
Queen of Tears Episode 10 Reaches 18% Ratings Becoming Second Highest Rated tvN Drama of All Time with 6 More Episodes Left — 67 Comments

  1. I love the biggest twist and the end of episode 10. I like how our heroine not allowing anyone holding her at knife point and making public of the threat is a brilliant way to get back at Eun Sung.

    I actually never expected Eun Sung to genuinely have feelings for Hae In but now I realized its an obsession. I still want to know the exact motive of Bitch mom ruining the Queens.

    Anyway, the moments between the OTP are sweet.

  2. I like how their love for each other slowly comes up the surface…unraveling as they find each other again. I can feel the chemistry more now, the leads are embodying their characters, and play off each other and really act with their eyes. I hope we have a satisfying ending. The wait every week is agonising.

  3. This is one of the few leading that has so much character growth. He literally went from loving his wife for a lifetime (marriage commitment) to being depress/despise his wife/family to loving her even more than he had and now committing to save her whole family from injustice in a spam of months. What a roller coaster of emotions to process. Her, on the other hand, has always been consistent w/ her feelings but now willing to communicate especially to the whole world what he meant to her(that ending of ep10 was epic).

    • *Spoiler*

      Yea, I liked that she said ‘my husband…’ making known that she did it to protect him. And she closed the door of any chance for her to go back, as I’d like to think she realized that in her remaining days she would rather spend it with her husband, than to get back the power, money…

    • it makes so much sense that they’re like that, especially Haein with the background of how her mother is.

      Her mother blames her for her oppa’s death and for the younger brother being stupid and failing at business, won’t listen to anything she says so ultimately she’s just putting up a cold facade like “believe whatever you want I’m not trying to convince you”, like ma’am the girl was NINE?! when this started?! Not surprised that she’s like that with Hyunwoo when a crisis comes (their baby loss) – she tries to act tough, he believes she’s a heartless monster and rejects her, she just keeps her tough front and lets him believe the worst because historical pattern in her life = people who are supposed to love her, believing she’s the bad one even when it’s unfair.

      but yeah it’s truly a rollercoaster! I love how it goes from they’re in love for real —->mutual ice —> he rediscovers his love for her by faking at first but then it very quickly stops being fake, the ending of episode 10 was amazing, like she has always quietly tried to protect him as much as she could without making it obvious but now she just threw it all to the wind and came right out. Love them both so much <3

  4. CLOY staying on top will definitely be dethroned..And no wonder Haein is being careful..Drunk HyunWoo was such a killer..! This drama will remain in memory for so long ..the complete package of rollercoaster ride is unmatched!!

  5. It’s fitting that ep10 hit a high
    It was the best episode (yet)
    humour, tears and a lot of heart
    I love the ending – gosh she put herself out there because she cannot even bear the thought that he will be hurt because of her
    And there he is pulling out leaves wondering if she lives him. Well he knows – the last scene of them looking at each other and Kim Soo Hyun – give this man an award or something! He doesn’t need to say a word and those eyes gosh.
    This pull and push is such wonderful story telling
    I’m so happy to watch this drama!

  6. Epic ending! At last, Hyun Woo will finally realize how Hae in truly loves him. If that “grand gesture” doesn’t express selfless/ protective love or Nobody bullies my husband except me then I don’t know what will.
    I just wish they’d air a special episode of Hae in and Hyun Woo Before Crisis in chronological order cos I love those flashbacks. Very romcom.
    I am so excited for next week!

    • Good idea. I’m hoping there will be some FMVs(fan made videos) that encompasses their dating life in chronological order to marriage. It would be fun to see as a continuous form.

      • TvN will be putting out a 2 episode special after the finale. Hopefully it’ll include all the amazing scenes in Germany that flashed by in Episode 1 (ie:, all the kisses scenes and them vacationing around as honeymooners). I’m sure there’s a lot of other footage that didn’t make the final cut due to editing. They filmed for almost a year.

  7. this is the kind of drama that makes me remember why I love kdramas, congratulations to Park Jieun for writing another instant classic and someone please please give Kim Jiwon and Kim Soohyun daesangs already I’m just dying from how good they are and how they’re even better together in a drama that gives them equal focus!!

    I hope the Queen of Tears team – writer, cast, crew, everyone – kept some champagne on ice because it’s now 100 percent on track to become tvN’s highest rated drama of all time and the only one besides CLOY to crack 20 percent!

