Liu Shi Shi Fans Upset with Her Agency for Editing Her Latest Promo Event Photos to Make Her Look Too Different

It’s tough being in the public spotlight as each new sighting is room for commentary good or bad. Earlier this month Liu Shi Shi was in NYC attending various New York Fashion Week events and got tons of praise for her hair, makeup, outfits, and overall aura. Now this week she’s getting criticism from C-netizens for a set of new brand promo pics that make her look like she got tweaks done to her face which is practically impossible due to timing from her last appearance to this one. Netizens are saying her agency went overboard on the photo editing and needs to just dial it back and let her just look herself even if a few wrinkles or natural flaws show through. Word.


Liu Shi Shi Fans Upset with Her Agency for Editing Her Latest Promo Event Photos to Make Her Look Too Different — 8 Comments

  1. I couldn’t even recognize that it’s her in some of these pics ☹️… considering the size of China, there should be no shortage of talented photo editors out there.

  2. Pingback: Liu Shi Shi Fans Upset with Her Agency for Editing Her Latest Promo Event Photos to Make Her Look Too Different | Parlour News Korea

  3. In the Olympics there were shots of her with barely any makeup and no photo editing but still looked gorgeous,dont get this obsession with fake beauty

  4. Made her look more PS-ish? LOL. Perhaps that’s just one example explaining why so many had gone that route to “enhance” their visuals. I guess PS has also changed ppl’s aesthetic value.

  5. Omg the photo editing looks so bad here. I can’t even recognize her. She’s such a beautiful lady. She doesn’t need all of this editing to make her look ugly.

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