C-netizens Overwhelmingly Turn Against Kim Soo Hyun for Dating Underage Kim Sae Ron and C-ent Gossip Columnist Claims Insiders Have Known About the Relationship and He Broke Up with Her the Day Before Her 21st Birthday
K-actor Kim Soo Hyun isn’t just a top star domestically in South Korea, he’s also a top Hallyu star around almost all of East Asia and Southeast Asia with so many popular K-dramas of his that exported over to those countries for airing. He’s been consistently popular in Mainland China, but C-netizens unlike other groups have nearly immediately and collectively dropped him for the revelation of him dating underage Kim Sae Ron and his actions that may have exacerbated her stresses leading to her passing. C-netizens on all sites from Weibo to Baidu to Xiaohongshu are all lambasting and excoriating him, with many openly admitting being a former fan and loving his prior works but can no longer watch him or even think of him positively. C-netizens by and large do not believe his statement that he dated Kim Sae Ron but only after she was legally of age.
Two wellknown C-ent gossip columnists have come out separately to say it’s an open secret even within C-ent that Kim Soo Hyun dated young Kim Sae Ron for years aligning with the dates that her family has come out and said, and in fact both had blind columns in years past about a top Hallyu star who only dates very young girls that was about him. One of the columnist says that a top Korean chaebol is still fully supporting and protecting Kim Soo Hyun which is why this is not blowing up domestically, and the other columnist has added that Kim Soo Hyun broke up with Kim Sae Ron the day before her 21st birthday, which would be in June of 2021 and aligns with the other reports out of Korea that they broke up in 2021. The columnist openly says him breaking up with her the day before she legally came of age in Korea is very interesting indeed to note. I don’t know how much grosser this can get but ewwwwwww and I want to go scrub my brain from learning more about his skeevy and gross behavior.
Didnt they break up well before her self exit? I’ve heard the rumours too years ago, now I know it was about him but sk laws is not only weird but enabling when age of consent was 13. He wasn’t in the wrong legally but morally, of course if they started way below 16. But that doesn’t mean the methods used to cancel him is noble. It’s the same vicious cycle. She didn’t die because of him. She was rebuilding her life. Knetz and their media did the pushing, the debt shoved her, his ignoring her calls because of the debt did the kicking but at no time it was because of the end of their sordid relationship. Will we be posting RIP what talent lost next? Because that’s what the netz seem to be pushing for.
You again with the blind support to KSH but trying portray oneself as advocate of mental health, blaming everything else but KSH groomer pedo behavior, same as with previous articles.
This guy is just so powerful. His alleged pedo news did not trend in never Korea but once he refuted, he is on number 1 search. Other than Prada, we have not seen any brand terminate him. Stars in the past with scandals will lose all these endorsements right away and get cancelled. But, his brands only put him “on hold”
Reporters are saying he is “unstable” and then we have the agency released the pics with the dates. Only his blind pedo fans believe whatever their oppa says. If he is unstable, why does he have energy to go on variety show, filming Knock Off and go overseas for events. His fans tried to confirm the date of the shirt KSR wore was in 2019 but c fans said it came out in 2015 and was a re-release in 2019. Then there was the mole on his forehead and the glasses c fans discovered.
@Funn lim…you don’t think her being groomed and then abandoned by him doesn’t cause her damages emotionally and psychologically? How can you be sure that him breaking up with her didn’t started her on the road towards her final decision? How can you be sure that being exploited by a much older man didn’t lead her to have an issue with alcohols which led to her DUI? Also he owes the company she was under and him ignoring her plea seems to be the final straw that broke the camel’s back for her, so no matter which angle we are looking at, KSH has blood on his hands.
KSH gave her cousin’s number away to journalists on the same day she reached out to him for help. There is a screenshot Dispatch posted.
Lee Jin Ho, the vile YouTuber, is friends with the person who was her manager when she was at GM. This reporter kept harassing her while she tried to rebuild her life, inviting online hate. I honestly do not think she was so popular that they kept following her and digging up muck on her. It was a targeted campaign to break someone who was already down.
She passed away on his KSH birthday. That surely can’t be a coincidence.
There was an article that while at KeyEast KSH employed a manager who had SA 6 women and wore an ankle bracelet (he was allegedly his school friend).
How can you be so sure that people who hated on her are the same people who are commenting now? Did you defend her as zealously as you are twisting around trying to give KSH an out now? Do you expect people to stay quiet when they find out that one of the highest-paid actors they watch is a pedophile? I saw a poster comment that it should be litigated in courts and that we all should be quiet until then.
Wow. All these comments make my blood boil. The world would be a better place if women spent as much time uplifting other women and speaking up for them than they spend defending useless men.
