Kim Soo Hyun and Byun Woo Seok Top Actors Lists with Kim Ji Won and Kim Tae Ri Atop the Actress Polls
There are two recent poll results out and both unrelated polls have the same four names on the the list. Kobaco, the Korean broadcast association, did a poll of consumers to ask their favorite most loved K-star of 2024 in commercials. Kim Soo Hyun is the top actor with 12.8% of the vote followed by Byun Woo Seok with 9.5%, then Han Seok Kyu, Kim Nam Gil, and Jung Hae In. For the ladies, favorite actress was Kim Ji Won with 15.1% then Kim Tae Ri at 12.4%, followed by Park Shin Hye, Jang Nara, and Kim Hye Yoon. In another poll, Gallup rated Kim Tae Ri at 11.9% as the most shining drama star of the year, then it was Kim Soo Hyun at 11.7%, Kim Ji Won with 8.9%, Byun Woo Seok with 5.5%, and Namgoong Min at 4.9% rounding out the top five. It’s totally clear that the three biggest dramas of this year is going to be Queen of Tears, Lovely Runner, and Jeongnyeon: A Star is Born.

Meh on the first poll tbh. I don’t know it and therefore don’t care for it. On the other hand, Gallup is the biggest and most highly regarded survey in SK and also the most reliable. Obviously timing absolutely matters when it comes to Gallup and almost every single time, the top actors of the year are from those in the second half dramas. Despite that, most of these actors are from the first half. Shows just how underwhelming the second half of the year has been for kdramas as a whole.
Anyway, KTR and KSH are quite easily the top actress and actor for 2024. In every single way from popularity, to talent to ratings. Awards too which I don’t doubt KTR will sweep next year. BWS was the biggest breakout. But it’s actually NGM who impressed me the most tho considering he had zero dramas and still ranked #5. Id have expected JN or KNG instead.
Agree with this. Gallup, like any other poll, is very susceptible to recency bias. So it’s doubly impressive to me how Kim Soo-hyun is behind Kim Tae-ri by only 0.2% when QoT aired early 2024 and this poll was taken just after JN’s airing. Also, I feel Good Partner was buzzy only during its run like Marry My Husband was. After that, it was mostly forgotten so to me it makes sense for Jang Nara to not be in the top 5. Kim Nam-gil is more surprising, as is Lee Honey since Fiery Priest 2 was airing when the poll was conducted.
I see what you mean re:GP but I’d say it’s recent enough to have been top of mind. It did generate a lot of buzz in Korea even if not internationally. And
on LHN. I totally forgot her. Knight Flower was aired during Jan so it feels like a really long time ago but she’s bagging this year’s MBC Daesang surely.
The first poll may not be as well known and reputable as Gallup but it is similar in that both genders across all age groups were surveyed, the survey pool was larger too. After all that media brouhaha about Byun Woo Seok being the biggest syndrome of the decade he is still behind Kim Soo Hyun when the public is surveyed. Ironically Kim Soo Hyun was the very person they kept comparing him to.
It was always going to be a toss up between Kim Tae-ri and Kim Soo-hyun for Gallup. Regular people being polled always picks top stars and these two were everywhere when their dramas aired and dominated all conversations so there’s nothing exciting in the results. The only time Gallup’s 1-2 surprised me was when Kim Seon-ho and Shin Min-ah topped a couple of years ago. I didn’t realize back then how big HCCC was. Anyway I like both KSH and KTR well enough but my pick would be Lee Honey. She is the Baeksang Best Actress this year, won a Daesang, and had 2 hit dramas back to back. One of them she carried herself. That’s not how polls work but regardless she’s had a phenomenal 2024.
Sorry off topic but the way I just *SCREAMED* in my pillow when I saw allll the KSH-KTR pictures all over Naver’s entertainment front page assuming they were pairing up
They look soooooooooo good together and now I feel like the poll wins are a bit of a let down
Kim Jiwon topping no.1 in the audience in 30s and 40s! Yay, pretty good market! Wishing all the best in her next project, she is the only one who hasnt announced it yet! Kim Taeri topping in general and older audience demographics, woman power yeah! Congratulations to everyone, as the results was based on real data having Kim Soohyun and Kim Taeri as household A-listers already and Kim Jiwon reaching a new peak of her fame and Byeo Wooseok breaking out this year!
…no she’s not? The data is in the official Gallup website and news articles.
Male 20’s – KTR
Female 20’s – KSH
Male 30’s – KJW
Female 30’s – KSH
Male 40’s – KTR
Female 40’s – KSH
Unless you mean KOBACO but as far as I’ve read, they don’t have a breakdown by age group. KJW definitely reached a new peak this year for sure.
