
Streaming Platform TVing Beats Netflix Total Viewership Numbers Last Week For the First Time Ever Thanks to Lovely Runner — 28 Comments

    • It’s a hit among a certain age group, but when all age groups are surveyed, Queen of Tears still #1 on Gallup poll the month of May even though it ended in April. Lovely Runner didn’t even make top 3 despite all the online buzz.

    • They didn’t compete with each other to beat anyone. These dramas are create for different audiences, and have nothing in common to compare them. Seriously, what’s wrong with some LR and QOT fans, what they act like this dramas is competing with each other? Both of them are successfull enough, there’s no need to compare them.

      • LR fans are the ones who started the comparisons tbh. It’s funny how they kept saying LR’s ratings are low but it’s more popular than QoT due to streaming but QoT is also the top in that lol.

      • Yeah-yeah, “they started first, so it’s their fault that I keep going”. Both fandom’s trolls left lame commens a lot of times. Qot more popular, so what? Both of them popular enough for actors to get recognition and not to worrying about their career. Any reason to start compare them is just fanwar’s fans behaviour.
        (I feel like an old tutor to scolding children)

    • yeah the big budget juggernaut that cost upwards of $50 million to make beat a little show probably made with 1/5th of that budget that no one was checking for. congratulations.

      • @mimi
        I saw a lot of lame comparisons between LR and QOT fans for last two months, since people can’t watch k-dramas in peace, enjoy by watching and just be happy for so many successful dramas in half of year. So they keep going comparing them for who the hell knows the reason. So no, I read room immediately and know that all this comments mean

      • You should say that to LR fans who kept saying LR “outhyped” QoT when it only started getting popular after QoT ended.

      • You should say to LR fans who kept saying LR “outhyped” QoT when it only started getting popular after QoT ended lol

  1. I’m happy for LR and how successful this drama are, but I can’t understand all this things with viewership hours, tbh. Well, I couldn’t understand it during QOT’s airing either.
    Anyway, I know only that Tving has merged (or is planning to merge) with Wave to increase the number of subscribers and to beat up Netflix as number 1 streaming platform in Korea.

    • @Olesya1 – same, I guess that’s how they count viewers for streaming channels but it’s always confusing lol I suppose we have to divide the hours by no. of episodes to get the viewer count? Which can be inaccurate because it was also airing on tvN at the same time so someone who caught 5 episodes on streaming and then switched to watching on tv might not be reflected fully.

      I’m personally very glad to have two dramas from the same network (three if you count Marry My Husband) do so well and draw so much interest early in the year, both big budget and small. We’ve seen networks get rid of dramas altogether, and they obviously do it because the ratings are too low and not enough people watch – I don’t want kdramas to die out in their domestic tv channels/domestic audience, so from that pov i welcome more dramas being successful.

      • I’m not sure about TVING, but I know Netflix now divides total watch hours by the total runtime of the drama to account for dramas having different number of episodes/different episode lengths.

      • @Royal We, yeah, on the first episodes of the Queen of Tears out of interest, I tried to divide viewership hours by 1.5, since this is the approximate duration of one episode, but then I gave up, since even this does not determine the viewers of the drama. Someone could watch it for three minutes, and someone for two hours. Perhaps such information is shown to shareholders, investors and advertisers.
        Although it’s OTT drama, I’m also happy for Pyramid game success. It’s nice to see new actors/actresses shine on the screen and get some recognition

  2. It’s been a very long time since there was an organic hit like this in a K-dramaland which gained success through positive word of mouth. Very happy for all the cast and crew who worked so hard and believed in the project through all the various obstacles. TVN tossed this drama out there expecting it to fail and have been blown away by it’s unexpected success.

    It’s also very nice to see a huge hit drama on another streaming platform besides Netflix.

  3. Amazing for Lovely Runner – its the best youth drama I have seen this whole decade. Deserving of alllll the hype. It is a small drama with minimal budget, no name cast or production team. It came out of nowhere, and captured a lot of fans imagination. The streaming numbers are amazing and maybe some binged after missing out on live airing. I was one of them!

    Otoh, QOT streaming numbers on both tving and Netflix are unprecedented. As the article said, it is the highest streamed drama in tving history. It is also the first drama (english or non-english) to have ever charted 11 consecutive weeks since Netflix’s change from hours views to views last year and is still going. The total hour views is also higher than Attorney Woo as of 11 weeks since release. Juggernaut of a drama.

    In short, both are amazing and did better than what was expected of them. There’s no need to compare and everyone should calm the fuck down.

    • How do you decide which drama overrated and which not? Just because you didn’t like QOT it doesn’t mean that other audience overrated it.
      Some people really think that their personal taste in dramas works for everyone.

      • This is my comment so it’s obviously my thought lol.
        Overrated because it’s a huge hit despite its many flaws. (And long boring episodes).
        In fact many said that only the OTP was good thing about QOT and everything else was meh.

      • @Gii
        Many hit dramas has flaws, it doesn’t make them “overrated”. This word is ridiculous by itself because you can’t tell for every watcher, that they overreated some drama. I didn’t like some popular dramas either, but it’s not for you, for me or for any other to decide that they’re overreated, because this talks about personal taste.
        Again, boring FOR YOU. How do you expect some drama to become a hit, when whole audience think that it is boring? Where’s a logic? Especially than episodes lasts for 1,5 hour, and KJW with KSH have 10-20 minutes screentime. I know about this “many” people, who commented after Qot ended, before this you can read comments even here, how many people praised drama after every episode, despite any flaws. And it’s not the first drama with strong main leads and power couple chemistry either, but not every of them became a hit.
        Well, I just wanted to say that word “overreated” doesn’t suit for QOT or for any other drama, since there a lot of different reasons why people want to watch some show more than other, and most of them didn’t wrote their opinions about this in internet.

      • @Gii
        Forgot to ask. If “many said that only OTP was good thing about QOT”, why support actors were on top 10 GoodData every week after every episode? They overtopped even main leads from other dramas.
        If this drama is “boring” and “only OTP was good”. Again, where’s a logic?

  4. I thought they beat QOT because LR fans were literally everywhere saying lr is a massive hit, beating qot. It turned out qot still winning both in ratings, streaming and the recent gallup poll, qot still the most preferred drama among korean for three months. I think probably because lr audiences were teenagers who mostly in internet so theyre quite loud here while qot has wider audiences from 10s to 50s.

  5. I’m not sure to understand how they measure and what they measure… I mean Bridgerton 3 counts hours in billion now… So I don’t think Netflix is caring about this.

    For Kdramas, May had a lot of a new dramas but neither of them were really good.

    At least, it’s good for the actors of Lovely Runner, they deserve this success.

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