Most of us will not be posting RIP if this evil pedophile offs himself. You will, but we won’t. Holding powerful people accountable for the crap they do is not the same thing as witch hunting.
Can you, please, don’t care about talent at circumstances like this? It doesn’t matter if he’s talented or not, this isn’t about his acting at all, but about his personal life, about his actions in real life, not about his acting in the drama.
Whether he is or isn’t guilty of all these charges getting laid at his footstep, it’s saddens me that sooner or later, we may hear of another star being pushed to the brink of unaliving himself due to the non-stop commentaries of netizens.
@joelly…after all these mounting evidences, what do you propose for her getting a piece of justice here? The majority of Korean media is still not running this story which means KSH still has enormous power in the industry. Some brands drop him but not all so the only thing that keeping this horrific scandal in the public’s eyes are the netizens. We know he will suffer no consequences legally and he probably will be able to pick up his career in a few years (Kent welcomes back actual murderer so am sure this will passed for him eventually) so if he has to suffer all the derisions right now from netizens, I think that’s the least he should do.
What good in keeping pedo alive actually? He is a public figure, keeping those skeletons in the closet for far too long, reaping so much benefits from faking his image and expect the public to stop commenting when the truth came to light? Come on, the public has every rights to comment and criticize such nefarious behaviour.
You all crying about the possibility of Kim Soo Hyun unaliving himself better have the same energy towards other criminals who committed vile crimes. Let me hear you all cry that the criminals being persecuted by the law shouldn’t be persecuted because “tHeY mIgHt OfF tHeMsElVeS
But no, of course you all wouldn’t have the same energy towards other criminals, only towards your precious oppars. Damn, women like you are embarrassing. Literally would side with men no matter how much they harmed your FELLOW WOMEN

I am confused. Isn’t the legal age in korea 19?
If 21 is the age, then does it mean lee Minho dated Suzy as a minor too (20)?
Legal age doesn’t equal age of consent.
Before 2020, the age of consent was 13, changed to 16 now. So legally, he might actually escape this. The people though will judge him accordingly. If we know something about knetz, they are relentless. In his case, not misguided.
She unalived herself on his birthday is a statement in itself. He ignored her plea about the debt, made her desperate enough to post their selfie.
She go hate even more because agency he owned released a statement that made her looks like a delusional person making “self-made rumor” about their relationship. Only know they admitted they’ve dated all along.
I want to ask his fans why would an adult in military will write a letter saying ‘i love you, i miss you”to a minor twelve years his junior when they are not related any way.She wasnt even in his company back then. ANd in korea age related hierarchy is very strict. Ecven if evreything is fake this cannot be refuted unless switch off your brain
Man.. this is just so sad.. I always thought that Korea would be one of safe countries, without much problem.. but with these cases such as burning sun, and this with the top celebrities getting involved, that’s just, so sad.. same goes with fashion.. deng.. k-wave is getting Hollywood-fied..
Now this article made me wondering.. who is this top k-chaebol supporting and protecting him?
And, if the columnist said that he only dates very young girls, it made me think of Leonardo DiCaprio who only dates the hot girls aged below 25 years old. Is he.. replicating that?
Also.. I just hope there is no more underaged girls are being swayed by the older guys..
But also, if you think it all over again, should none of this happened, ie KSR is still alive and she and KSH are still together and get married, people would definitely thought that this is a fairytale, with their long relationship. Because.. I have been exposed to this plot – of childhood sweetheart or teenager’s love bloomed and went through a lot challenges before getting together. Perhaps the flaw in this case is the age difference between the two.. had the story been like Hidden Love where it is only Sang Zhi crushing for the guy, and the relationship only bloomed after she is older, that would be great.. However, that is not happening in KSR-KSH case..
I don’t know.. I think, there should be a big reformation or revolution in the entertainment industry on how it should go forward. The creators or producers or writers should be responsible in crafting their arts, as the audiences, especially the youngsters, they always enjoy watching or listening to it because those are being viral or trending, and without really knowing understanding whether morally or legally, such crafts is ok or not for them to enjoy..
When I was young and while not knowing much English words, I enjoyed listening to songs such as AzYet’s Last Night and David Usher’s Black2 heart due to their melodies. But, as I grew up and have more knowledge, I didn’t expect the meaning to be.. so explicit.. same goes when I was made listening to my 8-year old nephew singing Unholy by Sam Smith.. man.. I stopped him and simply said that the lyrics in this song is not good..
So, lesson learned, need to really understand what is it you’re watching, reading or singing.. and, know how to pick and choose..
I just hope all parties will be responsible in whatever they do, especially when crafting and producing their arts or products… Be responsible in getting the right message to be sent to the audience..
