Actor Kim Dong Joon Adorably Apologizes to Han Ga In for Looking So Much Like Her that Even Her Husband Yeon Jung Hoon Confirms It

I love when the meta becomes a real life conversation topic, so it’s fun hearing K-actor Kim Dong Jun, who started out as an idol in the stacked group that is ZE:A, discuss the common observation that he looks just like actress Han Ga In. Her real name is actually Kim Hyun Joo so I still think there is a chance these two are related haha, but he absolutely looks like her younger brother. Kim Dong Jun has said that the comment follows him wherever he goes and he wants to apologize to Han Ga In sunbae now for being part of this lookalike conversation. It’s basically that he thinks it’s a burden on her haha he’s too cute. He shared that he’s never met her in real life (it must happen!) but he did a project with her husband actor Yeon Jeon Hoon who confirmed yes indeed this young man bears a beyond striking resemblance to his wife.


Actor Kim Dong Joon Adorably Apologizes to Han Ga In for Looking So Much Like Her that Even Her Husband Yeon Jung Hoon Confirms It — 6 Comments

  1. Pingback: Actor Kim Dong Joon Adorably Apologizes to Han Ga In for Looking So Much Like Her that Even Her Husband Yeon Jung Hoon Confirms It | Parlour News Korea

  2. It’s truly uncanny how alike they truly look. It’s not even a specific angle, make up or whathaveyou. They look so alike it’s hard to believe they aren’t related lol.

  3. Maybe distant families removed lol it’s always been a running gag how he looks like her. Since he debuted still into his acting. Nothing new really. But it just makes it funny that the husband said so as well.

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