    (it’ll probably crack the top 3 of highest rated cable dramas of all time, I can see it going past Sky Castle but TWOTM 28 percent is a high bar)

    but omg the ending of episode 10 had me in awe and in tears, she really combined a public declaration of love for her husband with the ultimate “b*tch, you thought???!” move while outing herself to the whole world.

    • How I wish tvN had yearly awards. Still wishing someone would sub tvN’s tvN10 Awards ceremony. Maybe we’ll get a tvN20 Awards ceremony in 2026.

  8. Ugh this drama just kills me with the angst. HW and HI’s love for each other is just so darn beautiful and deep and touching and heartbreaking. They may not have communicated very well, but theyve done so much for each other without the other knowing. I love that QOT explores just how deep love can flow after a honeymoon phase is well and truly over. I know its early days still, but I doubt another drama is surpassing QOT this year. In fact, it will undoubtedly shoot up to quite a lot of viewers top 10 or better if it continues being this good.

    Its almost routine now to do this, but Kim. Soo. Hyun. I really do not get how he is able to do it every single time, but he just one ups himself?!?! I wont say out loud in case anyone hasnt watched yet, but last line in the epilogue and how he says it with a slight tremble and innocence only he can portray. He is magnificent!! TheQoo had 3 hot topics alone on that scene with over 300 comments each. Everyone is echoing each other already but I just had to gush on an English platform too on just how great KSH acted that out.

    • @Mel can you link the posts from theqoo? please please I would love to see this drama being appreciated in its home country the way we all are outside.

      (and omg the episode 10 epilogue I DIED)

      • Haha ofc! I dont know if you read Hangul but maybe you can google translate? Hopefully it’s accurate enough. Here is one from this week:
        https:// /hot/3173504206?filter_mode=normal&page=1

        Last week:
        https:// /hot/3162649178?filter_mode=normal&page=1

        There are several more on the hot list, but these are the ones I saved lol. Theres one post I particularly loved saying “Do Minjoon’s current identity is KSH” which I thought was absolutely hysterical. But its not exactly related to the drama 😅

      • Royal We – anytime! And I highly suggest checking out Naver TV video comments if you want to see knetz reaction to a particular scene. There are tons of comments and it’s always a lot of fun. Nothing like YouTube, and no trolls thankfully!

  9. “My husband” it says all ! Both fathers make me laugh , both think that they were the center of their own world when they never were taken seriously ! Deux boulets !!!

  10. This is how a good drama should be written, it’s not ab the amazing plot,but it is also ab how good every character in show,this drama makes me interested in every character and I want know what will happen to them next, not only the main lead I don’t skip any scenes, hope Chinese drama learn a thing or two from this drama and start making similar drama

  11. I LOVE the leads so so so much, but am I crazy if I say I also love the villain?! 😂

    He’s a psycho, he’s abusive and completely unhinged, but I really sorry for him somehow. Loosely using the term “sorry” here. That moment when Haein just declares she and her husband have been threatened, and he sort of just looses color. It’s ridiculous how I was both clapping for our leads and also feeling sorry for the snake? I have a soft spot for psychos clearly. He has mommy issues, duh, but he also needs to learn the meaning of love and how it’s different from obsession. I don’t think Eunseong is redeemable, but I am excited to see his next move. These mind games with Hyunwoo are fun even if he plays foul because our hero is just so smart. I trust him to get out of any hole.

    This week, it was our support cast’s turn to shine. I love all of them! Yongduri, Queens, their bonds, Soocheol and Dahye, Beomja and her new love, that random foreigner who is fluent in Korean. It was so much fun! I’m really invested in everyone’s growth and not just the leads. But I’ll cap it off by saying KSH’s delivery of the episode ending and the epilogue ending was just *chef’s kiss* Take a bow, KSH!

    • No you’re not crazy. Park Sung Hoon is one of my favorites after watching him with Nana in Into The Ring. It really broke my heart to see the fallout due to a certain drama with Joseon in the title. It was over two years before he was in a drama again. I think he was supposed to be the original lead of the drama Happiness and he had to step down from the drama The One and Only. Really happy to see his career comeback with The Glory and to see Queen of Tears add on to that. Really hoping he gets offered lead roles after this.

      • i think he had a drama with SNSD Soyoung, no? he became a police officer, lol. And after watching it, i forgot he used to be the villain. I mean, he’s such a great actor and i love to see him in moreeee roles.

