
Top Fashion Brand Prada Officially Terminates Contract with Kim Soo Hyun as Netizens Note a String of Disaster Asian Star Spokesperson Selections Calling it the Prada Curse

K-actor Kim Soo Hyun is sitting in 19 brand endorsements, one of the most in K-ent so in the fallout of the allegations that he dated deceased K-actress Kim Sae Ron when she was a minor will of course have fallouts for his CFs. To date, some have quietly removed his pictures from online and posters in stores and a few have come out to formally announce that its contract with Kim Soo Hyun has ended/terminated/will not be renewed. His most recent brand was top Italian couture house Prada which signed him just three months ago, but has now formally announced that the contract has been terminated “by mutual agreement”. C-netizens are calling this the Prada curse as the brand has by bad timing signed former top Asian stars right before his/her collapse by scandal. It signed TW-actor Kai Ko right before his arrest for pot use in Beijing, then came Zheng Shuang and then she got cancelled for tax evasion and having babies by surrogacy and then abandoning them, then came signing Wu Yi Fan (Kris Wu) who then got arrested and is now in jail serving a 10 year sentence for sexual assault, let’s not forget signing Li Yi Feng who then went and got busted not once but twice in the span of a month for soliciting prostitutes, and last but not least Chinese pop idol Cai Xu Kun was signed and then dirt came out that he got a girl pregnant and forced her to have an abortion and paid her off. Netizens are calling for Prada to go have an exorcism and also maybe not sign any Asian stars for the time being lol.


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  • Hahaha Byun Woo Seok fans and supporters are biting nails now. In all seriousness, I think Prada made a commendable decision terminating contract with KSH.

    • Cant believe BWS outlive KSH in Prada endorsement. KSH's oppa fans said this is his first luxury brand he endorsed in his career? Luxury brands were not meant to be for him. It was so short lived.

      Back to KSH, he has so much power. Other than Prada and Dinto, all other brands only took his images off but I have not seen any news of an actual termination.

      • I agree. His power over mainstream media and everything else is impressive. It looks like only Prada and Dinto will cancel their contracts, the rest will probably take the less dramatic option of “not renewing” with him.

      • Do you know how he amassed so much power? It kind of baffles me since I didn’t know celebrities could have such influence over the media. I remember the press was having a field day with Lee Sungkyun, whom I thought was pretty beloved in Korea as well. Is KSH also from a rich family?

      • @Soph It smells more like powerful sponsors backing him up. He got a slew of big projects under his belt shortly after making his acting debut. One big project can be said to be luck, but multiple? It's got to be connections pulling the strings for him in the first place.

  • I mean it’s not their fault these celebs get cocky and shoot their careers to smitherings… let’s just say they choose popular and rising stars in hopes it will work out but by the time these stars are at their height they probably have such strong backing and hoping they will remain untouchable but in todays age that is near impossible due to social media so you would think they would know better but they never do and it does not help that the ones backing them are partly at fault for their stars acting out like that. No one is perfect. They need diversity so they try but fail I guess.

  • I'm glad Prada dropped him. I'm hoping he'll lose every single contracts. Karma needs to catch up to him

    • I hope so too but this guy has a powerful backing. He is bribing the family now and his pedo fans kept defending him saying the family has not made any rebuttal after GM released the dates of the pictures, which means they have no legit evidence to prove he dated KSR when she was a minor and all this is just to get money. I don't trust anything his agency said since they lied about him not dating KSR many times, even just a few days before admitting to it.

      However, I find it interesting how this pedo is not filing a lawsuit against them for defaming his character. I feel like he is afraid of the investigation will probably expose more truth than he wanted so he is trying to solve this under the table.

  • Never get the appeal of Prada. Brand name my a$$ LOL. Funny how this unattractive brand had signed up so many fallen stars!!! I'm surprised fans claimed Prada the first luxurious brand name KSH had endorsed for years. Seriously given how popular he had been? I still vividly remember how KSH's rabid fans' hubris galore throughout the whole year until just days ago. Now endorsements dropping him in no time just show that how quickly his fans are also abandoning him.

  • I read the Capitalist behind this scum is working hard to not allow this scandal to truly erupt in SKorea. I am unsure how true it is...it has gone viral online but not on main media as much.
    Does anyone know if this is so. Kim Soo Hyun may actually not suffer as much as Kim Sae Ron. This young girl lost her career, had huge debts, haunted by media, broken up after her value is gone and could not even get a normal job.

    • this is true. I saw posts last night that Korean media is only reporting the good stuff about him and making him sound like the victim and saying how he is feeling unstable, blah blah blah. The reports even shifted the blame on the family and even described how the media is now sympathizing him (which is not true). Only these articles are trending in Korea but nothing from Garo Institute prior to GM's agency response trended at all. I saw a few tweets GM is also reaching out to some international IG accounts to stop them from posting content related to KSH and KSR. I hope they will not be able to quiet the international criticism this easily.

    • Some reporters are claiming that Kim Soo Hyun witch's hunt may lead him to take the same path that the late Lee Sun Gyun. They do have a point but why didnt they have the same consideration towards Kim Sae Ron, Sulli, Goo ara, ...I do agree that all our and netizens comments may be considered as harassement but media outlets aren't angels either , why do they only have scrupules now ?

  • Ive said even last yr with the photo that he gave creeper vibes plus going off his statements and the fact that they were linked during yeaji scandal era , never bought his faux dorky act, so cringe esp from a guy near 40. An Overrated vile piece of trash truly beyond evil his computers also needs to investigated I bet he has more victims or I hope someone plants drugs, since that's taken more seriously... Rip saeron wish she lived to see this monster rot.

  • Lol this "curse" rumor has been swirling around for years. I've mentioned it here before when Yang Zi signed on for Prada makeup line, I think.

  • Let’s look on positive side of this scandal. After what I’ve read on many platforms and videos, looks like KSH and his cousin are both abusers. The Gold Medalist they both opened was a very shady business with many beautiful young trainees pushed to entertain clients and drink. Basically, both guys and their male managers are trash and exploitative abusers. Let’s hope young girls will stay away from them from now on.

    • Can you please send the link where I can read it?
      I wonder if this story has the real evidence, this isn't only about KSH and his cousin, but about young actors under their agency. This can easily ruin their reputation, and people should feel responsibility when they talking about that. I will understand if such talks appeared with real evidences, but not if people spreading such gossips without any proofs.

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