Cumulative I mean as per DC koreans, she topped 30s and tied with Soohyun in 40s but wow you are so defensive. I bet you are a Kim Soo Hyun bias who always subtly putting down Kim Jiwon because you can’t accept that, its uncommon for a Romance that both leads have the same hype even she is paired with an S-list actor, she wasnt left behind and even had, some times, have more engagements and hype than him.
Well she also beat him in KOBACO for the actors that they are eager to watch out and also topped over Taeri as best female lead in KOBACO so she’s doing fine.
Yes she does, now a BONAFIDE A-LISTER! If she does one more succesful follow up project, Kim Soohyun fans and other jealous actress fans will not have any bullets for her anymore as she cant be called a one hit wonder (which is bullshit because even their own idols were imitating her Aegyo or have watched MLN).
Just be happy for her and the rest of them, so much tralalalala!
I’m defensive when you wrote a whole thesis with accusations of me being a “KSH Bias” because I corrected your claims with actual hard facts and not something that came from someone’s ass in DC?
what a clown.
Yep, I like KSH well enough. But he’s hardly the best actor out there so get a grip. Don’t project your obsession to others as I don’t worship celebrities. KJW “beat” KSH annd KTR in a poll and I should what? Cry over this?
Good on her that she did so, but she not in Gallup and definitely not in the 30’s and 40’s category. That’s the fact you got served.
Everything else you wrote, umm sure? You can believe KJW is doing better than IU or Taylor Swift even. You do you, boo. I’m just here to give you real data. You’re welcome
@shu12 LOL Please stop embarrassing yourself by calling others defensive then doubling down by quoting other unhinged fan like yourself from DC (of all places, good lord). Here is the link to the gallup survey straight from the source:
KJW did not top ANYTHING in the 40s category as @Millie already broke down for you. Here are the literal numbers-Cumulative 40s- KTR- 26 votes, KSH- 31 votes, KJW- 29 votes (math for dummies- 29 votes =/= 31 votes) No one in this comments section said a word about KJW being a one hit wonder, that was straight up from you. Insecure much? Oh and btw, as a KTR fan, I have never been jealous of any other actress unlike someone here… I have also never found the need to prove her success on the backs of idols imitating and watching her dramas despite 2521’s popularity. There are far more important and real successes I can talk about to emphasize KTR’s S-tier status. No doubt same goes for KSH fans. So if thats the success factor quotient you’re leaning on as a KJW fan… you do the math LOL
#1 n #2 were neck to neck. close margins i red its just 1 vote difference and they are well ahead n clear of #3 onwards. not even close whatsoever. preface to say no one sane is questioning ksh n ktr as top of top stars but this year is without any doubt bws’s year n anyone who disagree is kidding themself. ksh n ktr are household names well before their dramas n kjw too to a much lesser extent bt most had abs no idea who was bws so to rank #4 in year end gall-up is amazing. if he can do well next yr he can really establish himself as hallyu actor similar to ljs.
BWS had so much buzz and media play but still ranked at no.4 despite all media play, Kim Seon Ho during his break out topped it. Kim Ji won who doesnt come out and just hide after her fan meetings still have a big margin from BWS so people here just hype him.
Fact check: Kim Sunho’s breakout was Start Up in 2020 where he was not in the top 10. He topped Gallup’s list for Chacha.
It’s hilarious for someone to compare and up and coming star who just broke out this year from being a literal unknown to an actress who has been leading dramas with top actors for legit almost a decade. KJW’s first lead role was in 2017 and this is her very first time ever to be in the Gallup’s top 10. Where is the comparison even? She’s the one who’s so far behind, or rather he’s so far ahead of her. She has a big margin difference vs BWS? Sure, and KSH KTR has a just as big of a margin difference vs her so people here just hype her.
Nailed it. Some people here are living in lala land and finds it such an uphill battle to comprehend basic facts and data.
The top 10 Gallup list since 2007 was posted on theQoo and it was very surprising that some actors/actresses that are considered very popular to inetz are actually not that favored in their home country. Two very surprising ones are Lee Min Ho who only placed once in top 10 (7th or 8th) and Ji Chang Wook who never placed at all. Surprised this is Kim Ji Won’s first time too.
Off-topic but I’m glad Chae Soobin is getting some much deserved love lately coz of When The Phone Rings. It’s popular in Netflix. She’s underrated and her chemistry with Yoo Yeonseok is !! ~ Too bad the drama is in-between years and is just 12 episodes.
When the Phone Rings is the best 2024 drama I’ve watched. Everything is brilliant from the script to the directing to the acting.
I see you changed things up in here koala. Nice!!
I wonder what level of sacrifice the drama gods require to pair KSH and KTR up in a romantic sageuk with a decent writer?