        Everyone in this drama gives ‘chef’s kiss’ acting. The casting director did really well.

      • Hopping on the PSH fan club. Tbh, I completely forgot he was a part of the JE disaster. Eun Sung is just getting started I feel, so there’s a lot more of PSH’s talent we’ll be seeing.

        I love him as an actor, and I also love his personality off screen. He just seems like he’s such a sweetheart irl. He already has several huge huge projects under his belt with Glory, Tears, and Squid Game 2 in the works. I don’t doubt for a moment he’ll be back to leading dramas very soon.

      • You are not the only one I have a love/hate relationship with the character but I can’t wait to see his next move

    • Eunseong’s undoing is Haein. It would have been the perfect crime, except it’s without Haein or shall I say she is the ultimate goal which he will never ever get. For all the money he has in the world, he will not be able to buy Hyunwoo or Haein. And I like that Hyunwoo divorced without getting any money, and yet stayed on even when Haein is now without money. And Haein giving up money for Hyunwoo. For the money that sets them world apart they chose love, and that’s what matters to them in the end.

    • No you aren’t crazy , PSH is a good actor and his villain character isn’t a manichaean one. He did all that because of his kind of obsessional love for Hae In . He may have seen her kindness behind her rude behaviour . She was the only one who have a gesture of kindness when he was a child ! All the characters are interesting . And i love PSH since My only one to Not others, but i really enjoy him in Into the ring !

  12. That epilogue ended me. I thought it was an adorable flashback, was giggling at how he plucked another branch from his pocket because he does not agree with the leaf. Everything was cute fluffy one moment, and then BAM! All Hyun Woo says is I love you, and I legit burst into tears… am I way too into the drama to have reacted like that? Yes prob. Pretty sure that’s not normal. 😂

    I’m gonna give this drama a rest and watch something else until it completes its run if I can keep myself from coming back. I thought I was way past my obsessing over drama phase… this is not helping my years worth of progress 😂

  13. Episode 10 just broke me completely. I never knew I could feel such pain, anguish and happiness at the same time! This is certainly an unforgettable drama. I felt pain at Hae-In’s mother because she’s really going to regret how she treated her daughter over the years when she learns that her daughter is dying. I felt pain when I realized, that Hae In would rather announce her pain to the world to protect her husband, than confide in her mother, who by her very role, is supposed to soothe the pain of her children.

    I felt anguish at Hyunwoo, fighting so very hard that Hae In should be protected and cared for in her last days and Hae In trying so hard to protect him too. When she told him she didn’t want him to do anything for her anymore, he probably interpreted it to mean that she was rejecting him, not realizing that she’s vocalizing her intent to keep him safe. The feels. The last scene was breath stealing. I literally had to remind myself to breathe just watching them look at each other. So much love in their eyes conveyed in such a nuanced way. These actors strengthen each other’s performances. I can’t imagine any other actors better suited for these roles than the people who are currently playing them.

  14. Great writing. Every actor is doing their best. The main leads are such a pleasure to watch. I’ve always found Kim Ji Won not very likably in other roles, but she is killing it here. This role was made for Kim Soo Hyun, he is so cute when he looks at her with these puppy eyes.
    But My Love From Another Star it ain’t. Nothing comes close to MLFAS’ rewatch value. The more you rewatch it more you like it. This drama is a great watch while ongoing because of cliffhangers at the end. And it’s the best Kim Soo Hyun’s fan service for sure, nothing wrong with it, he deserves it. But will we want to rewatch it again and again? That’s the question

    • Idk I kinda like a mature looking Kim Soo Hyun. I never get passed Ep 1 of MLFAS and to this day never watched it. To each his/her own I guess.

    • Agreed. Nothing will ever truly beat YFAS for me. Absolutely nothing other than a remake starring KSH and JJH would do 😂

      It’s just one of those masterpiece dramas that will always have the biggest spot in some viewers’ heart. The comedy, the emotions, the characters, the relationships the epic romance – everything about it was so grand. Even the way the writer incorporated Edward Tulane’s story to Minjoon’s right till the end. It was the best drama I have ever seen and will likely ever see. Songyi and Do Manager are still talked about until today – a whole decade later.

