C-actress Zhou Yu Tong Issues Formal Apology for Her Behavior on Variety Show Divas Hit the Road 6 After Viewers Complain Over a String of Her Questionable Actions

Stars sometimes think variety is a great way to get popular by showcasing a cute personality but it’s also fraught with showcasing what one may think is fine conduct but it’s not seen as such by most others. This week C-actress Zhou Yu Tong issued an apology for her actions on the variety show Divas Hit the Road 6 after weeks of being criticized by viewers over a string of not the best behavior. What she did included: starting to eat before others, hoarding snacks to eat alone, opening the door to a bathroom when someone else was still using it, and imposing her plans on others. When asked by another actress to borrow her lipstick she replied that only someone with a lot of character/charisma could pull off that shade. In particular, she have what appeared to be an expensive limited edition Hello Kitty charm to costar Gina Jin but it was later discovered to be counterfeit. C-netizens also dug out her past gift giving – once giving costar Wu Lei a cheap water but she put it a Rolex box and giving another costar Gong Jun a birthday present that was a signed poster of herself framed which made him very uncomfortable and he had to explain she chose to give him such a present without his knowledge. Well, this is certainly going to follow her for some time.

Yes, I’m on weibo and I’ve seen all the hate she is getting for her really bad decisions with her attitude and behavior. Girl is getting burned over there.
It’s very well known that ZYT is a friend in real life of Gong Jun, Wu Lei and Xiao Zhan. Let’s see if the fandoms of these actors will turn agaisnt her. I’m sure they’ll do it.
Just right now I’m not on the mood to bash a celeb for fun after I’ve seen the news of another celeb commiting suicide in South Korea. The actor Song Jae Rim left two full pages of suicide notes before doing the act. I watched a good number of his filmography and I also watched him on the tv show We Got Married.
What? Not Song Jae Rim too? Oh man…
for real?! That is so sad to hear… another one gone

Lol I see what you’re trying to do here. “I don’t want to bash people for fun” but still made an attempt to mention some unrelated actors’ names
What!!!! OMG!!!!
Yeah did not expect that too… I didn’t know song jaerim is getting hate… may he rest in peace… this reminds me of how shocked I was hearing haruma miura passing, because it just felt so sudden…
It is also well known that Wang Yibo is bff with r*p*st Qian Feng and they went camping together even after all those CCTVs footage of QF bringing his victim to his room after roofing her drinks were shown to public. But we never see Wang Yibo or his fans turning against Qian Feng. WYB and his fans support a rap*st.
I dont know where this is coming from?? When a post in relation to this is up…I am sure there will be discussions.
Yeap, this will follow her for quite some time. I think they also weren’t satisfy with both of her apology letter since it didn’t sound sincere.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving lu cha biao.
Celebrities really need to evaluate their own characters before deciding on joining any variety shows.
I watched the program and I really find some of her behaviour very uncomfortable to watch… I had to drop the show as the program was not enjoyable as Season 5 …
I am unsure how this program will affect Zhou Yutong’s career going forward, we all know reality/variety shows can make or break a career… one really need to think hard before participating.
Which actors/actress get a big break through variety in China?
Xin Zhilei got a big boost of popularity off Divas Hit The Road Season 5 while Qin Lan also got some revived popularity.
Lol..too many. In fact, there are more variety shows targeting older artistes to help revive their stale career. Those programs are very popular.
This all looks like petty reasons to hate on her to be honest, I bet you can find the same reasons to hate on any celebrity if you dig a little bit, For the show, I really hated her Loveline with Hou Ming Hao the show tried to force on, it would have been better if the casts try to form a friendship and production focused on that footage, that would be more heartwarming and will serve the purpose of the show, just look at Weibo night just a few clips of celebrities chatting or laughing got tons of views, but you clearly see what the production was focusing on.
If you watch the show..you may understand it is not small petty things. Leaving bathroom door open when someone is showering whilst camera are rolling, opening parcels belonging to other people etc are lines she cross that makes viewing uncomfortable.
There are more behaviour that shows how she struggles to understand what it means to live with others. I suspect it could be due to many single child or small family syndrome in China. She has no intention to cause hurt to others but she is oblivious to her actions.
As long as her career is not affected much…I hope this experience will open her eyes to surrounding and people around her more. It will make her more mindful of her future actions. I am no hatred towards this actress…but I sincerely hope she take this experience positively and mature into a better person.
I really like her acting very good but I hope she stay off from variety shows for a while…
Also her giving GJ that gift and u wrote ‘which made him very uncomfortable’ does this has proof? Im sincerely asking because Ive been following them since their Begin Again drama.There were so many bts vids with both of them together, very sincere and close together. Its hard to imagine him being that way towards her even if she gave him that xD he would most probably laugh and make a joke about it maybe rolls his eyes as usual he did in bts vids? They looked really close at that time.
She was also same with Wu Lei in bts vids for Nothing but you drama.
She was probably trying to be funny. For example with the watch and picture of herself to Wu Lei and Gong Jun. Actors should also approach the reality shows like an acting job and be unfailingly nice, wonderfully considerate and empathetic.

It’s a “reality-SHOW” afterall.. maybe she ‘s just trying to be playful.
Why do people place so much butt hurt in these shows. it might not refelct the actor’s true character
I think she has an odd sense of humor and it isn’t translating well on screen because people don’t understand it. I hope this isn’t going to ruin her career she’s one of the better actresses out. But yeah, maybe stay off those types of shows in the meantime.
TBF, the birthday gifts can be explained off as funny gag gifts and some of the things people pointed out are quite petty. BUT! Her attitude and certain actions in the show are really side-eye inducing. I think she THINKS she’s giving off chilled, devil may care and instead it’s coming off as rude and inconsiderate.
The water bottle in rolex box and signed poster sound like a joke gift. But in a very British dry humor way which I can’t see translating well to Chinese online folks. Anyway, other than bathroom door opening and lipstick shade remark, rest are not that bad. I hope her apologies get accepted.
I do wonder if that’s how the casting works in some variety shows where they know X actor has low EQ and would be prone to get people talking.
I think all the other stuff outside of the show is just people over-reading things in the light of her behavior on divas on the road.
Do you mean the one picture she gave Gong Jun when he has vlog about it ? I watched the footage and he feels sincerely just laugh when he open her present.. It’s just not a big deal imo. They seems like to tease each other. I don’t think he will vlog it if he is not comfortable.
The criticisms seem rather extreme. Maybe she is just awkward socially.