Tencent Airdrops Late Qing Dynasty Period C-drama Heroes with Qin Jun Jie, Liu Yu Ning, and Huang Meng Ying
There really is no shortage of new C-dramas to watch, the only question is whether the drama is your personal cup of tea. So many dramas released every week whether planned or sudden and this one is yet another sudden airdrop. Tencent released Heroes (天行健 Tian Xing Jian) on May 8th starring Qin Jun Jie, Liu Yu Ning, and Huang Meng Ying. It’s set in the late Qing dynasty turn-of-the-century era whether the old wuxia and dynastic ways meet the Western modern world of guns and the the like. This drama was filmed awhile back and unfortunately has the generic English title of Heroes which makes Liu Yu Ning’s second drama with the same name, the first being 2022’s Heroes (说英雄谁是英雄) with Zeng Shun Xi and Baron Chen. Check this out of it looks interesting for you.

LYN is extra fugly with his fugly face, fugly small eyes and fugly dark skin here. Someone please be kind enough to sponsor some plastic surgery for him. Save us from having our eyes tortured!!!
Sorry, if you aren’t in the US, I have no resources to help you. Take care. 🫶🏼
Small eyes and dark skin are not ugly, though. That being said, I personally find LYN attractive, particularly because he looks natural and does not give Uncanny Valley like some other actors do.
I am a huge fan of him. I find him really talented, and attractive too. People without ps can be less symmetric,but we are not geometric idoms in a math book.
Please seek help 🧘🏻♀️💀
@Ew is the same person who always hop on first thing to comment on LYN who must have killed her whole family 🤣 I find LYN ok in costume dramas. He works so hard being on so many over these tears. As a warrior, looking a bit tanned is appealing, I think LYN looks well here.
The most ugly posters with unflattering crowd. LOL.
As much as I love some LiU Yunning this just doesn’t seem like my cup of tea. I wish Cicada Girls would have airdropped instead.
Wow. LYN must have signed with a big company. He’s everywhere and still have dramas waiting to be aired. He’s getting a huge push despite still being a rookie in acting.
LY N so sexy in period garb.
Koala usually would block my comments if they are compliments of my fave whom she dismisses, defending him, or quips making fun of her beloved actor like someone here. Then to show she still doesn’t take free speech lightly, she would get those comments unblocked much later on. Is this how it works here? LOL. Otherwise the coding moderating comments is just not working properly.
Comments on this platform have been super delayed since forever. Lol. The comment number will always tick up, but it takes a moment for some comments to show. It definitely happened when you and I were going back and forth. HAHA.
You must be a newcomer on this blog otherwise you’d know that sometimes comments delay for awhile before eventually posting. Some of the most hateful commenters have been allowed to spew their hatred on here in the name of free speech. You are not special or extraordinary for koala to bother blocking your insignificant little comments. Always accusing her of one thing or the other… if you don’t like how her blog works, you could always just take a hike. You wouldn’t be missed.
LOL. I wonder if you’re the same keyboard nugu as the one always using symbols such as 😂 and 🤣 etc. instead of alphabetic letters. You don’t have to throw shade on me, Just make sure you use 💩 as your new user name next time when trying to spew shit again. LMAO. That’s what you stand for!
@Somebody, your comments really get blocked…I read that a great number of times you have mentioned.
I have delayed comment occasionally as long as 48hrs…but never blocked.
Some of my comments didn’t show up until many days later when the posts were already outdated. Some never showed up. Delay like this happens only under two conditions that I already mentioned above:
1. There are moderators for the threads.
2. There are some glitches in the coding to run the HTML of the website.
I raised legit questions to the delay of comments that only happen to her site. Some people are overreacted to my legit questions with 💩 responses. LOL.
See! I have made a few comments before the one replying to you. But only that one showed up right away. The other comments that got delay are more about exchanges with mockers.
I can see you had asked legit question about it… I am puzzled too. But as you said before maybe some of the CCP related comments might get lost in the net…
@HL, some of CCP related remarks did get lost like forever, or if not, might just appeared many many many days later that looked irrelevant to the current topics in discussion at all. LOL.