      I love QOT to death, but it’s no YFAS. And that’s okay, at least to me, because we haven’t had another YFAS since… YFAS lol. From a character perspective, Hyun-woo is so much more complex than Minjoon. Do Minjoon was such a *hero* in every sense of the word. Hyunwoo is so much more human and morally grey with such a wide range of emotions. Tbh, I love them both equally, because that’s just how good the writer is. But for KSH – the actor – Hyunwoo is a lot more of a challenge than Minjoon ever was. The fact that QOT is doing so well, despite having a hero who at times was called despicable – it speaks volumes on how well the drama is written and how brilliantly the character is portrayed.

      • Yes. KSH made a great choice, or maybe the writer knew who she wants to play Hyunwoo, because feels like it’s tailored for him. I can’t imagine anyone doing as well in this role.

        *high-fives the fellow YFAS addict*

      • My Love From The Star is just special. I remember watching Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun in The Thieves first and their kiss scene was on fire. I remember her Entertainment Weekly interview mentioning it years ago before they reunited. Kim Soo Hyun had just had the monster hit The Moon That Embraces the Sun earlier that year. That drama’s ratings have yet to be surpassed by anything other than a weekend family drama. So he had a huge hit drama and huge hit movie with The Theives in the same year. Then he followed it up as the lead of his own hit movie with Secretly, Greatly. So when the news broke they were reuniting for a drama, it was the most highly anticpated drama for me and it was for scores of other people as well. I remember all the buzz that Yunho was supposed to get second lead and the backlash was severe, even TVXQ fans were telling him not to do it. It was just a done deal that the drama was going to be a hit before it even aired, and no one wanted anything messing it up. It was Jun Ji Hyun’s return to dramas after over a decade of doing movies and coming off of two back to back hit movies herself. First the news was that Kim Soo Hyun convinced her to do the drama after she declined, but then I heard years later that she signed on first. I honestly don’t know which one is true. My Love From The Star just wound up being everything and more tbh. They both delivered. And with her being a newly wed at the time, I was even more impressed. Top tier chemistry. So many actresses just disapear right after getting married, but her career was on fire, so I’m happy she just kept on going. She wound up winning a two Daesangs because of it. Hoping her upcoming drama ushering in Kang Don Won’s return to dramaland after 20 years will be amazing as well. If they have a romantic storyline I hope they have smoldering chemistry together.

    • KSH in The Moon Embracing the Sun is still my favorite of him. I can rewatch TMETS but not the other dramas of his.

      • I love The Moon Embracing the Sun as well. But somehow I don’t rewatch it as much as My Love From the Star, because I have to fast forward the palace politics.

  15. Oh a slew of praises to the galaxy again!! LOL. Exactly how interesting is this drama? I have to give an unpopular opinion again. I’m currently at ep5. But I haven’t felt the urge to binge the remaining eps yet. To the opposite, one ep each time is more than enough for me, unlike CLOY which I binged twice and still found everything including the plot pretty novel and refreshing. I definitely can watch CLOY again. LOL. Perhaps this genre is just not for me. There were quite a few recycled tropes and concepts in these first few eps of QoT, e.g., gossipy villagers, scheming family members and power struggle inside chaebol household as expected, foolish siblings of the hero (as expected), and a sly but smart antagonist (the 2nd ML as expected too) etc., to just name a few. Nothing was extraordinarily exciting so far that would hook me to want more development. KSH’s acting is solid and nuanced as always but he’s also become predictable. On top of that, I don’t find hero’s fear of his wife and intimidation by the chaebol power convincing. Of course it’s exaggerated to bring in black comedic moments. Although there’s comedy intended for this part and it did make me laugh a bit with comical mishaps out of his plan, I’m still not into his storyline with his wife.

    The only intriguing point for me to continue watching the drama is KJW. I wasn’t familiar with her except for her supporting role in Descendants of the Sun. I wasn’t impressed by her icy cold mannerism as the superwoman in running the family business. But her lost scenes with temporary amnesia and ending conversation with KSH showing her vulnerability by the end of ep 4 were demonstrations of superior acting. She would be the one drawing me to this drama, most part of which I still can’t feel the hype.

    Plot- and direction-wise, I appreciate Itaewon Class more and that’s why I’m sorta binging IC but can only watch one ep of QoT at a time.

    • It’s ok we all have different tastes/preferences. I actually never get passed first few eps of DOTS and CLOY or YFAS. I kept thinking of going back to watch DOTS or CLOY in Netflix but struggled. Same with a lot of Chinese dramas like TMPB or BBJX even. I guess my taste is just different. LOL.