For KSR-KSH, i just hope that the truth will be unveiled and justice will be served for all, and for any similar cases. No more top celebrities being protected and got away from punishment..
bruh what? even if she never committed suicide, even if KSR and KSH ended up getting married, he would still be a pedophile and a disgusting predator who groomed her as a teenage girl. Only fucknuts would see that as a fairytale come true.
“I just hope there are no more teenaged girls getting swayed by older guys” >> you should be hoping for no more older guys preying on and grooming teenage girls instead. The burden shouldn’t be on children but on the adults to establish proper boundaries and stick firmly to them even if the children misguidedly cross the line. It’s not that hard to not be fucking creeps
Your paragraph about reformation is ridiculous. And everything after that. PARENTS are the ones who should be responsible for their kids, they need to explain morally and legally things to them. Not adults artists who making 18+ content for others adults.
By reading your comment I thought you would say how industry should forbid any inappropriate relationships between minors and adults. But you said not about that, but about forbidding anything “inappropriate” and making any art “decent” to youngsters, and this is ridiculous.
It reminds me of parents who saying computer games are bad for teenagers and they making them to love violence. And some angry old Christians who wants to censor books, movies, everything.
Environment at home and relationship between family members is the main thing which influences the child, not some song.
I also didn’t know English as a kid, and I also listened these songs. I loved Black2 when I didn’t understand context, I love it now, when I know context. This song not for a kids, but it’s a beautiful song, and I’m glad it was made.
It looks like KSH’s career is doomed regardless of which side of the stories are true and if he’s a pedo or not. The more there was love for him, the more hate there is now against him too. I’m just someone appreciating one of his dramas but not a dedicated fan. This whole scandal doesn’t have any impact on me emotionally. I’m watching the whole thing unfold and more interested in how people have reacted. I think many of staunch fans idolizing this man must be the state of disillusion now. Kinda embarrassing for them to have dissed KSR in the past!
probably not doomed since he bribed k media to report all the good stuff about him and bury the bad stuff and even have the reporters say social media is changing gears now after Garo released his private pics. Clearly, social media is not changing its tone. It is a media play. Korean actors get away and come back successfully in a few years. I doubt his career will be over since he has so many crazy fans supporting him.
Chinese people ain’t no dummies, when things just fall in place with all evidence, they would choose to change their minds. Even if they were the most ardent fans in the past. Having said that, I don’t want to fan the gossip flames, but by now, it wouldn’t surprise me if he is dating another young girl under twenties. And of course with his love bombing, power, fame and connections, no girl he dates, dares to tell it to the public.
By the way, there was a commenter that tries to tell us about KSH in this site when KSR just passed away. Unfortunately most of us thought she was a hater (me included, sorry). I wonder how they knew all of this and who they are…
I think it’s just to extort money from him like what happened to the parasite actor .. this money extortion game is a new business . Ppl can love each other and move on in their life . But now she is dead everyone is trying to make money off him .. I hope the actor stays strong..he might be political scam coverage scapegoat .
You are so delusional.
He already admits part of the allegations and is only making justifications, but you still choose to keep your head buried in his ass.
One thing is certain that I noticed these celebs are covered until their connections that kept them covered stops doing so. In other words the society and power dynamics can be pretty messed up in these countries. Until stuff hits the fan than people moan and complain. like if it is known for so long why no one stands up in general. Until they change the rules of consent and stand up for these supposed victims it is going to rinse and repeat. It really sounds like the youth are at risk there. Yes parents need to be there and set boundaries but teenagers can rebel and be swayed so easily. There is only so much parents can do. Society and government need to step up in protecting the youth but will they. Do they truly want because it sounds like a twisted normal thing to desire relations and such with youth hence the age of consent being low as it was. From 13 to 16 is a big difference but still the vulnerability is there. Anyways ksh may not get in trouble by law but man it sounds like he is a piece of work and I for sure can’t support him as an actor anymore. For those that do I won’t judge because many Holly wood celebs have done some pretty bad stuff and still thriving somehow. It happens. Don’t agree with it but it happens.
Reminds me of the Taiwanese big star who married the girl working in his store. I believe she was young but now she is his wife. Same as the British director who married the teenager boy starring in her film. It happens all the time unfortunately not that I am condoning it.
For some weird reason, whenever I see him on screen, I feel a strong disgust. I always associate it with how to keep his mouth pressed when he’s acting and I associate that with some dirty old geezer behavior (!?, right?). What a trip! He is dirty. I hope she rests in peace. She is a victim of her pitiful circumstances that she was not able to deal with – and no single adult in her life was able to provide her strong enough support to allow her to survive.