P.s. @Koala I really hope you’d write about When the Phone Rings. It’s got no business being this addictive and amazing. YYS and CSB’s chemistry is so intense. My fav couple of the year. Decade even. I just hope it can stay this good till the end. Watch it if you haven’t!!!
Seriously. KTR and KSH in a sageuk is like a fever dream or something. I’m picturing something like Mr Sunshine or Princess Man and just salivating at the completely made up prospect lol. I feel like no drama could ever live up to the hype in my head.
Also yes so much to when the phone rings. I’ve always liked YYS and CSB but I am in love rn. Their chemistry is seriously fire. Kdramas need to stick to romance more often than not because when they get it right, it’s absolutely magical. Also, my god this drama is making me regret live watching. With all the political turmoil and the holiday/awards season, the wait is excruciatingly stretched. Ugh.
It’s why I don’t ever live-watch coz I am not patient like that. T_T But the FOMO is eating me up so I read the novel first then watched the drama.. which is still unfinished. I guess it’s more reason to watch edits of the drama in X/IG. Heh. >0<)v
They need to pair up KTR and KSH. Both exceptional actors.
I’ve never been interested in KTR’s acting or her dramas. But I’m not objected to her pairing with KSH as some suggested. Then I might be intrigued to give her drama a shot and find her amazing bcuz I’d like to watch KSH LOL.
Soohyun and taeri gallup result was so close. Soohyun could be #1 if they do this poll on last week of Desember LOL tbh I’m kinda surpise BWS ranked #4 with only 5.5% I thought he would be top 3 with higher percentage.
Taeri is truly leagues ahead of everyone, male equivalent to her is Soohyun in terms of acclaim but man is she so ahead in her acting, comparing her and soohyuns roles his is so cookie cutter and I can imagine another male lead doing a good job too maybe even better, then there’s her with her recent drama and revenant,noone can do her roles and come close. In her age range a make close peer in terms of talent maybe Yoo Ahin.
AGREED!! Yoo Ah In was an amazing actor, he’s the only Korean actor who’s really moved me with his acting, KTR has the same aura when it comes to acting. Yoo Ah In, to this day is still my favorite actor in Korea.
She truly is leagues ahead, and she was from the moment she debuted too. She’s a once in a decade sort of actress. I’m certain there are others that I cannot think of at this moment, but getting nominated in the Baeksang Best Actress category rather than New Actress category for her debut drama speaks volumes of exactly how talented she is.
On the other hand, I completely disagree both on KSH and YAI. KSH to me has always been amazing also from the moment he debuted. But more to the point, I find YAI jarring to watch. His intensity in certain roles is great, but it seems he found it difficult to control that intensity so even in moments where he needed to tone it down a notch or 10, it felt like he just couldnt. Its a personal preference, but I feel he doesn’t have the nuance which results in OTT acting. I think with him its either all in, or all out lol. I totally get those who like that brand of acting, but that just isnt for me.
All the KSH KTR pair manifesting is making me so excited even if literally there’s no news on that end. They are the best actors of their generation by far and it will be such an acting party if they were to pair up. Please in a proper sageuk or melo instead of a rom com. I’ve wanted this pair to happen for years. Maybe 2025 is when it comes true. KSH is mid way through filming his new drama and KTR hasn’t signed up for anything yet. Pleasepleasepleaseletithappen!!
Aside from some jealous loosers around these parts, congratulations to all the other actors and actresses on the list ! Jeongnyeon is such an amazing drama and I’m really just happy to see KTR leading yet another female centric drama to such amazing success. She’s not a flashy actress and doesn’t do the song and dance of being an international star. But she’s one of SoKor’s most talented and successful actresses. She has an amazing eye for gems, star writer or not, and she can carry any drama without the need of a fellow S-tier star.
That being said, echoing others here with the hopes of having her pair up with KSH someday. He’s lovely and a fantastic actor to boot. She hasnt worked with a top star in a drama since her debut so i think it would be nice to see her in a dual-lead drama. I imagine they’d have amazing acting and visual chemistry.
This year’s fandoms have been ridic.
Theres always a fanwar breaking out and lately it’s been just 1 group starting it. Constantly.
Unexpectedly the quiet ones turned out to be such nuisances.
Whatever. Just wanna say I totally agree with gallup list for dramas and movies this year. KGE is the only female in the movies list.
Prob won’t be a separate post on movies so I will comment here.
Shocked to not see JHI in the top10 after Executioner II got to 10M club and he won blue dragons. Had a recent drama too.
JHI was a supporting role in Veteran 2. He won an award but Hwang Jungmin is a force and overshadows him in the movie. He earned that top 2 spot at Gallup. Admission also is around 8mil, not 10mil.
Congratulations to all the talented actors and actresses. Very well-deserved.
congrats to everyone! they all had an amazing year and thanks them i had lots of amazing kdramas to watch.