      • Different strokes for different folks, but for the most part everybody else is enjoying and that includes me! I am elated at all the praise and accolades this drama is receiving! KJW is the cake for me, and KSH made me his fan. Although not enough for me to watch his other dramas although, I’ll probably try to watch MLFAS again. I could not for the life of me finish Itaewon Class, I did not feel the chemistry with the female lead. CLOY I loved after giving it how many tries oh how I struggled! In the end, the greatest dramas I could never really rewatch because of all the emotions they stirred in me! That includes DOTS and Goblin. I just rewatched scenes/eps. Also QOT firmly restores my faith in Korean dramas again.

        Let me just say, to be Hyun Woo in ep 10 and hear Hae-in announce “my husband” after her keep repeating that they are divorced already! I would literally die right there and then

      • @wth, I could never finish TMPB cos I was completely turned off by ML’s visuals. Again I don’t mind reminding ppl of my being a visual freak when it comes to Chinese costume dramas, specifically in the Xianxia genre. C fans hailed the ML of TMPB for having “surgical acting” that his subpar looks could just be ignored. It sounds all bullsh*t to me cos I read the novel that described the hero to be the MOST handsome creature in the fairy world. LOL. I do think BBJX is a unique drama that no other dramas had done similar concepts before it.

      • @Liz, I’m just thinking if the divorce is actually fake… the secretary also asked… wondering if there is a twist there

      • DOTS and CLOY didn’t do much for me either. DOTS just had a real cheesiness too it. It started off well with the leads, but once they left Korea, I just barrelled through and couldn’t even finish it. With CLOY, I loved the second leads much more. The main leads had their moments, but the premise and the way Son Yejin’s character was written just made the pairing one that didn’t really pull me. I think these two would’ve been amazing in a romantic melodrama, but now that they’re married, it probably won’t ever happen. It’s rare to see a real life actor couple pull off being the second coming of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

    • I understand , i may be the only one who can’t watched CLOY, because i don’t connect with Son Ye Jin even she is a star , a great actress . And since a few years i don’t click with Hyun Bin too . I only watch him in My Kim Sam Soon and Words within , but after that , he gives me a negative vibe . But it’s okay because everyone can’t like the same persons or things ,it will be boring !

      • I am exactly the same!!! His last drama I watched was Worlds Within..
        As for Son Ye Jin, I watched on of her drama but I dont remember which. I am a fan of Gong Hyo Jin. I watched 90% of her dramas…

      • I watched CLOY and that was interesting enough for a one time watch. Never came back to rewatch it. Wait. I did rewatch it. Not on my own tho. I rewatched it with a friend because of a nefarious intent …to get her hooked on Kdramas. Previously, I’ve used Healer or Coffee Prince to start my female friends on Kdramas ( I know, it sounds like I’m starting them on drugs, lol) but this time CLOY worked very well for this purpose.

      • @HL, if you seriously compare Asian dramas with western films from technical perspectives, you most likely would find Asian dramas are subpar in general. Take CGI for example, I showed many CGI in some very popular C and K dramas to my relative who’s a pro CGI engineer. He said those all looked pretty fake. LOL. Then he showed me what was considered good CGI. Welp, I can’t make a case to argue with him. LOL. That being said, I still prefer to watch K dramas than Hollywood productions bcos K dramas tell more interesting stories from my perspectives.

      • For me, even as popular as she is, it’s Gong Hyo Jin. I’ve seen many of her dramas, but I think the first female leads I’ve seen her play were just too pathetic for me and those characters left their imprint. Her other female lead roles didn’t do much for me either. I think the best drama so far for me was When The Camelia Blooms, but in the beginning, the lead characters weren’t doing anything for me. I was so eagarly awaiting the drama because Kang Ha Neul was a lead and I was so disappointed he was playing such a goofy character. I eventually warmed up to him though. He is such a gorgeous man, it’s way past time for him to get a lead role in a serious romantic drama. I could easily see him in dramas with the tone of Secret Love Affair, Something In the Rain and One Spring Night. And after seeing his cameo in River Where The Moon Rises, he’s needs to be the lead of a saeguk of My Dearest quality right now. Park Min Young, Yoon Eun Hye, and Kim Sun Ah were the actresses that snatched me in my early days of KDrama watching. I just loved Park Min Young’s role in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. You just didn’t see many roles like that for actresses at the time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her play a pathetic character.

      • Same. 15 mins into episode 1 of DOTS, I dozed off. Then i retried. Same thing happened. Retried few more times, fell asleep within 15 mins. So, i took it that DOTS is never fated for me to watch. Lol.