The biggest Taiwanese celeb got with his wife when she was really young. Look up Jay Chou.
I always found K-entertainment to be pedophilic and misogynistic. Countless dramas involving minors performing k!ss and mature scenes. I remember felt so weird seeing minor girl idols wearing very uncomfortable sexy wardrobes their company choose for them. It is not new the way they sexualizing young girls with image innocent and cute and sexy. SICK…
I believed there were still many actors/idols dating minors behind media coverage. Btw I didn’t side with KSH, but this is who they are. They’re program celebrities to produce fictitious images for the sake of fame. Such a shame.
You only have to look at recent news of the upcoming ‘Under 15’ survival show for a Kpop debut to see how warped their entertainment industry is. 8 year olds dancing in crop tops and shorts – what kind of parents put their kids through this?
Welp it’s just getting worse really. Some program announced casting calls to create the youngest girl group ever. All participants have to be under 15 , and can be as young as 3. I agree that parents and adults around the child have the primary responsibility to make informed and healthy decisions for their children, but k-entertainment industry also needs to take a step back and take a hard look at themselves. Their society needs to evaluate what the eff are they trying to achieve by putting these children under the spotlight at such a young age and dressing them older than they are.
If you ever seen in the past reality shows have shown little girls mimicking mature girl groups dancing those very provocative dances before K-pop exploded like it did now and the adults clapping and cheering oh wow how cute. It’s like ingrained in their culture and seems over the years they pushing to see how far they can go and get away with it. I remember when twice was so popular and they were so young when they debuted and one reality show showed 40 year olds crushing on twice and I was like ewe is that normal and not one adult thought it was weird… now they are older but still. Can only imagine what goes on behind the scenes or after the cameras are off and no one is watching. It is entertaining at some point until it goes too far and I am not even sure they have defined what too far is anymore. It all seems a bit cute until it isnt. The whole golden phone scandal I remember a majority of celebs that people love and respect knew what was what but never stood up till scandals came to light. Most K-pop groups it is a dream and some it is to support their family so yeah I can see how families might take advantage same as child actors face. But it will continue until another scandal happens and another and another.
“Posting this picture would maybe make sense if they were posting a picture of him in her house in the years she was underage. This apartment we all know she did not get until she was much older . This picture coincides with his admitted timeline of dating her. So at this point they are releasing content just for public embarrassment. The man needs to be exposed but it needs to be done seriously in a way that does not deflect from the issue at hand which is actually dating a minor. Now they are giving room for more people to jump ship
“He was actually wearing a shorts. They censored it to make it look like he was naked under.”
41 min ago
Top Commenter
This is it? GRI said in a public statement they have a photo of KSH washing the dishes naked…. I thought it was supposed to be an incriminating photo or something that would support their claim about the underaged relationship
“This drop just leaves a bad taste on the fam’s part. If their intentions were good, why would they reject the label’s request to meet up and clear up possible misunderstandings first instead of messily dissecting their daughter’s life in public like this….Also this whole blaming her death on Ksh doesn’t make sense if the label already showed that the letter was a legal formality to write off her debt and that they’ve already explained to her privately the situation after she sent the text a whole yr before this whole thing. It’s clear the DUI and media attention and public scrutiny were the real cause for her decision…even her own dad said she chose to self exit after watching the YouTuber make videos mocking her and spreading lies about her life to the public. And now her “fam” is doing the very same thing….this does not help restore her honor .”

Yo Kim Soohyun! What are you doing on this gossip site? Shouldn’t you prepare for the conference next week?
that person above must have copied a comment from allkpop. You can see a time stamp and the person who wrote it originally. Must be a pedo supporter
I am okay with him offing himself if all this is true. Truly disgusting behavior. To do this to another means he is no longer a human being himself.
It’s appalling how Korean society treats its people.
Hence the high suicide rate.
It’s finally time to open up and abandon old structures, especially the prejudgments in the media!!!
I am sorry but that is not a kiss where some one can be dating is more like a friendship nobody know what really happen one person is death the other is alive the truth is between then but to know the real truth would be impossible because that person can not speak anymore. I hope for the actor wish everything pass soon . A picture doesn’t mean anything is just a picture. . My prayer for the person who lose a life praying that would not happens again.
bro is a certified pedophile.
It boggles my mind that this pedofile has so many women on social media defending him. What happens to being a human trumping an idol?
exactly my thought. and Korean media is all bribed by him. They only report the good stuff about him saying he is weak he is not feeling comfortable, he is disturbed and even saying how he is starting to get support from netizens which is exactly not true and those support Is just from his fans. The general public is still bashing him but the Korean media is reporting it differently. Maybe this is a reason why KSR and her family did not get any support from the media because they are all bribed