Gong Hyo Jin is First Ever K-Star to Attend Gucci Cruise Collection Fashion Show at Westminster Abbey
The choice of Gong Hyo Jin as the first K-star invited to the Gucci cruise collection fashion show seems like a no brainer, other than her and maybe Kim Min Hee there aren’t that many K-stars willing to experiment with couture. The fashion shoe was oddly held at Westminster Abbey in London, clearly a location that has never warranted pairing with cruise wear, which is the in between collection of couture houses for the winter when the rich folks head down to warmer climes. As hodge podge as Gong Hyo Jin’s Gucci outfit of tropical silk cardigan with pewter shiny pleated skirt looks together, she makes it so and I love it on her. I’m glad she’s swanning around doing fun celebrity stuff as filming will soon start for her late summer SBS drama Incarnation of Jealousy with Jo Jung Seok.
Her outfits are absolutely hideous, but she makes them work somehow. Lol
Those are ugly outfits… She has good style but not this time
I love her self confidence!
I love her shoes! The rest of the outfit… she makes it work, but that’s pure charisma.
I guess it’s totally fine for a celebrity to experiment with such an eye-rolling style on a fashion show. But wth if somebody is dressed like that walking down the street! Then I may not be able to tell whether it’s tawdry or avant-garde.
Her dress reminds me of my granny’s bed sheets.
The first photo of her is so pretty. Obviously that is what the Haves wear when cruising.
Is it me or does her nose look different? Hopefully it’s just me. First outfit is a straight up fashion fail. Fashion is ideally meant to be innovative and daring but not everything you throw together works. I’m actually sort of embarrassed for her but fashion fails happen. I like her second outfit though!
To be honest people, Gong Hyo Jin is the ugliest actress I have seen in Korean drama. Why is she in front of camera, she should be behind the camera like her role in drama Producers. or since she love fashion, a fashion designer instead, but nooo just stop being an actress please, she looks too ordinary to be an actress, i bet her fans have more beauty!
she may be not the prettiest actress in korean standard, but hey, she does have talent.
These pieces don’t seem to go together nor would they suit us regular folks everyday wear, but somehow on GHJ she just effortlessly pulls it off and makes it look chic and cool.