        I like CLOY very much. The only other romcom that I genuinely like is Live Up To Your Name.

      • Same here. Despite all the talented actors in it, some story aspects made me cringe so I couldn’t finish DOTS.

      • @Hl i enjoyed all GHJ ‘s drama aside WTCB ! I’m also one who tried hard to watch DOTS but i couldn’t finish ep 5 . It was so cheesy . The last drama i could watch from the writer was A gentleman’s dignity !Another drama that i couldn’t watch and dropped was King the land !

      • @cahill, I did not watch When the Camellia Blooms either…watched abit not interested so I never go back to it.
        In UK, we make very good War themed TV-dramas thus watching Descendants of the Sun is like child’s play. I really could not watch further. It is just too…….too….😂

      • @cahil, talking about GHJ’s WTCB, I just found out the drama got a lot of nominations and several Baeksang awards including Grand Prize, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actor. So, how do we evaluate Baeksang for its credibility? I personally think WTCB is decent but there are many noticeable flaws in the production. Obviously Baeksang judges that year thought differently.

    • All kind words from you guys. Thanks. If I made similar comments in Cdrama threads, C fans would most likely have pile on me and start bickering. LOL. That’s how different these two international fan cultures look!

      • I noticed the bickering you have due to your comment about some C-drama. I have to say, similar to you. I watch Cdrama sometimes just because I dont have to read subs. It is so tiring to have to keep focused reading subs. Somethings I just want a drama in the background along with me multi tasking. The drama may not be great but since it is just on the background, I just listen to it in Chinese and watch every now and then… If it is great, i will rewatch, if not, I stop.

      • @HL, Ikr. It really makes a lot difference without reading subtitles and to simply focus on actors’ facial expressions or listening to something you fully understand. Also, it was through non-stop search of and watching C dramas during the pandemic years that I got to know Xiao Zhan whom I appreciate a lot and I was also motivated to check more C dramas because of him. Even the most C dramas were letdowns to me, I’ll still check them whenever positive reviews and recommendations come up. What’s wrong with that? I don’t get why the heck someone had trouble getting it. LOL

    • It’s totally okay to not love what all the others are loving. I have force myself to watch so many dramas (DOTS, Heirs, Secret Garden, etc) in the past due to fomo lol, but I realized that just because everyone loves a drama, it doesn’t mean I have to. I certainly never understood why CLOY was so loved and skipped most of the middle episodes before watching the end. Some dramas just doesn’t click for some, different strokes for different folks.

      • I’m still puzzled why Heirs was so popular. Although I enjoyed Secret Garden most part, I did skip all the body swap tropes. Also MLFAS is just ok to me. I even wished the series ended soon so that there’s no need for me to feel obligated as a fan to watch it for KSH. LOL.

        In this thread, Kdrama fans understand fans don’t have to like everything their fave actors filmed. But in Cdrama fan circles, you’re disqualified to be a fan if you criticize or just dislike some of their works. It’s more idol worship in C fan culture.

      • You know why CLOY was huge because it introduced the world to North Korea and how they are suffering and closed off from the rest of the world. Every single characters were likable and we cheer for them all… yes… even the bad guys because he really just want to survive in N.Korea. You will never get another story like CLOY again.

        Here, QOT, is your typical story but w/ a twist. Nothing is new in It but it still arrange where everything is interesting. We really only care for the 2 OTP, everyone else is unimportant.

      • @Lee, well said. Completely agreed! The whole story of CLOY is just so novel and fresh. QoT is not comparable at all when two great leads were taken out of the plot.

  16. What a plot twist!!! I GASPED out loud. I know I should have trusted the writer, but they played that Uno Reverse real well. It puts our hero in danger, but I am down for the ride and taking down this psycho.
    Suchul’s wife not deleting the game app profile because she didn’t want to give up what she accumulated was 🤣🤣 the gamer in me enjoyed that thoroughly. How original and believable!! Well done writer-nim. I don’t see anyone talking about LJB but she is amaaaazing?? Her character tries so hard to not care but it’s so obv that she does. They need to reunite soon. Secondary OTP is loooovee!
    And KSH is also amaaaaazing!! He switches from comedy>melo>romance>action>family faster than the snap of a finger. Initially it was KJW’s performance I was enjoying, but ever since ep 6, it’s been alllll KSH for me. Great OTP and amazing performances!

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