I don’t think Koala actually blocks anybody. There’s been tons of comments that criticize her or the content she posts, and they’re there all the same. I do think something is up with how the website screens comments though. I can’t really figure it out because sometimes I post very innocuous comments that get delayed for a while.
Mine too.. my innocuous comment, twice were delayed by 48hrs.
@soph @ HL…I really don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason when a comment seem to get delayed. There’s no nefarious plan at play here besides the fact that I don’t think koala ever update the html coding function of this website. I’ve been visiting this website for more than a decade and it is the same exact layout/ commenting functions . I don’t know why this isn’t something that other posters realize when it’s easy to see the lack of pattern when a comment show up or not. Am more surprised nowadays when my comment actually shows up right away 😂
Why aren’t you all focusing on his acting skills here. It’s improving constantly! His character isn’t meant to be handsome. He lives in poverty! Give the series a try it’s very heavy drama so it may not be to everyone’s cup of tea. But to me it’s really good.
This one i think also airdropped in WeTV yesterday.
Does LYN sleep? I feel like he’s been working nonstop.
same here. It’s crazy how this guy is on film sets back-to-back all year round, while still manage to release so many OSTs a year, n do 3 hrs+ livestreams all the time when I’m struggling with one 9-6 job😂
Qing Dynasty dramas will never be my thing. When I see that hairstyle on men, my heart shrivels up. I know I’m not alone on this. Hhhhh~ Just putting it out there.
You are not alone!! I can’t watch Qing dynasty dramas because of the hair! I was relived to see LYN had all of his hair.
Nope! You’re not alone. Qing style is the most egregious on both men and women in the whole long history of traditional Chinese fashions. They are mocked by Han Chinese as barbaric for a reason. No discrimination here. Just speaking of aesthetic values.
I didn’t expect to enjoy this a lot, although I quite like Qin Junjie and am OK with Liu Yuning. Was expecting a patriotic/spy story as this is set during the end of Qing & transition to the Republican era. But so far 3 episodes in, it’s mostly investigative/procedural. The story is intriguing and characters are interesting. Must admit I have to keep focusing when watching, but I like the real historical aspects of the series. Great cinematography too!
I really don’t understand all the hatred towards LYN.
He is a decent actor who worked his way up little by little. I like the fact that he didn’t give in to the pressure to mess with his face. He looks special and rather attractive to me. Why on earth would he have plastic surgery to end up looking the same as a thousand other pretty boys who will be forgotten by tomorrow?
I am with you on this… I may not enjoy his drama as much as his music…but I admire how hardworking he is and I am glad he is doing well. He looks natural and good.
At first the haters claimed that he steals scenes from the FL and ML but after no evidences can’t be produced, they attack his visual.
LYN is a hardworking lad that work little by little from the bottom of the barrel over the years. He is not under any agency, he is his own boss. I don’t get where such intense hate came from.
I think LYN is very attractive too. He has a unique look that’s not typical idol. I love watching him in variety shows and livestreams more than his dramas but I did liked him in A Journey to Love. I love his singing. He’s one of those actors that grew into his looks just like Tan Jianci.
I saw a video yesterday someone actually made a clip of his voice from three characters from Dilin, Ningyuanzhou to his current zhuobufan. He is an excellent voice actor too! The intonation and inflection of all the characters are so different!
This is a decent show so far with an ensemble cast. Instead of talking about the show or other casts, folks are really focused on slandering Liu Yuning. Thanks for the attention and dedication lol.
I know many are not fond of the Qing’s hairstyle, it’s the same even within China. But this drama is so well made with a somewhat weighty yet engaging storyline, aesthetic n storytelling cinematography with a versatile and dynamic panel of characters and actors! Entertainment is all about personal preference, but pls give Heroes 1 episode’s time, it’s that good!
(It’s a pity to be airdropped last min with zero promo like that.. Hell, Linghe didn’t even get to release all the trailers before airing, nor have they finished the soundtracks..
Just finished Heroes 2024 yesterday…it was soooo good!