not my idol. I don’t worship him. His works are also subject to critique including mine! Therefore, ppl should stop telling me what to comment in order to leave “humble” (I LOL at this concept about fangirling) impression as a XZ fan.
Lastly, stop identifying me as xfx. I’m not! I don’t belong to that fandom! ALL the C-ent fandoms are toxic at some points. I do not have high regard for that fan culture.
Hey, Gong Jun has that sullen model look down pat! Looking great!
I hope he had lighter make up on his face.
@Lilith, the one with sick mental state is you! As I said, you identify yourself with the CCP and anything related to China. Therefore your tolerance of criticism of Chinese culture including pathetic C-ent and fan culture is pretty limited. You specifically target me and find any chance to attack me all bcos I’ve been bluntly scathing about C-ent and the CCP. I’m not interested in talking to your shit. So, I’ve never bothered to respond to you unless you attacked me first. There’re track records of you stalking and verbally harassing me due to the reasons above. I’m really done with you and have pretty low regard for you, someone who’s lacking civilized concept while taking advantage of freedom of speech that’s banned in China! Such a hypocrite! LOL