Zhou Ye’s Cold Face Look Attending Events Apparently on Orders From Her Agency Not to Smile with Her Teeth Showing

So this is one of those gossip reveals that make you go “Oh, now that explains it”. Apparently C-actress Zhou Ye has been cultivating a cool and unapproachable image by never smiling on red carpets and in pictorial events for brands at the order of her agency. The order is that she never shows teeth in any picture and if she does have to smile it’s a closed mouth smile only and you can totally see that in all her pictures the last few months, and the only time she’s seen with her mouth open in smile is in videos. The agency has created the cool bitch image for her and wants her to adhere to it, but the funny part is that Zhou Ye thinks the request isn’t even needed because her real life personality is a tad bitchy and haughty so she would be doing the same regardless. I loved her as the spunky take-no-prisoners little disciple in Word of Honor and don’t mind whatever image she cultivates but she has to back it up with ratings and hits in order to have the leeway to do/be whatever she wants.


Zhou Ye’s Cold Face Look Attending Events Apparently on Orders From Her Agency Not to Smile with Her Teeth Showing — 5 Comments

  1. What a ridiculous thing to do. Zhou Ye is a beautiful and sweet girl. Anyway I think she is improving in her roles, so she doesn’t need this sort of cold public image to boost hee popularity.

  2. Pingback: Zhou Ye's Cold Face Look Attending Events Apparently on Orders From Her Agency Not to Smile with Her Teeth Showing | Parlour News Korea

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