Go Yoon Jung is New Agricultural Bank Spokesperson After Han So Hee’s Contract is Not Renewed Two Weeks Ago
The spokesperson switch for the other brand CF that did not renew with Han So Hee has also found a new buzzy actress to take over the campaign. The soju brand went with Kim Ji Won days after and now the agricultural bank has selected Go Yoon Jung in less than two weeks. There is clearly the same thought process in picking the currently popular actresses for the brands the same way Han So Hee was selected during her post The World of the Married drama breakout. Industry thinks Han So Hee will be fine in the long run and still have some CFs but her reign as CF darling for the last two years is over and there are spots for the currently more hot actresses to step in. Go Yoon Jung is a smart pick because her next drama is the highly anticipated Resident Playbook.

Hyeri’s revenge doing so fine. Got to hand it to the woman, she achieved her goal and overshot it.
It’s such a pity she did actually go for the guy but HSH was dumb and took the whole blow. Damn Hyeri girl, you sure know how to do it.
On one hand, it feels good that Hyeri kind of revenged for all girls dumped by their boyfriends. The new loves shouldn’t be gloating publicly, one day they might get dumped as well.
On other hand, I feel sorry for HSH for finding out the hard way why most actors keep their mouth shut and their life, real thoughts and feelings private – the netizens are strangers and not your friends. They can’t understand you and will turn on you no matter what you do.
So you feel good she got revenge on a woman that had absolutely nothing to do with her break up?
Wow, what commendable morals.
Wouldn’t it be funny if some of her CF got awarded to Hyeri 😂😂
Hyeri did go for the guy, HSH just decided to intervene LOL
GYJ had two of my favorite dramas under her belt. Nice switch!
Smart move. HSH’s mental health is not well enough to be spokesperson. Her image is really tarnished by her silly actions. Hope she has learnt a good lesson if she wants to keep her job.
Her image has really been tarnished. I was going through listings from an online mall hoping to buy a hair dye. Her Loreal ones were popping up, and on the first images, brought back memories of the whole distasteful saga where she terrorized the headlines with her neverending nonsense. I literally chose another brand though the one she was plugging took up 70% of the page listings. That is the power of a spokesperson. The feelings they invoke when you see their image. Ifans will argue international brands don’t care but the people hiring her from international brands are the korean office reps and it does not bode well. It will take a strong drama comeback and a period of lying low to recover for sure. I hope she takes time out to reflect and learn something from this whole messy episode.
For some reason her situation reminds me of that one drama, My love From Another Star. The main female lead always shot her self in the foot making social media mishaps and being misunderstood. Then the managers had to run through hoops to stop her from posting stuff. lol They always make jokes that you would think in real life celebs would know better over there. Korea is super harsh when it comes to social media than the states. Little petty things can totally break people’s career there. Hope she learns to be more careful in the future cause if she persists in posting all Willy nilly there it will just keep happening with such consequences.
I hope Han So Hee is wise with her earnings… Looks like her best years may pass her by. She must regret ever dating the actor.
I hope she will learn from this experience and be a wiser person.
I doubt this would actually ruin her career long term. These are more short term consequences and as soon as she comes back with a good drama, people will move on. It’s a dating scandal – she didn’t do anything illegal or immoral so she’ll be fine.
Lotte Chilsung explained that from an advertiser’s perspective, the dating scandal was a non-issue. It was her attitude in dealing with Hyeri’s IG story and the way she handled herself in her social media posts that stopped them from renewing her contract. She’ll be fine once her agency figures out how to keep her from having a social media meltdown whenever she gets criticisms.
I too believe her career will go on, she just may not be top CFs again..but that can change. So unpredictable.
I dont want this to affect her acting career. She had such a tough childhood, I can understand why she got so emotional and handled the situation unwisely.
I guess the bank already planned to replace HSH with Go Yoon Jung. GYJ is beautiful, very popular with a far better reputation and is coming off two huge dramas in 2023 (Moving & Alchemy of Souls).
Like Koala said HSH has been riding the WoTM hype but she hasn’t had a real hit since that supporting role 4 years ago. Her fame is because of her looks and a lot of carefully managed PR but she is a trendy actress rather than someone who has the love of the public. Bank spokesperson should seem reliable, trustworthy, upstanding but HSH’s image was ~idgaf I’m so cool and not like the other girls~ Doesn’t exactly fit with open a bank account and be fiscally responsible so it was a weird match even pre-HSH’s scandal.
It seems like the timing just worked out that way that they were already planning to move to a new spokesperson before HSH’s embarrassing mishaps. If she was dropped a day before the scandal, no one would have cared. Sucks for her.
It’s one thing to post dumb crap on SNS, but to do it because of a guy who didn’t give a damn gave people uncomfortable second hand embarrassment. Rather than giving diva vibes, she gave us desperate second lead vibes.
@prettyautumn – yeah she honestly did this to herself with the continuing rants.
It’s not criminal but in an image-conscious industry like k-ent, going off the rails like this so publicly and repeatedly? Of course it’s not going to be seen well by advertisers and she’ll be seen as a liability. And all of this, over that cowardly man?
I hope she learns something from this experience, her career isn’t over but she really does need to reflect.
I figure it would go to one of the sweet home actresses but likely GYJ, she has a very marketable face (both internally and internationally). Plus the amount of active CFs she has is not inferior to HSH. Smart move. hSH is not an idea for respectable brand because she don’t care about her consequences but what benefits her. If she kept quiet, no one would care because they were already over in the eyes of the public.Hence, her constant decision posting elevated an issues beyond her control. Hence, her image is now attach to this. As an actor, is better to keep quiet so it don’t interfere the character they will portray. Many brands will still stay w/ her until contract ends, but it will be interesting to see who will stay.