Knight Flower with Honey Lee and Lee Jong Won Premieres to Highest MBC Fri-Sat Night Ratings in Years with 7.9%
I don’t want to yasssss queen Honey Lee just cuz she’s an amazing actress and star but she totally deserves it here. She’s headlining the new MBC Fri-Sat night sageuk drama Knight Flower (Night Blooming Flower) and the drama just premiered on Friday to 7.9% ratings and solid reviews in what could be a hit for the network. It’s the highest premiere in that time slot in years and since it’s following the well received Park’s Marriage Contract the network could be seeing a back-to-back win which it sorely needs. Her male lead Lee Jong Won isn’t an impressive young actor right off the bat but he’s quite solid onscreen with good presence and delivery so lots of potential and he’s also been picking good projects of late.

if I had more time I could watch more. This us definitely on my to watch list.
She looks gorgeous and ready to talk the world by storm. Love it
Clearly, My Dearest helped a lot MBC with this time slot!
The first 2 episodes were fun. It doesn’t have the subtitly and beauty of The Matchmakers, but I like the Robin Hood angle!
Is this drama good? I still haven’t moved on from My Dearest. Park contract Marriage is just not it…
It’s really up to you to decide whether it’s good, because you know your preferences best.
But if there’s something I can assure you, this one is much better than Park IMHO.
Along with the right dramas come the right stars,good for MBC.
The first 2 eps were fun to watch. The heroine’s character is pretty interesting, like a female version of Iljimae. I’m in.
Currently watching Marry My Husband and this one. One modern and one sageuk. Good enough.
Glad that MBC is churning out 3 hits in a row. First with My Dearest, then Park’s Marriage and now Knight Flower.
I really hate this recent trend of misspelling the word 밤/Night as Knight in international titles. First, there’s 너의 밤이 되어줄게/I’ll Become Your Night being titled Let Me Be Your Knight, and now 밤에 피는 꽃/The Flower That Blooms at Night becoming Knight Flower.